Hello everyone! So, there is a ridiculous lack of Book of Mormon fanfiction in the world. So, since there wasn't a lot that I could read, I wrote some for myself! I hope you enjoy it, I guess. There will be more chapters to come. I haven't written them yet, but they're in the making! So have fun reading my little story.

"Ta da!" Elder McKinley opened the door to a small room with two beds pushed right next to each other. He made himself smaller in the doorway so that the new recruits could get through. Elder Cunningham came first, then Elder Price. And of course, the district leader couldn't help but notice how close their faces were as he passed him. The larger one of the two became extremely excited by the shared room. And the taller, well-kept Elder seemed a little distraught. Elder Cunningham began to prepare himself for bed by taking off his over clothes.

"Alright, just a few missionary rules: you can't leave after 9 o'clock, lights out promptly at ten, and we all wake up at exactly 6:30." Elder McKinley listed the basic curfew rules that he had completely memorized. He then looked at the two of them, Elder Cunningham was removing his shirt at this point.

"I've heard a lot of great things about you Elder Price!" He seemed just the tiny bit nervous, as his face tinted pink. "We're all hoping you could, turn things around here!" He waved his arm slightly and gave him a nervous smile. And then, the overexcited, curly-haired boy began to speak.

"Oh, don't worry-" He said, removing his belt "We will." He smiled as he completely removed his pants. His under garments were a little tight, and extremely form fitting. Elder Price looked away, clearly not wanting to see that, and elder McKinley just stared. His face got very red, and he was breathing heavily out of his mouth for about 7 seconds. Finally, he closed his eyes and stood up straight, He made a point to look only at their faces.

"Elders," his voiced cracked. "We're glad you're here." He closed the door and just stood outside for a second, then stamped his feet. He had let his emotions get the better of him, and it made him feel weak. He decided to just get back to his room that he shared with Elder Thomas. He trudged to his room, where his companion was already finished getting ready. He didn't even bother to change, and fell face first onto his bed. He groaned loudly, which made Elder Thomas look at him funny.

"Everything okay, buddy?" Elder Thomas sat on his companion's bed, and waited for an answer. It didn't come. "Elder, please get up and get ready. We need to go to bed, it's 9:45!" He earned a groan from the distressed district leader. "The new recruits are gonna think you're lazy if you wake up with dragon breath." There was no response. He thought for a while before he figured out how to handle this. "I can't imagine what Elder Price would think of you." He knew how to push Adam's buttons, and that comment certainly pushed the giant red one that clearly states "DO NOT TOUCH". The red head twitched and sat up, looking his sweet toothed friend right in the eye.

"Fine. But I'm doing this because I want to, not because I care what Elder Price thinks." He headed to their bathroom, and began his nightly cleansing regime, followed by brushing his teeth until they sparkled. He went to turn off the lights and yelled a good night to the center. He received a few mumbled responses and the occasional clear goodnight in return, as usual. He flipped the switch, and it was completely silent.

YAY FIRST CHAPTER WOOHOO! Reviews are always nice, and I always at least take peoples ideas into consideration. So yeah! I should have the next chapter up at some point. Please be kind with your words!