Chapter 18: Recipient

xXx Humphrey xXx

The elders sit in quiet, old tired eyes focused on the smooth surface of the enveloped lake. Moonlight slips through a small gap near the top of the cave, gracefully bleeding into the sapphire like water.

"So how do we go about doing this?" Faith asks loudly, truly killing the moment of serenity. Her voice echoes throughout the space, earning a wince from her mate.

"Please let her gift be the power of silence." Flare mumbles to himself, smiling at the wicked cast stare.

Humphrey fidgets uncomfortably, the icy hand of the lake clawing at his legs. The four wolves stand in the shallow water, avoiding the slightly awkward gaze of the older wolves.

"Which one of us is going with that savage?" An elderly woman asks, unimpressed, with a claw pointed at Faith.

"And my mother always told me that there was no such thing as zombies." Faith starts, swinging her head dramatically to the elder, "Obviously. She lied."

"Precious." The woman replies with a sneer, "Tell me, was your mother the moose that bore you, or are those your father's genes?"

"Alright listen, you saggy gray fly magnet, you have no idea who you're-"

"Actually." Tempest interrupts, a hint of amusement in his tone, "You two are paired together."

The two wolves groan in horror simultaneously, wearing looks of anger and dissatisfaction.

"I got paired with the crypt keeper." Faith sobs dramatically, leaning on Flare for support.

"Is this... Thing... Really who you think matches the best, Tempest?" The old lady questions, the hope for a joke thick in her eyes.

"Yes, Ida. Faith is a good match. It may just take some time." He replies seriously, nodding in affirmation.

"Well she's clearly had a lot of that, mind sharing some?" Faith jabs as the female wolf carefully enters the lake, a scowl on her face.

"You smell like mud and sex you barbaric little heathen," Ida mutters under her breath.

"You smell like death." Faith retorts, eyes antagonizing.

"It's like staring into a mirror that shows you the future." Flare says sadly in Humphrey's ear, a terrified frown on the male's face.

"Ferrick, Kate will be your match." Tempest continues, motioning for an ancient brown wolf to approach Kate.

"Sounds good to me." He says with a sigh, the effort of movement apparent. "Don't be worried about conflicting gender," he adds as he shuffles, "I'm more feminine than this one over here," he concludes, casting a nod toward Faith.

"I hate old people."

Kate shakes her head, the surrealism of the scenario creeping into mind. "Nice to meet you, Ferrick."


"Thirdly, Talum, Flare will be your partner." Tempest assigns, a faded gold she wolf swiftly dipping from her perch.

"Wait, why is my mate getting a female soul?" Faith pipes up, far from happy.

"Oh please," Talum chuckles, "I have more masculinity in my tail than this pretty boy has in his entire being." She informs with a sarcastic expression.

"I accept that." Flare shrugs, laughing quietly.

A silver wolf slides into the water unannounced, taking position adjacent to Humphrey. "Humphrey," Tempest calls, "Riddle will be your match." The wolf bows without a word, bright blue eyes blinking calmly.

A controlled, gentle wind writhes around the cave, bringing four blue flowers with it. They land softly against the surface of the lake each coming to rest in between in pair of wolves.

"Humphrey, Kate, Flare, Faith." Tempest names with authority, gaining the focus of each. "Will you accept the soul of that offered?" He asks with a sad smile.

The four wolves nod, uneasy. The elders shut their eyes, seeming to enjoy a brief moment of acceptance. Each softly runs a tongue against the petals of the floating flowers, like a mother would clean her pup. The petals glow for a second, as if responding to the touch.

"In order to claim what has been offered, you must be the ones to free these souls from life." Tempest instructs, a solemn frown on his face, eyes averted.

"What?!" Kate shrieks, taking a step back.

"I'm not killing anyone," Humphrey says, supporting Kate's shock.

"You aren't killing us..." Ferrick soothes kindly, "Your simply guiding a part of us from this body, to your own."

"Creepy." Faith whispers, inspecting an unhappy Ida's neck. "I'm guessing a few teeth to the throat?" She inquires, winking at the woman.

"Efficient." Ida sighs, sticking out her tongue at Faith.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with this... I don't want an innocent wolf's blood in my mouth..." Flare speaks sadly, gazing sadly at Talum's bored and angry expression.

"Bite me in the neck and be done with it you great big pansy." She ushers, taking a step closer.

"This is the way it must be done..." Tempest interjects.

