Chapter 1: Four Friends

Logan walked over to the high school entrance. As he walked up the concrete stairs he heard the church bells ringing. It was noon and once again he was late for school, but frankly he didn't give a damn. Logan yawned and continued to enter the high school. Right then and there he knew it was going to be a long day.

Alec starred at the ticking clock. Only 25 minutes and he would be out of Mr. Shaw's class.

"Mr. Grandt, would you be so kind as to repeat what I just said?" Mr. Shaw said tapping Alec's shoulder.

"Ah...I ah..." Alec looked around the room.

He caught the sight of his friend Chris. He was mouthing him something. Alec gave him a confused look.

"I'm waiting Mr. Grandt." Mr. Shaw said crossing his arms.

"Um...You were saying that there is a... ah...theory that says nutrenos can travel faster than the speed No! No...light! Nutrenos can travel faster than the speed of light." Alec said glancing back and forth between Chris and Mr. Shaw.

"Very good Mr. Grandt...maybe next time you can answer my question without the help of a friend." Mr. Shaw said glaring at Chris.

John rolled over breathing heavily. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"Wow." A girl said as she covered herself with one of the sheets.

"That was amazing." She continued giggled.

" weren't the best I've had, but you certainly make the top 50." John stood up and slid his pants on.

"Well tell me what I can do to make it better." The girl said seductively as she gave John a mischievous smile.

In the blink of an eye John was sitting next to the girl. He began to kiss her neck.

"Ahhhh." She moaned.

As he lifted his lips from her neck he bared his fangs and bit her. The girls eyes widened and then fluttered as she sighed. John stood up and wiped the blood from his lips. He then grabbed the girl and made her look in his eyes.

"Leave." He ordered her.

And with that she grabbed her shirt and walked out of the room with no hint of expression on her face.

The club was full of people, the music was echoing through out the street, and people flooded the sidewalk.

"Remind me why I'm here?" Logan asked as he got into the club entrance line.

"The chicks Logan…the chicks." Alec laughed and patted his friends shoulder.

Logan than ran his hand through his short dirty blonde hair. He had on his Hollister jeans, white short sleeved shirt, and grey vans shoes. Alec on the other hand had black hair and was wearing denim skinny jeans, DC sneakers, and a FOX long sleeved shirt.

Just then they were joined by Chris and John.

"What took you guys so fucking long?" Logan said throwing his arms in the air.

"Well why don't ya ask your friend the man whore over here." Chris said raising an eyebrow.

Logan and Alec looked at each other and their jaws dropped.

"Another one! That's like the fifth time this week!" Alec yelled.

"What can I say…I can have anyone I want." John smirked.

"Yah okay." Chris rolled his eyes and fixed his light brown hair, grey skinny jeans, and Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt.

"What are we waiting for…I'm hungry." Logan grinned.

The four boys made their way into the Moonshire Club.

"Can I see some IDs?" One of the bouncers said stopping them. Logan walked up to him and looked into his eyes.

"Sorry but we seemed to have left them at home…surely you can make an exception." He said.

The bouncer stood frozen for a few seconds. Then suddenly he smiled.

"Of course!" He said as he let them in. The boys smiled as they approached the flashing green and blue lights, loud house music and dancing people.

"Home sweet home." John murmured.