Disclaimer: Don't own YYH. Sorry I'll try harder next time.

Yusuke was preparing for a war once again. He had been King of Demon World for long enough now that he could practically smell an oncoming conflict. "The Basement worlds" as he called them would occasionally become restless and begin to wreak havoc on his hard-won stable kingdom. Or at least they would try but it was rarely a challenge to crush an insipid rebellion.

He leaned his head back against his chair and closed his eyes giving out a loud sigh. His advisors ignored him as they continued talking.

"I don't see why we need to have a War council for this rebellion." He huffed. "It's not like these guys will be even close to a threat. We just need to smack 'em back down and head home, no reason to make it all complicated."

"It's still nice to be prepared for any surprises they might have in store." Kurama placated.

"Whatever." Yusuke slumped out of the room effectively ending the discussion.

"Well that was productive." Kurama intoned to his table-mates, "But I think we may have a bigger problem than another rebellion. Yusuke doesn't seem to be taking this seriously."

"Yes," Hiei smirked, "the detective is a rather dangerous creature when he's bored."

But Yusuke wasn't bored. Actually the opposite was true; too many things were pressing down threatening to crush him.

They found him next to one of the ponds outside. He sat on the edge half-heartedly tossing rocks into the water. They didn't say anything letting the king take his time.

"My grandkid died last week."

"Which one?" asked hiei boredly

"The last one."

"I'm very sorry for your loss, Yusuke," said Kurama laying a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"What killed him?" hiei continued.

"Old age." Yusuke looked up at the sky.

"When is the funeral?" asked Kurama softly.

"Tomorrow. Probably not gonna go though. Everyone will just wonder who the weird kid is hangin around." Yusuke didn't look a day over 21 but his eyes held ages. He found that he tended to creep out normal humans.

"I think you should. Don't you want to see your great-grandchildren? Besides I think it's a good time for us to visit Yukina."

"humph." Agreed hiei.

Yusuke never took his eyes from the clouds. Unfortunately his problems didn't end with a funeral, he could feel a growing storm on the horizon. An anxiety had lodged between his shoulder blades warning him something was coming; something big, something that would change everything.

Yusuke had come to hate the human world. It was filled with loud noises and strange technology buzzing past in a confusing array of color. It was different every time he came back and he longed for the stable demon world landscape. A place where things changed slower and any problem could be solved with your fists.

His family also changed rapidly. The youngest child of his youngest child, a baby he had held in the palm of his hand had grown old, withered and died. At least he was with his family at the end. Yusuke knew that when his time did come his descendants would have long forgotten him.

The grievers poured in and out of the house some weeping, some telling stories of the past, all reverent. Geez, couldn't get any less like my wake. As Yusuke made his way through the line some of the family members looked at him quizzically. He looked so familiar but they couldn't quite place him. He met their looks with an insolent glare. Damn kids no respect for their elders. Never mind that he didn't look it. What they didn't realize was that they took after him not the other way around.

Again, as he always did he thought of Keiko. She had died at a hospital surrounded by her family. God he missed her. He had held her hand as she slipped away, she an old woman and he was the same as he was now. Always the same.

"It's always hard, isn't it?" came yukina's gentle lilt.

"You have it worse. You actually get to know yours while they're alive."

She smiled and said, "I enjoy it. They all have so much of Kazuma in them."

Yusuke grunted in affirmation. He knew that her descendants were rambunctious and loud but treated her like a queen. It also didn't hurt that a few of the quiet ones also turned out to be Ice Maidens and prone to the same long lives. They kept her company out at Genkai's temple where she lived contentedly.

Yusuke's offspring were all uniformly human. But he was actually glad for that, all Yusuke's early life had been filled with the strife of a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. He had always been a demon trying to fit in with humans he just never knew it.

But his kids were lucky and took after Keiko. Their lives were short, but happy and fulfilled. Besides from the fact that the majority of them became champion martial artists, Keikos self-control mixed with his powerful punch. Obviously.

Maybe one day one of his descendants would activate the Demon atavism and become his heir but he kind of figured it would take a few centuries. For now he was alone.

God he missed Keiko. And not for the first time he thought of going to live with her in Spirit World.

What he didn't know was that at that moment, back in demon world, a baby was being born.

A/N: So over the last few weeks I decided it was a good time to rewatch the entire YYH series beginning to end. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. At one point I blacked out and when I came to this story was chillin' on my computer. Read and review cuz reviews are like sweet sweet writing nectar.