So I'm trying my hand at a drabble collection with fifty drabbles over (hopefully) fifty days. On a general note: this drabble collection will have spoilers for the whole of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, including the arc that didn't air in the dub. With that said, enjoy!

Title: Power

Author: Heleentje

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's

Characters: Yusei, Bruno

Word Count: 100

Genre: Friendship, Romance

Rating: K

Notes: This takes place somewhere after episode 110.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's.


"No electricity?" Bruno asked. Yusei nodded, trying to fix whatever went wrong with the power while balancing a flashlight between his head and shoulder. Bruno looked outside.

"You shouldn't bother. There's no light outside either, so it's all over the street."

Yusei looked up and barely managed to prevent the flashlight from falling. "That shouldn't happen. The Momentum reactor shouldn't fail like that."

Bruno felt a stab of fear at those words, but the city was silent. No explosions and no panicked cries. Everyone was fast asleep.

He put a hand on Yusei's shoulder.

"Come on, let's get some candles."