More updates sometime soon.
Erik stood, staring at the door, barely registering his brothers hiccuped moans. His mind was whirling with his thoughts.
If only he hadn't led them to the stage.
If only Quasi hadn't accepted that gypsy's hand.
"GraaaAAAAH!" Erik flung forward and beat his fists upon the doors, only causing them to rattle lightly. Flinging his head back, the demon child let out an anguished yell before going still once again. Everything was ruined. Frollo would surely keep them on a tighter leash-perhaps literally! They would never leave this tower again.
And what would it matter if they did? Erik thought as he slid to sit against the door. It was made very clear what others thought of them. Demon of the bell tower indeed. The people were terrified of him. Of them. They found it AMUSING to tie his brother up and pelt him with fruit. There was surely no place for them out there.
Erik looked around him sadly. The high ceilings, old paintings, thousands of candles; all that he had known since he was seven years old. He had memorized every candelabra, every drapery, every corner long ago. His sanctuary, his prison. This is where he was meant to stay for the rest of his existence.
To hell with that! Erik crawled over to where Quasimodo was still weeping and shook his shoulder.
"Get up, Quasimodo. We're leaving."