Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers

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(Plot Progress, rather Description Heavy, and hinted!Bluestreak X Sunstreaker fluff... Enjoy!)

Studying, a tedious activity that was usually related to the word that Bluestreak most detested: Silence.

He was currently sifting through a data-pad that had clearly seen better days, its edges worn and its paint flecked with age. Its contents were on attack and defence stances that could be performed using various measures of water. He had come here to study after his latest experiment with his element blew up in his faceplate.

The Moon Lord had long departed on wings of moonlight, dancing along the horizon in the twilight with his twin as they prepared to exchange the sun for Cybertron's two moons. Bluestreak had watched them enviously for a while before trying his servo as making water wings.

He had gotten as far as gathering the needed amount of water from the air, clumping it together in a strenuous puddle turning the atmosphere in the courtyard dry, accidently killing off a few of the Plant Lord's flowers that were kept in the private garden. Regardless, the young Water Mage carried on commanding the water to attach to his doorwings that twitched nervously as the puddle before him began to crawl forward, frothing almost rebelliously at him as it began its journey to his back.

He imagined his wings after the Ice Lords, imprints of feathers and a wide arching wing span that required minimal effort to ascend into the sky.

Instead, the water turned Bluestreak's wings blocky, like clear, floating, rectangular pools, frothing slightly at the edges. Frustrated with his lack of progress, he allowed his wings to pop in a burst of water and froth. Unknown to him, the water from the shrines practice pool began to shudder and slosh in waves as the young Water Mage stormed off intent to brood over his failure.

He had ended up in the library after the disaster, taking out a practice book on control, which he had gotten through about four separate pages of before he nearly fell into recharge, and then took out a data-pad on the myths and folklore surrounding the Lords that one of them had picked up from their jaunts with the mortal mechs and had kept for their own amusement.

"I wish I could be like them." he sighed forlornly at a page where the Plant Lord Hound was showing a group of younglings how to plant and take care of an Energon Apple tree. Frowning, he scanned through the index, noticing the absence of a Water Lord category. "Prowl wasn't kidding when he said that it was a rare element." He mused before shutting off the data-pad and leaving it gladly on the table as he got a communication from Sunstreaker, telling him to meet the Sun Lord in the gardens.

He never noticed the pad being spirited away by a flaming tongue of shadow.

==The Council Chambers==

The Ice Lord sat upon his frozen chair, a frown imprinted on his usually stoic faceplate as the Lords discussed the coming winter he would bring that Vorn. "It's the same argument every season change." The Shadow Lord giggled to himself from his own chair, pressed almost rest to rest with the frigid Bringer of Winter as they viewed the arguing going on between a few of the Lords. "They want some leniency on their favoured regions."

"My winter covers all." Prowl said icily, his optic ridge rising sharply and his doorwings flaring, accidently shattering the icicles that decorated the back of his chair. "I refuse to play favourites!"

The other Lords slouched subtly at the thought of another freezing winter below the mountain, no more day trips until next season it seemed unless they wanted to end up sliding down the mountain on their afts.

"Anyway, aren't you forgetting?" Prowl said almost darkly, leaning back in his chair as Jazz giggled beside him. "The colder the winter the warmer the spring is."

The Plant Lord Hound perked up at this his optics brightening in excitement at the thought of what new plants he could create in a warmer spring as the Ice Lord suddenly tilted his helm with a frown as he received a communication on his student's private frequency urgently requesting his presence in the library.

With a curious tilt of his chevroned helm, the Ice Lord rose from his seat, flicking his doorwings out, a sharp gale of cold air making the other Lords shiver in response as the freezing mech stalked from the room.

As he stalked through the corridors, his mind puzzled over the cryptic message that his student had given him. Bluestreak would never have been so formal to him unless it was an emergency.

"Bluestreak?" Prowl rumbled entering the library with a frown, finding the silent place of study barren and empty, the lights illuminating the study books piled high on a worn desk, a data-book of legends surrounding the lords opened and baring its contents to an absent student.

"This is no time for games, apprentice." The black and white mech snapped angrily, the ice gauntlets that clung to his wrist plating fluctuating between smooth and spiked in agitation. "I was in the middle of an important meeting!"

Receiving no reply, he stalked to the table resting a hand on the smooth, slightly dented metal which frosted over at his touch. Sharp ice blue optics leaned over the pile of books to gaze at the legends displayed on the data-books page, his frown deepening in disapproval as the emotion twisted across his usually smooth stoic faceplate. For displayed blatantly across the flickering screen, was the weaknesses of the Ice Lord according to the folk tales the author had written. "Bluestreak!" he rumbled, the ice spreading across the desk in his fractional loss of control.

