Again I am really sorry but I have wi-fi now so things are back on track!

The Official Scribe of Olympus


Reyna looked at her agenda, and sighed, someone named Riordan was supposed to visit the camp to day, Reyna wasn't sure why but under the column of Official Title was "Official Scribe of Olympus" Reyna didn't even know that Olympus had an official scribe.

He arrived right on time, she had been very specific that Jason should stay out of the way today, he was having a very ADHD day and she didn't need him to screw this up. She had no idea why this guy was here but Lupa had said it was important and when Lupa says something is important you don't question it you just do it.

"This over here is the coliseum where we train." Reyna gestured to the large structure to her left. "And if you follow me this way we can go into new Rome."

"Do you have a coin to spare?" I faun asked.

"Don't mind the fauns they're just here because they have no where else to go. Unfortunately." Reyna continued on, up a head she could here some kind of commotion. Perfect. There was a large crowd around a dancing fool.

With a second glance she found she recognized the fool. Dancing around in the circle to badly played lyre music, in his underwear, a pink wig and with marker ink all over his body was Jason Grace.

"Who's that?" The scribe asked.

Reyna sighed and went around the crowd. "That's Jason, who unfortunately happens to be my fellow praetor."

Never again did Reyna hear of this "Scribe of Olympus" and she got the distinct feeling that was mostly Jason's fault.