
(Noun: Great courage in the face of danger, esp. in battle)

. . .

The sun catches his hair from just the right angle and suddenly he's an angel on the sidewalk, chin raised to the sky, smile soft. A breeze floats by and causes tufts of golden hair to sway slightly. Behind rimmed glasses, indigo eyes are half-lidded in an expression of euphoria.

Arthur stands in the doorway of the conference building, watching the younger with something akin to fondness in his stare. The heat is absolutely infernal and Arthur would prefer to spend his break indoors with the AC, but Matthew's outside. And wherever Matthew is, Arthur feels like he has to follow.

His finger twitches for a brief moment. He wants to reach out and take him into his arms and hold him and bury his face into his neck until all he can breathe is his sweetness - his innocence.

He's told himself before that he'd talk to Matthew. He would look into his eyes and recite Shakespeare and do the silly and frivolous things that he's only ever dared of doing for Matthew. "I love you," he would tell him, and Matthew's face would break into a smile and they'd live happily after like a cliche.

But life doesn't work that way.

He watches as Alfred approaches Matthew with something clasped behind his back. The boisterous male gets down on a knee and Arthur doesn't need even an eye to see how the smile on Matthew's face.

What I wouldn't give to make him smile like that...

Arthur realizes that if the days were an endless time loop, he would be Today and Matthew would be the coveted Tomorrow that he never reaches. He yearns and yearns and looks forward to the time that he will finally catch up to him; but he never does.

"Arthur?" And by some miracle, Matthew visits him two days later. Arthur doesn't hesitate in inviting him inside for tea. Matthew politely refuses and it's when they're sitting down that he finally asks The Question.

For a few heartbeats, Arthur doesn't reply.

"Arthur?" Matthew looks genuinely worried now, and that won't do. He was to be married soon - he shouldn't be frowning.

"My apologies." Arthur forces a bittersweet smile. "Of course I'll be your best man."

Today may never reach Tomorrow, but at the very least, he can hang on as a shadow of his Yesterday.

A/N: Written for a prompt on the UKCan tumblr. I'm starting to post love that place, and I'm posting some of my own as well. oAo