A.N. Well, howdy do! It's me again! I have returned with a simple little one-shot song fic here, but I'm willing to return. I'm thinking of doing a humor/romance crack fic where each one of the Night World couples tries share a moment (and a kiss), and, well, fail. Thoughts? Actions? Verbs? Nouns?

Well, at least enjoy this one while you're here. I personally think this band, We Are The Fallen, wrote all of their songs for the Night World. It's crazy! I love it! This one, I think, is the anthem for them. Google it! You'll love it!

Disclaimer: It's almost Halloween! So technically I could dress up as L.J. Smith, and that would mean I would partially own Night World. Right?...No. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

I Will Stay

It was near. Delos could feel it. Sense it. Know it.

The end was coming, and they still hadn't found the final Fourth Power. When Delos first felt it, he was angry. Beyond angry. All those things he did—for the world, for himself, for Maggie— they were all to waste. They didn't matter.

It was all pointless.

Because the end was coming anyways. They might not die right away, but they were going to die.

He wasn't sure if Maggie realized it like he had. If she had, they weren't talking about it. If she hadn't, he wasn't going to tell her. She didn't need to be put in unnecessary pain that he could easy take for her.

He was broody about it. Temperamental. Touchy. Maggie was so exasperated she left him alone most the time. It was in those times of solitude that Delos had another crystallizing revelation.

It didn't matter.

If they lived. If they died. If they won. If they lost. Nothing.

Because, through it all, Delos wasn't going to leave Maggie. Even if she fought for the weak. Even if she didn't want Delos around her. Even if she died. Delos was always going to be with her.


The world could end. The stars would rain down from the skies, and the sun wouldn't even bother rising anymore. People would be parading the streets, fighting and killing and hiding and running and living and dying.

And Delos would never leave her.


They were at Thierry's right now. Waiting it out. Maggie went to her room early that night, and Delos was wandering around. Suddenly, he wanted to see her. One last time, before the world fell apart.

One more time, before there was nothing left.

He glided to her room, to her bedside. She looked lovely. While she was sleeping. While she was awake. While she was laughing. Crying.


Delos sighed, reaching down to brush her cheeks. It started to rain outside. The darkness outside was so thick even his vampire senses couldn't help him see.

It was here. It was starting.

Maggie, unaware of what was taking place, reacted to Delos's touch. She turned to him. "Delos?" Her voice was sleep-induced and soft.

"Yes," he whispered. He sat down at the edge of the bed and Maggie slid down to make room for him. She took his arm and laid him down next to her. He curled his arms around her tenderly. He didn't want to break her before the other things had the chance.

"Stay with me?" Her voice was frail. Not as strong as it usually was. She knew. They both knew.

Delos didn't care about breaking her anymore. He just wanted her as close to him as possible. One last time.

"Always," he breathed into her hair, into her. "Always."