"Hey Lucky Charms!" Rory was almost to the door of the school when he turned around to see several hockey players walking towards him.

"What the bloddy hell do you want?" He asked exasperatedly.

"Oh come on, is that how you treat your friends?" The ringleader asked, as his cronies flanked him on either side.

"Friends? Is that what we are?"

Suddenly Rory was backed into a wall with no where to go. He looked around. No one was in the parking lot. He was trapped.

"You've got a smart mouth. I don't like a smart mouth."

"Then maybe your mouth should go to school. It just might learn something."

A fist connected with his stomach, another with his jaw, and they just kept coming. Rory tried to curl into a ball and just take the blows, but one of the players grabbed his hands and shoved them behind his back. He closed his eyes, stood there and took it, feeling the bruises, the gashes, the pain that was almost unbearable, but he didn't allow one single noise to escape his lips. He wouldn't let them know they where hurting him.

He had no idea how long this beating had been going on when he heard shouts from a distance and the hands holding his own fell away and he reflexively sunk down to the floor, his knees to his chest, arms wrapped around them, head hidden, waiting for more blows, but they never came.

"Get the fuck away from him. How dare you! What has he ever done to you?" A shockingly familiar voice echoed overhead.

"Why are you defending him? Did he turn you gay or something?" The captain of the hockey team asked.

"Yeah. Something like that." There were shocked whispers and laughing.

"So that's it now, you're gay. I should've known. All that singing in the showers when no one's around. Who knew you of all people were a fag."

There was a pause. "If you ever touch him again, you'll be sorry. Now leave, before I kick your asses."

Rory broke down crying, tears soaking his jeans. This must be a dream, it must. He must have passed out. But the strong arms that encircled him protectively and pulled him onto a lap were real. So were the lips that were in his hair, the fingers wiping away his tears and the soft whispers of "I'm sorry. Don't cry." They were all real.

He finally opened his eyes and looked up to see his boyfriend, Dave. He snuggled closer, laying his head on Dave's shoulder, wincing with pain. "It took you long enough." Dave chuckled. "Are you alright? Anything broken Roar?"

He shook his head. "No. I'm fine. More than fine actually." He looked up to see Those brown eyes that used to be so cheery, saddened and he smiled.

"Thank you Dave."

"For what?"

"For coming to my rescue. You're my hero."

Dave chuckled. "I'll always come to your rescue. Whenever you need me. I'll be there for you. I'll protect you."

"Mmmm... My knight in shining armor." Rory murmured before falling asleep.