A/N: Hey there people! So I'm not exactly 'new' to , and the writing scene, but this IS my first Sanctuary story. This is one of two of my accounts, and the only reason I have a second is because 1) I can't get on to my first one and 2) I'm not too…fond… of my username on the other one, and a few of the stories, but I don't have the heart to delete or change them…

Anyway, a few notes here that MUST BE READ!

FIRST: Helen is a fair bit OOC, and the reason for this is because it's kind of hard to write for a 157 year old woman, and I feel she would act a bit more, emotionally in the presence or mention of her daughter that she lost…

SECOND: I am NOT smart… Therefore I cannot come up with anything that Sam Carter would say, that sounds intelligent.

THIRD: Ashley will be ALIVE! I have changed that. Also, I have some twists and differences that won't be known for a few chapters, I don't even know at the moment, but I will inform you in the A/N above the chapters so keep a look out for those.

FOURTH: … There is no fourth… I think…

Disclaimer: I see no point to these but… I don't own Sanctuary or Stargate…


They say that you can learn a lot about yourself from your parents. Like how you'll look in 10 years, or where you get your smile. Like whom you get your personality from, or whose eyes you inherited.

But that can work both ways too. You can tell a lot about yourself from whom your kids grow up to be. Like if you were cut out to be a parent, or whether you did a good job raising them. Whether they took after you, or the father they would never know.

Ashley… Ashley is mix of the both of us. While she looks quite a lot like me, she enjoys the rush of a fight, like her father did. She's intelligent, as she'd need to be in order to handle herself in tough situations. But she didn't inherit my passion for learning, for discovering the facts, and working out how something works.

I love my daughter, nothing can change that. But sometimes I wonder what she'd be like if she inherited more of my personality than John's. Would she be a doctor instead of a soldier? Would she question more, rather than obey.

Would she be like Samantha?

Would Samantha be like her?

Ashley doesn't know about her sister. It hurt when Jacob left with her. I blame him sometimes. Many of my employees believe I have a cold interior. I suppose my blaming him accounts for that. But it's only sometimes. When I can't bare the pain it gives me to know it was my fault. After he left with Samantha, I threw myself into my work. Before I knew it, 20 years had passed, and I started to feel lonely. I had doubts about bringing Ashley into the world. For a decade I had believed that Jacob was right. And that my work was no place for a child. Thankfully, Bigfoot talked some sense into me. And while I have Ashley, some part of me still wonders what Samantha is like.

If she remembers the stories I would read her at night, the days we would spend sitting with Sally.

I used to look at Ashley, and see Samantha in her. They looked quite a lot alike. When Ashley turned 7, I stared at her for hours, trying to find any changes. Samantha was 6 when Jacob left with her. As Ashley got older, I stopped seeing Samantha. I started seeing more of John, specifically in the eyes. Luckily, Ashley has no drive to kill like her father did.

Every night, at 10:34 exactly, I stare at the picture in my locket… Whether I am in bed, at my desk, in the lab, or in the field. I always look at it. One side has Ashley. The other, Samantha.

I've tried to keep tabs on her… I called in favours from friends and acquaintances. They lost track of her when she turned 12. They couldn't even get me a picture of her.

I gave up 2 years after Ashley was born. I lost hope of ever seeing her again. Sometimes, when I am particularly emotional, I'll dream of seeing her. Of meeting her after so long.

Ashley turned 20 last week. She learnt about John just 2 days ago.

Samantha would be 46 at the beginning of the year.

I never thought we'd meet again. It seems I would be wrong.

A/N: So that's it for the prologue… If you could review, anonymous or not, that'd be awesome… Please, no flaming, but I can't exactly stop you…