A Word from the Author: Hello everyone it's jediclonecowgirl, with a new chapter of "Escaping on Cristophsis". I'm sorry it took me so long to update again but I think this plotline is easy to get Writers Block at. Typical me...

It became evening again on Cristophsis. Rex was standing or more sitting guard while Padmé was desprately trying to get a fire on. They had been stuck on this planet for days...or weeks? Time itself had lost any meaning. Most of the things that were persumed important had lost any meaning in here. The droids didn't seem to know where they were since they had not shown their metal faces since Padmé and Rex had made camp here. After the tenth try to get a fire on Padmé gave it up and asked Rex for help. She found him sitting a few meteres away with his helmet off staring in the sunset. He looked like he was lost into his own thoughts.

"Captain...", Padmé mumbled as she approached him but Rex didn't respond.

"Captain.", Padmé said a little louder but Rex did not respond again.

"Rex!", Padmé said even louder and Rex finally looked up.

The name had slipped of her tongue before she could've stopped it in any way. As a Senator she was always supposed to talk to clones using their ranks. To Padmé that had always been absolutely silly.

"I wanted to ask you if you could help me with getting fire on. I have already tried like ten times and didn't manage.", she said.

"Of Course Senator.", Rex replied scrambling himself up.

Padmé leaded him back to the place where she had tried to get a fire on. Rex managed to get the fire on in five seconds. Padmé thought it had something to do with the many things he had already pulled of with Anakin.

"Why have you just called me Rex?", Rex asked afterwards.

"It's your name isn't it? Why have you been so lost into your thoughts a I approached you? It was harder to get your attention than it was with a meditating jedi.", Padmé said.

"With all due respect Senator but that is a thing you won't want to get messed with and a long story by the way.", Rex replied with a sigh.

Padmé knew some of the methods on Kamino due to Senator Burtoni. She always knew that they were horrible and cruel sometimes...or always. Senator Bourtoni had always said that those methods were the best thing to prepare the clones for war but Padmé had seen more than once that those teaching methods had effected the clones in ways Padmé did not want to imagine. Those clones were reluctant to talk to people of higher ranking non-formally. They barely did. The thing that really irked Padmé about Kamino was the process called "reconditioning". Why did the Kaminoans make such a big deal out of it? It was about executing clones which just weren't like the Kaminoans wanted them to be. They probably could've also called it terminating. Padmé chose not to dwell on it any longer and sat down next to Rex. The Senator and the Captain did not talk for a long while. Padmé tried to put two and two together about Rex's strange behavior, but she couldn't figure it out. She also didn't ask about the reason for Rex's strange behavior. Like hell she would start with that! The last thing she needed know was having a fallout with the Captain. Could you really call it a fallout? Maybe a debate was a better name for this. Yes...a debate over his psycial condition and talking about his physical condition wasn't an option to Padmé. If she looked onto both of their personalities, talk about both things would probably end in a debate or an argument and Padmé neither wanted nor needed that. While she was trying to warm up some field rations, or whatever the food in the emergency supplies was called, she pondered the events on Coruscant. How were her collegues in the Senate taking the news, that she had gone missing? Well...this probably would be mixed up. There were senators she was friends with and senators, who basically just hated her. There was also Anakin to concider. Anakin would probably be pacing around in his quarters, worrying his head off by now, or on a mission with Ahsoka, where he couldn't focus and Ahsoka trying to keep him focused. She did not want to think about Rex's brothers at all and especially not Cody. Padmé knew from Anakin, that those two were close. After a few minutes she managed to make the rations at least a bit eatable and handed one load to Rexm while she ate the other one herself. No word was spoken between the Senator and the Captain. Normally Padmé wouldn't have thought this to be good, but tonight it was quite alright to Padmé.

Ending Word: This was the sixth chapter. As promised. Happy easter everyone, by the way. Sorry again, that it took so long. I hope you like it and I hope you leave some reviews behind. Now all I have left to say is bye, bye and may the force be with you.