Humphrey's heart slams against his chest, the urge to walk away swelling up inside of him. Riddle cocks his head to one side, confused, quickly crossing the distance and raising exposed throat to mouth. "I-I don't think I can do this." He stutters.

"Yea this is a bit too, sacrificial for me." Faith complains, avoiding Ida's stony eyes.

"I'm surprised you know a word that big." She cooes.

"I can help... If you'd like." A child's voice rings across the cave, Bella grinning widely from her hidden place near Tempest. "I can make it so that you don't even remember it. It wouldn't even be you doing it, it would be me. Well... Technically..."

"Bella is willing to preform the act herself, through you." Tempest explains, nudging the girl affectionately. "You wouldn't be conscious for it. You wouldn't remember it. Unfortunately it's either this, or you do the deed yourselves."

A small gasp of pain catches the groups attention, Ida quickly sighing in relief, a smile stretching across her old face. "Good girl." She compliments, voice fading. Faith's eyes remain shut, the blood flowing from behind her teeth raining lightly into the crystal clear lake, dying it red. She gently lowers the body into the shallow surface releasing the throat from her maw. The flower in front of her shines a brilliant blue, Faith staggering to the floor and passing out, red water lapping at her lower lip.

"She might be a bit mouthy, but at least she has respect." Talum notes, catching Flare's shocked and curious stare and sighing. "You can go about this however you'd like. But personally? And I know Ida feels the same way, I'd prefer it if the person I'm doing this for would look into my eyes as they released me. Rather that than hide behind some mind trick."

Humphrey exhales in disbelief, blood pumping in his ears. He swallows conscience and bats away panic, bringing an open jaw to Riddle's neck. The silver wolf embraces the action, pushing the skin against the sharp teeth, anticipating the killing motion. The world seems to slow, seeming to wait with baited breath, until Humphrey meets Riddle's anxious icy blue stare and bites down. Warm blood gushes past his tongue and the world grows dark. A distant, fading voice calls through the blackness of fading awareness, thanking him.

xXx Cyan xXx

She watches the pack healer pace from the den in tired, lofty steps. A long day noticeable in her stride. The moonless sky sets the territory in a gloomy, quiet shadow. The she wolf slips through the brush that conceals her, darting through the cover of darkness and through the den entrance. The air smells of old blood and herbs. He lies against the wall, deep ragged breaths filling the room.

"I'm never going to walk the same." He says suddenly, startling her.

Cyan walks across the den, sitting across from the boy. "She can't possibly know that already... It could heal and be good as new." She tries to comfort, placing her face close to his.

"She does... She says I'll never be an Alpha, something about the muscles being severed." He whispers, weakly crawling toward his friend and nestling against her chest. He breathes deeply, trying to calm himself.

"Glacier..." Cyan says kindly, licking the boy across the muzzle.

He lifts his head at the contact, meeting her gaze with a fragile smile. He hesitates, appearing to stutter in movement, before leaning in and kissing her. Cyan pulls back for a moment, embracing the affection a second later. Glacier pushes further, falling on top of the other wolf. Cyan giggles, allowing the delicate and injured boy to take control.

"I like you too, Glacier." She whispers into his mouth, gently nibbling on the male's lip.

He breaks apart from the kiss, placing the top of his head on the wolf's chest and sobbing softly. Cyan pulls the male closer, their fur clashing and wraps her arms around him. "Don't cry," she tells him, finding his muzzle and guiding him back into a kiss. "Let's do something." She says suddenly.

He sniffs, confused, tilting his head. "D-do what?"

Cyan licks his cheek, smiling wryly. "What do you want to do?"

"Oh... Well, this, this is fine." He stutters awkwardly.

"Nothing else?" She asks, raising an eyebrow and lapping at her lips lecherously.

The blush makes the girl smile, repeatedly kissing his face. "What did you have in mind?" He asks, swallowing roughly.

"How about... something that will make you feel better." Cyan suggests, a spark in her eye.

"I've never... you know..." Glacier admits softly, embarrassed.



"What about," Cyan giggles, paw gesture rising and falling through the air.

"Oh!" Glacier chuckles shyly, averting the girl's curious and excited peer. "I've done that before... Just nothing with another wolf..."

"Would you like to fix that?" She whispers in his ear, grinding her hips to his.

Tail wagging, the male stifles his anticipation, maintaining casualty. "I... Would really like to fix that... With you."