So, I really hate to put author's notes as chapters, but I feel like I need to for this. I'm sorry to say that it's not likely that I will be writing a sequel.

One: It's been a long time since I've written this, so my inspiration has left. I've tried writing the sequel, but it doesn't do this story justice.

Two: I'm not a huge fan of glee anymore. I don't really like the direction they've taken it, plus the last full season I watched was season 3. I probably won't write anything else for this series.

Three: I'm in college now, which means that I have other priorities.

Four: I write for myself. I promise sequels, but of course, as soon as I say that, I get writer's block and then I lose all inspiration altogether.

Five: I feel like I'm being pressured to write a sequel that I just can't get around to, nor do I want to do anymore. I want to be able to do the characters and the situation justice, if I ever did write it, but the likelihood of that is slim to none.

I respectfully ask that no one else reviews asking for a sequel. I am open to constructive criticism, praise, whatever, but please don't ask for a sequel. This story keeps coming back to haunt me as a reminder that I never followed through with that sequel, so I might have to take it down if anyone else asks (read: demands) for a sequel. However, I am willing to let someone else (or multiple someones) to write a sequel. Just PM me or review to let me know, and then just give me credit when you post it.

Thank you, and sorry for the disappointment.
