Disclaimer: Not Mine! If only if only...

And a special thanks to M for reading and then laughing. Yay!

Daddy, I Have an Announcement

Part One

This is it. Today is the day I finally cause my father to have a heart attack,thought Lily Luna Potter as she braced herself to reveal her secret. It had been one month since she announced her engagement to Scorpius Malfoy. She was genuinely shocked that her father did not pass out at the thought of his only daughter forever sharing the surname with his school foe.

She had no one but her mother to thank for not being disowned. Then again, her mother was always a sucker for love stories. In truth, they should have seen it coming. The happy couple had been together for nearly five years, since Lily was in her fifth year at Hogwarts. It was only a matter of time before the got married, but Lily had the sneaking suspicion that everyone was hoping that their relationship wouldn't last, but it did, and they were happy.

Lily was pulled from her thoughts when the sound of approaching footsteps came up behind her. She felt strong arms encircle her and hold her close. A smile spread across her face as she recognized the cinnamon scent, and she turned around to face her capture.

"Hey you," She greeted him warmly.

"Hey yourself," Scorpius said as he bent head so their foreheads touched. "Are you ready?" He asked in all seriousness.

"As I'll ever be," Lily whispered, overcome with nervousness.

"It will be fine. They'll be shocked and maybe angry, but give them time and I know that they'll come around. If they love you half as much as I do then it will be no time at all." Those reassuring words were all it took for Lily to regain confidence. She wiggled out of Scorpius' embrace and grabbed hold of his hand before making her way to the living room.

They broke the news at Potter Manor this time, so as not to relive the engagement announcement. Lily gulped as she saw that her mother called everyone to make this announcement. This number of gingers in one room did not help with Lily's uncertainty. She did not need all the Weasley tempers to flare at once. She looked up to Scorpius and saw that his eyes were wide in fear. Lily looked around the room once more before taking a deep breath and putting on a happy face.

"Everyone I have news," Lily said loudly to get the attention of the crowd. All eyes became fixed in her. She mustered up all the courage she could and announced, "I'm pregnant!"


The room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop, which was the opposite of most Weasley/Potter reunions. Lily looked at the shocked faces and wanted to laugh, but then she locked eyes with her father and felt her stomach drop. Her elderly grandmother was he first to speak.

"Oh! How lovely," She squealed as she moved from her seat to wrap Lily in a bear hug. Lily's eyes did not move from her father's.

All at once people started talking. Some were congratulating the couple, while others simply looked on. Some, namely Lily's brothers, looked ready to rip Scorpius apart. All the while Lily's eyes never left her father's. She wanted desperately for him to say something. When her mother came up to hug her, Lily broke the connection.

"I wondered when you were going to tell us," Ginny Potter whispered into her daughter's ear. When Lily pulled back to look at her mother, her expression reflected her confusion.

"You knew?" She asked.

"Of course I knew. Lily, I'm the mother of three and have seen more than a fair share of my sisters have babies to recognize a pregnancy when it's right in front of me," Ginny said with a smile.

"What about Daddy?" Lily asked with obvious concern. Ginny looked back to where her husband had just been sitting to see him walking out the door. She sighed and looked back at her daughter who had tears in her eyes.

"You leave your father to me," Ginny said as she followed him out the door.

When Ginny got to the study she found her husband pouring firewhiskey into a rather large glass.

"Getting pissed isn't going to change the fact that our daughter is going to have a baby," Ginny said soothingly as she took the cup from his hands. He glared at her in response.

"She's twenty years old. She's too young to be a parent!" Harry yelled in anger.

"Harry, she isn't a little girl anymore. It's time for her to go off on her own. Besides, I know more than a few of our friends from school who had children at ages even younger than our Lily. And your parents did the same thing! If they didn't have a baby at twenty, then you wouldn't be here."

"That was different. A war had just ended. People were celebrating. And don't drag my parents into this, Gin," Harry told her, frustrated by the fact that Ginny was right.

"And that makes it alright? Some of them weren't even engaged yet. At least Lily will be married before the baby comes. Not to mention the fact that they both have jobs and families to support them and the baby." Ginny's tone showed her rising anger.

"She's still too young!" Harry bellowed. His little girl couldn't be pregnant.

"If I remember correctly I was pregnant before we got married." Ginny snapped at him.

"We were older!" Harry yelled again.

"So if Lily was older you would be fine with this?" Ginny crossed her arms in front of her, glaring at her husband.

"Yes," He answered.

"Weren't you always the one who thought Lily was mature beyond her age?" Ginny asked; her tone cold as ice. Harry stared at her. He really hated when she was right. He sighed and looked away. There was nothing that he could to stop her from having the baby.

Ginny must have been able to see the acceptance in his eyes, for hers soon softened.

"There is a girl out there right now who thinks that her father hates her. She needs you right now, Harry. Be the dad she knows you to be," Ginny told him softly as she placed a comforting hand on his back. Harry nodded in response and turned to go back to the crowd.

When he got back into the parlor, very few people remained. They all seemed to move the party to the backyard. Author and Molly were still there, as were Scorpius, James, Albus, and a very distraught Lily. When Lily saw her father walk back into the room, she paled. Harry surprised both of them and walked up to her and enveloped her into a hug.

"I'm sorry Flower," He whispered.

"I am too, Daddy. But I love him, and I know that Scorpius will be a great father," She whispered back, tears prickling her eyes.

"I'm sure he will be. I'm proud of you Lily," He looked her in the eyes; both had tears threatening to spill.

"I love you daddy," She smiled at him, dimples and all.

After the small party, Lily found herself sitting on a bench with her beloved. Scorpius Held her hand in his and fiddled with her simple engagement ring.

"You know we still have to tell my family, right?" Scorpius asked suddenly. Lily looked at him like he had suddenly sprouted three heads.

"First you throw me to the lions, and now the snakes?" She asked, bewildered. Scorpius laughed and wrapped an arm around Lily's waist.

"It won't be that bad, Lils," He chuckled, "Mum will be pleased. The only one you have to worry about is Grandfather."

"You're on your own." Lily deadpanned. Scorpius laughed again, knowing that life with Lily Potter was sure to be interesting. They sat in a comfortable silence as the watched the sun set on Potter Manor, both aware that they faced another announcement, along with a wedding, a baby, and a happy future.

A/N: More to come in a series of ONE-Shots!