Author's Note Hey guys! This is pretty much the same story as before, but I'm revamping most of the writing and maybe adding/taking away some things I deem unimportant. I'm really just editing. Enjoy! My updates will be super quick, BECAUSE I was smart and wrote all the chapters, which means I will post maybe every 2-3 days if I get positive feedback to continue.

Also, because this was written before the new episodes came out, we'll say this takes place before Bialya (or whatev the name was).

Wally's POV

2:24 PM, location unknown

I opened my eyes to a cloudless sky, so bright that I had to blink a few times before I could look up. "What…what happened?" I muttered, a storm raging through my head. It was almost as bad as the headaches Artemis gave me.

Artemis!I thought, sitting up quickly.

I remembered what happened now. It was the team against a new enemy, who called himself the Wicked Dream. Somehow, he shot us with this large ray after I was trying to save Artemis from the damn thing.

Blinking, I glanced at the countryside and rolling hills, the forest that broke through beyond that. Off in the distance, pink tinged stone rose into tall towers and spires. Wait. Castles?

Where the hell was I? Where was every one else? I stood, the sun glaring off my outfit.

I groaned, What the hell? I was wearing a mixture of silver and black, a cloak, jacket, waistcoat, trousers, along with some weird buttons, clips, and doodads. I even had a black cape, falling to the backs of my knees.

I looked like a flippin' prince.

Artemis's POV

2:24 PM, small village

"—Godammit Wally!" I growled. I had just finished yelling at Wally, because he was unnecessarily saving me from a blast by the Wicked Dream. But now I was in a courtyard, with people staring at me, shocked by my outburst.

I looked away sheepishly and began to stroll, trying not to bring attention to myself. Where was I? Was this some friggin' renaissance fair? The women wore long, dull skirts, and a few wore veils. The men strutted in leggings and tunics, definitely some Batman-and-Robin shit, along with large hats.

I took a step, and heard a swish. I glanced down, my eyes widening in shock. I had on my own dull dress, with matching veil.

Oh my god.

M'gann's POV

2:24 PM, location unknown

"Eeek!" I shrieked, staring down at my beautiful golden dress, decorated in lace flowers. My hair was curled; my skin was a pale human color. I was standing in a circular stone room that had a large four-posted bed, a ornate golden mirror, and a tiny window with a view across the land.

Where am I? I thought. Where is everybody?

I put a foot on the windowsill to peer out. Suddenly, my door slammed open. I glanced up, and there stood, heaving and glaring, an Asian girl of maybe eighteen. She wore an even prettier dress than I, and her hair was wild and beautiful. Her skin was much darker than mine's. She seemed familiar, but I couldn't place it.

She growled at me, her voice husky, "What the hell do you think you're wearing, Snow Witch?"

I flinched. I didn't even know this girl! "Um, sorry?"

She grabbed my shoulders and tossed me into the hallway, with the strength of a trained assassin. She then began to pull off the dress haphazardly, ripping the hem at my shoulder.

I pushed at her. "Stop! Stop! I'll take it off!"

"Don't use that tongue with me, step-sister." She sneered, and slapped me across the cheek.

Tears welled up and spilled down my cheeks, and suddenly I knew her name. A human tale, I remembered. "Drizella," I glared.

The girl stood back in shock, as if I dared using that tone. "I'm telling mother!"

Fear engulfed my stomach suddenly, as if I had a predestined terror to this mother. I cried out, "No don't!"

The Asian girl paused and whipped around, her hair flying. She gave me an evil smile, as wide as a cat's. She reminded me a bit of Artemis.

Artemis! Where is—

"Take off the dress, Snow White. What do you think you're doing in my room, wearing my dresses?" She snarled the last bit, and continued down the hall, her steps as quiet as a mouse.

I reached out my mind to connect it to Superboy's. Superboy? Conner!

I heard his sigh, and a light snore. I tried to wake him, but he slept like a bear.

I pulled off my dress, throwing on a plain white one that even I could tell was for someone of low class, possibly an undergarment.

That Drizella scared me. She had called me Snow White. Could it be…?

Wally's POV

2:34 PM, hilltop

"I could get used to this." I muttered. I searched for any way I could signal the team, but I had lost everything on my uniform that could be helpful, including my snacks. My stomach grumbled angrily.


I fell to my knees at the sudden shout, glancing around. There was no one around. I recognized Miss M's voice and projected, Megan, babe, can we please not shout so suddenly?

Oh, thank goodness I've found you! There's a thick wall surrounding your mind, it was a little tough to get through.

I snickered. That's me. Hard-headed.

Oh, youwish, Kid Stupid.Artemis scoffed inside my head.

Wow. Threes a crowd, haven't you heard, Arty dear?

Get over yourself, idiot. M'gann, where are you?

I'm in this…castle.

Castle? Where is everybody else? I asked.

I'm still trying to find them. I'm out of range. Where are you two?

Well, I'm on a hill. I see a castle in the distance. I'm going to get going and meet you. I began running, letting myself speed down the drops of the hills. I passed into the forest, where it suddenly became darker, the sun shining through spots in the leaves.