"Bluestreak isn't here." A silky, slightly screechy voice said; two optics of piercing ruby peering out from the shadows of a data-book case that extended to the ceiling. The Bringer of Winter whirled around in a blast of snow and shards of ice, recognising the voice and acting on an age old instinct of suspicion.

The shade disappeared and reappeared in flair of magical transformation. A noble Cyber-eagle became the grinning features of a banished Lord that Prowl hoped had been deactivated nearly a millennia ago. "Trickster Lord Starscream." He rumbled, the floor beneath the Ice Master flooding with an icy coat as the Master of Tricks landed, slipping slightly backwards with the momentum of his entrance. "How… unfortunate… to see you still online."

"A pleasure as always Ice Lord Prowl." The Cybertronian jet sneered back in return, clicking his glossa against the roof of his oral cavity as if in thought. "Though, where is your entourage? I was told you had picked up an apprentice."

"You will not touch Bluestreak." Prowl said, optics burning with rage even as his expression remained cold. "He has nothing to do with this little revenge ploy of yours."

"Oh he has everything to do with this." The Trickster smiled lecherously, drawing a ceremonial dagger, some of the only objects that could wound or kill a Lord, from his subspace and tossing it into the air with a casual flick of his wrist, "After all, after I do away with you, who do you think will be getting the blame with all the evidence I'm going to spread out? Poor little water mechling, he'll think the world has turned on him as they drag him before the Light Lord for execution…"

Starscream yelped as a flurry of ice shards were shot at him from an extended servo and he laughed as he danced away from the attack, "Oh! He finally shows emotion! And over a lowly apprentice no less!"

The Ice Lord Prowl snarled, finally losing his icy, distant persona to the raging snow storm that twirled inside his spark, he slid into an attack stance, two blades of ice, made by folding and refining frozen water hundreds of times , forming from his subspace and arched as they were brought up to show. "You will not hurt my apprentice, Trickster, I won't allow it."

Gleefully mad red optics brightened, a servo catching the flipping dagger and tightening its grip as the owner fired on his engines, rising into the air with a cackle, "Let the Master's Plan begin!"

Both charged…

==In the Gardens==

Bluestreak trotted out into the moonlit gardens grinning when he spotted a shining gold Sunstreaker waiting for him at the shrine's entrance with a soft smile. The Sun Lord was truly a sight to behold in the darkness of the night, the beautiful gold mech's outline lined with shimmering sunlight that lit up his nearest surroundings, it looked as if someone had taken a marker and traced the Controller of the Sun's outline with glittering, fluxing gold. "Bluestreak," the formidable Sun Lord greeted softly, his distant blue optics, the same colour of the sky he and his brother ruled, softening as the Water Mage stopped before him.

"Hi Sunstreaker." The grey mech replied excitedly, the water in the shrine's inner pool vibrating and rippling with the young mech's joy, "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Nor I you." The gold mech said with a chuckle offering to walk through the gardens with a casual flick of his servo. "Tell me, how has my brother been treating you during your lessons?"

"Well, he kicked my aft yesterday when we practiced." The Praxian mech blushed, his faceplate flushing with energon to give the silver faceplate a dark gunmetal grey hue that the immortal smiled softly at. "But that's alright. I like sparring with him. It gives me some experience."

"I would very much like to try my hand at sparring with you as well." The gold mech said casually as they walked by a fountain in the brightly moonlit gardens. Sideswipe was putting on a show tonight it seemed. "Only I am here during the night when all should recharge."

"Perhaps I should recharge during the sunlight joors, and then we can spar during Sideswipe's rising of the moons." Bluestreak said with a wide grin as they passed the Plant Lord's private garden, some crystal flowers' petals tightly closed as some opened with beautiful sighing sounds to greet the moons of Cybertron.

"I doubt the Ice Lord would let you. He recharges this time of night if he isn't in a Seasons Meeting like tonight." Sunstreaker said with a shrug as a flower caught in the glow of the Sun Lord's outline, bloomed open with a high crystal cry. The gold mech stopped and sighed almost kneeling to pick the bloom which came away from the shrub with a small fracture of fragile crystal.

Bluestreak stood bewildered as the golden ruler of the sun turned to him, the bloom pulsing with otherworldly light in his cupped servo as it fed from the glow of the Lord. Curiously, he reached out to touch the flower only to jump with an inaudible squeak as Sunstreaker grabbed his wrist and turned his palm to the moon that hung above them and gently, almost tenderly placed the glittering bloom into the Water Mage's servo before receding, leaving behind a faint sense of warmth as the young mech stood gazing in wonder at the treasure he had been gifted. "It's beautiful." The grey mech sighed blissfully, lost in the deep cerulean colours of the crystal flower that remained open, blessed with the Sun Lord's touch.

Sunstreaker smiled softly to himself as he watched the young grey Water Mage, Yes… you are…