Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers

Please R&R

(Whoever came up with the idea for Transformers that can control elements, I credit you so I don't get in trouble! Though the plot for this story is mine :D Enjoy!

Notes: This is severely AU)

The bulb of a teardrop slowly rose from the pool of a long forgotten shrine covered in moss, only for the drop to rise to embrace a servo extended over the pool, the droplet ran through the trembling grey fingers as the owner of the servo strained to keep his concentration, blue optics tightly shut as the processor tucked safely within the chevroned helm focused on willing the water to form an orb in his upturned palm.

After breems of trying, a small gel like orb floated in a pulsating rhythm over the trembling servo, young, bright optics opening to gaze on his creation with joy only for his expression to drop in horror as the sphere burst. Liquid sloshing between his fingers and drenched his wrist wiring as the water ran back into the still pool.

"Frag it." The youngster cursed, pouting at the rippling waters of the practice pool.

"You are advancing fast, my student." The deep but toneless voice of his mentor, a black and white doorwinged mech that sat on a vine detailed throne covered in a fine layer of frost, the regal looking mech tilting his chevroned helm in amusement as the grey painted Water Mage scowled at the floor petulantly. "It takes many of Cybertron's orbital cycles for a Water Mage to learn what I have just asked of you not twenty breems ago."

"But Ice Lord." The youngster sighed in despair as he knelt before his mentor, "I summoned a storm last Harvest! How could I not be able to perform this simple task to your satisfaction?"

The smile that the black and white mech bestowed on his faceplate was as slow as a glacier, his optics, an icy faraway blue, seared as he rose from his seat, leaving behind the metal sculpture covered in black ice. "This task I have asked," the Ice Lord said holding a servo out to his student that rose at his casual flick of regally held doorwings, an orb of perfect ice forming out of the moisture of the air. "Requires, control of your mind..." The Ice Master's servo clenched into a fist, the orb becoming a jagged ball of prickly ice needles, "And control of your will. Anybody can summon chaos, Bluestreak."

"But Prowl." The youngling protested as they exited the moss covered shrine into the gleaming daylight of a new dawn, the black and white mech waving a servo to dissipate his sphere of ice into a chilly fog that was quickly evaporated in the heat of the rising sun. "I want to learn new things! I don't want to learn how to make spheres of water that change shape!"

"You will learn," nodded the Bringer of Winter sagely, turning on his disciple, a single clawed finger pressing against his students chest plates over where the spark beat rapidly in the grey mechlings chest, "But you must first find what lies in here first, Chaos or Calm."

With that the teacher left his student, the grey mech sporting a flower of frost upon his chest where the Ice Lord touched. The Lord grew out his doorwings, layers of ice encasing them in feather shaped strips before a single beat downwards lifted the mech who controlled winter, Prowl, high into the sky on his glittering clear wings of frozen water that trailed frost like a pixie does magic dust.

The little Water Mage sighed forlornly, watching the sky as the Lords of the Elements hovered and danced through the paradise of their home on wings of every element in the morning rays as the Sun Lord raised the Sun.

Tthe Prime Castle, a mystic white building enforced with magic high on Cybertron's tallest mountain and home to Cybertron's Elemental Lords glistened in the waking day.

"I trust your lesson went well?" asked a cheeky voice from the shadow of a metal pillar that the young Water Mage had sat down against to wallow in his depression.

"Go away Sideswipe." Bluestreak sulked threading his fingers through the high grass that the Lord of Earth, Hound, had cultivated, "I'm not in the mood to talk."

"Aww, is that any way to talk to the Moon Lord?" the riser of Cybertron's moons asked with a grin, making sure to keep to the shadows where he was less likely to irritate his pristine silver plating with the Sun Lord's rays; he preferred the cool sensation of shadow and night, over his brother's blistering hot daylight.

"I don't even know why you brought me here from Praxus!" the young mechling whined as Sideswipe pulled an energon apple from its crystal tree branch and bit into it with a loud crunch that made the Water affinity mech jump in surprise.

"You doused my Twin in water when he surprised you." Reminded the silver plated Lord with a giggle of remembrance when his dear Twin had been thoroughly drenched with the liquid that had appeared from nowhere. "Sunstreaker and I have been on you like a youngling on Energon Goodies ever since!"

"At least the Sun Lord doesn't stalk me from the shadows." The mechling bit out in frustration, jumping up to pace wildly back and forth across the small garden that housed the shrine, his new home as the other Lords had said, in annoyance. "I don't belong here! So I can do a few tricks with water! So what? I bet a lot of other mechs can do it too."

"Wrong." The Moon Lord grinned cheerfully from his shaded retreat, his Twin, the Sun Lord whispering his own amusement through their sibling bond. "Why do you think the Ice Lord is so interested?"

"I don't know." Bluestreak sighed rubbing his blunted chevron, "All I know is, I know I can do more! If only he fragging lets me!"

==Prime's Palace= Quarters of the Ice Lord==

In a room full of hanging ice stalactites and stalagmites, the Ice Lord, Prowl walked in and slouched into his chair, his ice wings flaring to curl about himself, encompassing himself within the great crafted wings on the woven rest, his cocoon of frozen water keeping the Bringer of Winter resting peacefully within his natural climate as he brought out a data-pad from his subspace to do some paperwork the other Lords had been neglecting in his absence from the Palace.

Optics of piercing blue flickered, shuttering rapidly as the great icy wings reflected the rising sun that steadily crawled up the sky through his chamber's grand floor to ceiling window, casting rainbows and shadows around his quarters. The mech within the cocoon hissed distastefully, his wings breaking off and shattering with a flick of a clawed finger.

"Sunstreaker must be in a good mood." A voice of lyrical music sighed as a mech dissipated from the shadow that had been cast from a giant ice crystal that reached from the floor to the ceiling like a massive column supporting the roof from falling in on their helms, "The sun is bright today, my shadows like it."

"Shadow Lord." Prowl acknowledged the wandering god of the shadow with a tilt of his doorwings, rising from the cot shaped groove he leant against, the shards of his wings melting and slithering up his frame in tiny rivers of liquid to form the heavy looking gauntlets at his wrists. "Do you have business here?"

"Is it a crime to come and see my mate?" the shadow Lord smiled, his black and white frame caressed by the sunlight that filtered through the window, his azure visor flashing merrily.

"We mated once." The Ice Lord said almost coldly, "That does not make us legitimate life partners."

"Oh I think it does Prowl." The Shadow Lord retorted cheerfully, snapping the tip from one of the clear stalagmites, discarding the clear blade he cropped and leaning on the remaining structure, much to the Ice Lord's annoyance. "You sired a mechling on me after all."

"Is this why you insist on recharging in my quarters Jazz?" asked Prowl wearily as the Shadow Lord approached, slipping into his lap, the hands that controlled all things dark and shadow caressing mind-numbingly ice cold plating that would freeze any other solid. "So you can tease me with touches?"

"No," Jazz replied rising a servo from the Ice Lord's chest plates to raise his helm, optics locking with a burning visor. "I'd never tease you lover mine."

Lips of freezing shadow met lips of burning ice as the darkness within the sparks of the Cybertronian's below the grand castle of the Prime, flared and manifested with a malevolent cackleā€¦

A/N: For those who don't get it, Bluestreak is basically a Water-Lord-in-training, he just doesn't know it yet.

Prowl: Ice Lord, Jazz: Shadow Lord, Sunstreaker: Sun Lord, Sideswipe: Moon Lord