Disclaimer: I am in possession of a new pair of glasses and startling student debt that I would not need if I owned Harry Potter.

Thanks to: Jessica682, sophiafreak7797, A Light in the Night, Bucky5, Eto117, KasiaMalfoy, Ambersky Goddard, Mary fall, Silverfeather222, Kate, Guest, CarolinaQuinonesCastro, Arianne, arianne Malfoy, lilylunapotter, Minnymax, and of course paulaa90. Your reviews and kind words inspired me.

Some would think that by baby number five (though, technically it was only pregnancy number three) Lily Luna would have had it all worked out.

Those people would be oh so wrong. Instead, the day Lily and Scorpius welcomed their latest little bundle of joy into the world started out like any other. Lily was helping get the kids ready for school while Scorpius made a quick breakfast for everyone before heading off to work. Zack was being more moody than ever before and Leo had decided that today was the day to have the sniffles. Just a regular day really.

She managed to get Zack and Chrys to school and Alex to preschool easily enough, but Leo came down with a fever and he had to stay home. Lily didn't mind. She'd rather have her son home and able to get better while she sat around, now very pregnant, and finished making the blanket for her mother. Lily found she preferred the muggle way of doing it.

Leo took a small nap and by lunch time he was feeling much better, to which his mother was eternally grateful. He came downstairs and plopped onto the couch beside his mother, smiling up at her.

"Feeling better, love?" she asked, looking at him quickly. He nodded.

"Much better. But I'm kind of hungry. Can we have something to eat?" he asked. Lily laughed and ruffled his red hair.

"Of course we can! What are you thinking? I'm leaning towards some macaroni and cheese, how about you?" she suggested, knowing it was her son's favorite. He grinned, hoping up so he could help her.

Lily wiggled a bit to try and lift herself up. It had become increasingly difficult as her belly grew wider, but Lily was an old pro at this. She brushed aside her sore back, figuring she had just stayed in the same position too long.

When she finally managed to pull herself up, she was able to make quick work of lunch, making Leo promise not to tell Daddy that she used magic. Once she had served two bowls, she noticed that her back was really hurting again. Lily thought nothing of it once more, sitting down to eat with Leo.

She talked to him about school and his friends, all the while shifting a bit uncomfortably. She couldn't wait for this baby to come so she wouldn't have to deal with this ever again. She and Scorpius had decided this would be their last child. Suddenly, Lily felt liquid drip down her legs and onto the floor. Her hands flew to her stomach and her eyes were wide. Oh no. No, no, no.

Leo was prattling on about something and Lily had to shush him. "Darling. Darling, can you stop talking for a moment please. Mommy needs to think."

Leo did as he was asked and looked at him mother with concern. Mommy never talked to him like that. "Are you alright?" he asked her hesitantly.

Lily nodded. "Yes. Yes, quite. I'm just going to have the baby very soon."

Leo frowned. "But we know that. You're a whale."

Lily glared at him. "I am not a whale! I'm pregnant!" She shook her head. "No, dear. I mean I'm going to have the baby today. I'm in labor. And I need to get to the hospital."

She was trying not to panic. Panicking usually made things worse. Besides, she could do this. She just needed to breathe. "Leo, love. I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go grab the bag from upstairs. The one in my closet, okay?"

Leo nodded once before running off to get that for his mother. He would do anything for her. Anything at all.

Lily took that time to lift herself up and reach for the two-way mirror she left on the counter. She knew he would answer right away.

"Jamie? James! I need you!"

A few hours later, Uncle Albus collected the kids from their various schools. Alex was still sleepy from his nap at preschool and Chrys was rambling on about how boring the day had been without his brother. Only Zack seemed to realize that something was going on.

They went right to the hospital where James was sitting with Leo at his side. He looked immensely relieved when Albus arrived.

"Have you heard anything?" Albus asked first. James shook his head.

"Scorpius is back there with her. It's going well from what I can tell. Mum and Dad will be here soon and they're going to come with Draco and Astoria," he rattled off, all business. Since having children of their own, Albus and James had calmed a lot of their wilder antics. "But you know it's time."

Albus nodded resolutely before turning to look at their nephews. "Alright boys, time to have a little chat."

The boys sat themselves in the chairs, all in a row and looked up at their uncles. It wasn't often that they got lectured by them, usually by their aunts instead.

"Now, you all know how important it is to be a good brother," James started, lifting little Alex into his arms. Alex was still too young to follow along well.

