Source of my Strength

Chapter 4

"Hey! Come on now! Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes. Looking around, I was in the infirmary. Everyone was there too. I saw Kouta who was standing at the foot of the bed and Sakuya who was sitting at my bedside and looked like she had been crying; a lot. Soma was over by the door leaning against the wall and seemed as disinterested as he always did. The only person I didn't see was Shinji.

"Oh thank goodness!" Sakuya said hugging me very tightly. "We thought we'd lost you Alisa!"

"It was scary for a bit there I'm not gonna lie," Kouta said rubbing the back of his sheepishly. "You even had Soma worried about you."

"Knock it off," said Soma walking over to the bed. "We just can't afford to lose a team member."

I kept hoping Shinji would come walking in but he didn't. I was also worried by the fact that no one had mentioned him yet. "Where's Shinji?"

Kouta and Sakuya looked away.

"Where is he?" I demanded.

"We didn't want to tell you yet but we figured you'd ask." Soma put his hands into his pockets. "Shinji…he didn't make it. It was after you blacked out. An Ogretail got him from behind as we were getting you into the chopper."

"No…no that can't be."

Sakuya took my hand in between hers. "I'm so sorry Alisa. But he risked everything to save you."

No…not Shinji. He couldn't have…died? I saved him…I…I…My eyes welled up with tears that then rolled down my face. "NOOOOOOOOOOO SHINJI!"

"Stop it!" Soma yelled.

"W-what?" I wiped my eyes and looked at him.

"Will you get your ass in here?" He was directing his voice towards the door.

The door opened and shockingly, Shinji walked in. He was bandaged up just like me. He wasn't wearing a shirt but still had his fenrir jacket on.

"Now talk to her and stop making us help you in your sick jokes." Soma walked out of the room while giving Shinji a hard bump with his shoulder.

"You know he's right Shinji. This was pretty messed up," Kouta said walking out as well.

Sakuya hit him on the head. "You never learn do you? Now go and apologize to her! Then you hope she still wants you." She whispered something in his ear that made him smile then she left as well closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Alisa it was a bad joke," he said walking over and sitting next to me on the bed.

I was quiet. I stared at him for a few seconds before laying him out with a solid punch to the face. It hurt my hand a lot but I was sure it hurt him too.

"Ouch! That hurt Alisa! I said I was sorry!"

"And you're lucky that's all you got! Do you have any idea how I felt? Do you have any idea how much it hurt me to hear that?"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry! Alisa it was bad joke and I'm sorry!" He got back up and tried to take my hand but I snatched it away. "Alisa please just listen to me. I know it wasn't cool. I'm sorry I have a sick sense of humor. But I'm glad you're alright."

"I'm glad you're alright too," I said. I looked at the bandages that were covering several places on his body. "Are you in any pain?"

"Just a little," he said. "What about you?"

I looked down at myself. My arm was in a sling and I could feel the bandages wrapped around my waist even though most of my body was covered up by the blue robe I was wearing. I tried moving but a jolt of pain instantly shot through my body. Seeing my reaction, Shinji put his arm around me for support.

"I'm sorry you took such a nasty hit because of me," he said.

"This is nothing. I only did what was natural."


"Yeah," I said. "I didn't want you get hurt."

"But you got hurt."

"I'm ok with it though," I said. "I wanted to protect you."

"Alisa you're something else you know that?" said Shinji.

"I'm just a Gods Eater Shinji. You're the one who is something else. Believe me I see you all the time. I watch how you command the team and how you fight."

"You like to watch me fight?" he asked.

"Sort of but that isn't your most redeeming quality," I said. "I also see how you interact with people. I see how you treat everyone. Like our team for example; even though he's a screw up and extremely annoying, you treat Kouta like your best friend. Sakuya also greatly respects you as a leader. I can also tell that she has a small thing for you by the way she sometimes flirts. Soma, as antisocial as he is, has actually gotten on speaking terms with you. And I…well I would be lost…no was lost without you."

He smiled. "Well thank you Alisa. But you should also know that you're pretty amazing yourself. Not to mention that you saved my ass more than once in battle. To be honest, I wouldn't be nearly as good in a fight without you."

"What do you mean? You were ready to die for me back there!"

"That's only because you were there. If I had been alone, I would have lost the will to fight those odds in no time. In fact, the only reason I can do what I do and act so brave is because I know I have you around to back me up. It's true what they say; behind every great man there is an even greater woman who covers his ass and keeps him in line. So I'd be more than lost without you Alisa. I'd be dead."

I literally had no words. I just sat there staring in to Shinji's eyes mouth agape.

"Um earth to Alisa? You still with me?" He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Shinji…no one has ever said anything like that to me before. I don't know how I'm supposed to respond."

"Oh then allow me to follow up with this." He pulled me closer and before I could offer any protest, pressed his lips to mine.

This is really happening. Shinji just kissed me. My head was spinning and my heart felt like a nuclear reactor about to go critical. But I didn't stop him nor did I pull away. It was a full 10 seconds before I realized that I was indeed returning the kiss on instinct. More time past and just as I was about to throw my arms around him he pulled away. I almost whined to have that feeling back.

"I think we have spies Alisa," said Shinji gesturing towards the door with his eyes.

"I don't care," I said pulling back into my arms. "Let them watch." I pulled him into another kiss, this time even more passionate than the first. Eat your heart out guys.