I'm in this village, kind of.Artemis added.

I smelled something…roasting meat. I followed the scent, following a stone pathway into a tiny village, its small houses topped in hay. Horse drawn carriages passed in and out of the village into a larger path carved in the forest. It smelled like a mix of food, horse crap, and wet hay. I stopped at the entrance, staring in awe at what the villagers were wearing. I felt like I was trapped in the middle ages.


I turned to see a girl, hair covered in a veil. She was wearing a loose, ugly dress, looking exactly like a villager. I almost didn't recognize Artemis. "What happened to you?" I asked with distaste.

She stared at my outfit. A bark of laughter came out of her, scaring a few villagers. "What happened to me? What about you, oh princely one?"

I frowned and said in a fake accent, "I think I look rather dashing."

"Yeah, okay sure."

A light prod on my shoulder made me turn. A girl about my age looked up at me with large brown eyes, before kneeling and kissing my feet.

"Woah," I took a step back.

Artemis peeped over my shoulder at the girl. The villagers had started to crowd, bowing and muttering compliments.

"Hail, Prince of Kent!" they praised.

A burly man grabbed Artemis's neck and pushed her to the ground yelling, "Have some respect, woman. He is the prince."

"Hey!" I shouted, pushing the man off her. Artemis growled, ready to swing.

I gripped her arm, and gave her a look. She sighed and put her hand down.

"Forgiveness, prince!" The man exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"Apologize to the lady." I said.

"Apologies, madam."

"Yeah, whatever idiot." Artemis stood, angrily whipping her veil off and throwing it on the ground. Her hair was in a thick bun. Wiping the mud off the knees of her dress, she hiked up her skirts, stepping over kneeling villagers.

The man looked up at me when she was out of hearing distance. "She ain't proper or polite, good prince."

I couldn't help but grin. "She sure isn't." I ran over to her. "What's the plan?"

She tugged off her veil, throwing it hard onto the ground angrily. Her hair was in a bun. "No flippin' clue. But if we no where the Martian is, we might as well start there."

M'gann's POV

2:34 PM, castle

I gathered my skirts and walked down the stone steps of the tower, which followed the curve of the wall. It was an amazing place, a bit cold and dreary, but still beautiful. Banners of the emblem hung on the walls, metal knights stood on pedestals, a wide staircase branched into a ballroom.


I flinched. The voice came from under the stairs. A blonde woman appeared in an exquisite purple dress trailing to the floor. She turned to look at me, wearing Black Canary's beautiful face.

She screamed almost as loud as her Canary Cry, "The garden path hasn't been washed, the floor must be mopped, scrubbed, and the dishes are still dirty from dinner last night! You need to sew three of my dresses back, and the linen made! Have you been sleeping all day?"

I cowered to the floor, shaking. "No, mother! I was…finishing the other chores and Drizella made me sew back a few of her dresses." I lied.

"Blame your laziness on my favorite daughter?" She kicked me with her 3-inch heel, right in the rib. I rolled. "Finish your chores, disgusting orphan!"

She turned in a billow of skirts, and slammed the door under the stairs.

Black Canary's POV

2:37 PM, castle cellar

Disgusting wrench. I should have killed her as soon as her father died. I'm much too kind with my servants.

I was greeted with darkness and dust, and carefully held onto the handrail as I descended the rock steps. The old room was lined with glass orbs, vials, and carafes, filled with disgusting liquids of varying colors, along with rotted fruit and animal skulls. A large oval shape stood in the corner surrounded by candles and covered in a shawl.

I pulled the shawl and tossed it aside. I stared at myself in the large, gold-and-diamond mirror.

I gently stroked it, and chanted:

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall

Who is the fairest of them all?"

The body formed in the mirror, masked in clouds of black. Only its electric blue eyes shown through.

I was expecting the usual, "You, Queen, are the fairest of them all."

But instead, without moving, it replied in its deep voice,

"Queen, you are fair it is true,

but Snow White is fairer than you."

My jaw dropped. Outrage! This is slander, TREASON!

The mirror continued,

"The wild blond is even fairer;

she is fierce as well; even rarer."

Not just one person, but two are more beautiful? And Snow White is one? Wicked slut! I have done everything to get my beauty. I have drunk the blood of virgins for Christ's sake. I have meddled in dark magic to keep my youth!

I growled as the face dissipated, throwing on my cloak and covering my face. I threw the court doors open and ran down the marble steps in the garden, my heels clicking angrily on the stone. My right-hand came towards me and I called for a horse-carriage. As soon as it arrived, I jumped in without help.

The driver awaited my orders.

"My hunter's cabin." I growled.

Another Dang Author's Note You may be thinking why Artemis is fairer than Miss M. Or, you may be a hater like me and want to stab Miss M, thinking it is perfectly reasonable that Arty's prettier. I think Arty's prettier for a few reasons: 1) SHES A BAMF. 2) She can fight. The main reason: MGANN IS NOT WHO SHE APPEARS. She's faking her human beauty (her white martian form is so badass), Arty is a natural. Also, for the sake of a Spitfire fic, Artemis is prettier O.o