Chrys, Leo, and Zack all nodded proudly. Albus smiled. "Of course you do. You're so good at looking out for your brothers. But Mummy is having a little girl this time, and watching out for your little sister is very different boys."

James nodded seriously. "Girls are strong. They're stronger than you in a lot of ways. But they also need people to look out for them, and who better than their brothers?"

Albus continued. "It's up to you boys to keep your sister safe. Make sure no one hurts her. Make sure no one breaks her heart. You're responsible for her and its going to be different than how you are with your brother's. Girls are tricky."

"Sisters always have everyone convinced they're the best, so you can't get angry when you sister gets away with everything." Zack nodded along to what Uncle James was saying.

"In fact, if your sister is ever involved in your schemes, you make sure she doesn't get in trouble. You always take the fall for you baby sister." Albus said this directly to Leo and Chrys.

"When she gets older, you never let any boys near her. You'll understand that one better when the time comes." James and Albus had tried their hardest with Lily, but she always got what she wanted.

"And whenever she cries, you have to find out the reason why, and get rid of that reason. Even if it's one of you. You make her cry, you apologize." Albus looked at them all sternly. That was an important one.

"Your little sister is the most important girl in your life. More important that your mum, but don't tell her I said that. Lily is scary. Your sister comes first boys. Always remember that."

The boys nodded, their eyes wide and determined. Zack had been in a similar position before. He swore he would protect Alex from anything and everything. This new baby would be no different.

Albus and James shared a look. That was all they had needed to say. "We're trusting you boys."

"We won't let you down," Chrys promised. He knew they were being very serious.

Scorpius stepped through a pair of double doors, dressed in odd muggle clothes and smiling widely. "She's perfect. Absolutely beautiful. All ten toes and ten fingers and as lovely as her mother!" he gushed. He was a man whose heart had just been stolen by the most perfect little angel, his daughter.

"Come along boys. It's time to meet your new sister." Scorpius led his sons to the room, their uncles following after. The rest of the family would be flocking to the hospital soon, but it would be nice to have this small moment of peace. James and Albus agreed that it was just great to be included.

Lily glowed when they saw her, but it was different than before. Her smile wasn't as wide as it usually was but it stemmed from the fact that she was holding her long awaited daughter in her arms. Her little girl. Oh, how she had longed for the day she would hold her daughter, and here it was.

She looked up when she heard some commotion and smiled at her boys. All of them were there, wearing matching grins. "Hello, boys," she said softly. "Come closer. Come get a good look."

The boys filed in, all standing around Lily's bed and trying to get a peek inside the bundle of blankets. James caught sight of her first and his breath got stuck in his throat. "Oh, Lils, she's beautiful."

Lily looked up at him and smiled. "Isn't she. She's absolutely perfect."

"What did you name her, Lily?" Albus asked. With Alex, the name had been picked out long before he was born. They decided not to do that with their little girl, saying they needed to see her before they knew what was right.

Scorpius was the one who answered. "Ivy. Her name is Ivy," he told them proudly. He and Lily had searched high and low for a name, but nothing seemed to fit. The one of the nurses suggested Ivy and the Malfoys were sold.

"Our little Ivy is perfect," Lily said, smiling at her daughter. The baby was passed around so everyone could hold her and Lily couldn't help but feel like her family was complete. She had her beautiful boys and she had her adorable daughter and she had her doting husband. She couldn't help but grin tiredly.

"What has you so quiet?" Scorpius whispered while the rest of their family doted on the latest addition.

Lily just smiled and shook her head. How could she put into words that she had never felt so lucky? "Nothing, just happy is all." She stretched up to kiss his cheek, even more in love with him than the day they married. She never would have been this happy with anyone but him. Scorpius was the love of her life.

Life would definitely throw the Malfoys a few more hurdles, but Lily was confident they could get through it together. Just like they always had.

A/N: I deeply apologize for the long awaited twentieth chapter. I don't even have the words to express how sorry I am. I love this story and these characters, but I got busy and it took me a long time to be able to find my way back to this story. Thank you for your patience.

That being said, I don't know where to go from here. I had plans for maybe one more story, something I hinted at with Zack and Mae, but I don't know if I'll ever write it. For now, I'm going to mark this story as complete. That does not mean I'll never add to it, but I don't want to do this to you all again. You deserve better than someone who takes a year and a half to update. I love you all. Thank you for your unfailing support and kind words. I am by no means done writing. I may even publish another story here. Or even finish my other story on this site. There still is a lot of time left to summer.