So, this is my first fanfic,this idea just came into my head, and I just wrote it out. Hope you guys like the story an review if you like.

My name is JC Banner and I approve this Author's Note

Oh and By the way

No way is glee mine. So if you see anything that resembles glee in any way, it belongs to Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuck and Ian Brennan.

Also any other references you may see throughout this fic belongs to their rightful owners.

Now that that's done, on with the show!


Kurt thought he got rid of this place nine years ago when he graduated, but here he was, opening the main doors of McKinley High School. Fate played with people sometimes, and Kurt was just one of the people fate played with. His Broadway dreams didn't come true, much to his disappointment, because honestly, not everyone can make it to the big time. It was after being rejected by NYADA during his senior year that he realized this, and that becoming a celebrity wasn't really a practical career choice. So that was that, instead of New York, he settled for something a little less extravagant. College wasn't the excruciating experience that he'd expected. He decided that since he couldn't be on a grandeur stage, he could inspire children in the arts. Sure having a dream that comprised of performing wouldn't be practical, but the arts would be a good 'hobby' for the kids of the future.

People were much more accepting of his sexuality, sure there were a couple of teasing and glares, but he'd gotten used to that, especially after Karofsky. But an event during his senior year surprised him even more. The bully had come out of the closet that year, and the school changed dramatically for the better. They'd started dating and all was going fine. Glee club got third place in nationals that year, as close as they were going to get, but he was proud. Who wouldn't be? It was after that win that Glee Club rose out of the gutter and into the topsoil. Still low on the food chain, but not as much. At least people were drinking the slushies now.

"Isn't this where you went for high school?" The boy behind Kurt said.

"Yeah, not many good memories, but it still feels like home."

They walked through the hallway of McKinley, looking for a group of people they were supposed to join. When they turned the corner, where the principal's office was supposed to be located, they found the group of parents and prospective students sitting on chairs waiting for the guide to arrive.

"Are you sure you want to be here Kurt? I could just ask dad on the next open house." The boy asked as they sat on two empty arm-chairs that sat in the hallway.

"No, Calvin, it's okay, besides, we shouldn't give dad anymore to worry about." Kurt looked around and felt somewhat nostalgic. It was in this office that Sue suggested he transfer to Dalton Academy during his Junior year, but since his father's heart attack, most of the money went to his medications, so a private school wasn't really in the budget. Puck once suggested he spy on the school, but he opted not to; God help him not to be like Rachel, especially after that whole thing with Jesse St. James. He was happy though, at least by not transferring, David came out of the closet, he gained a wonderful boyfriend and somewhat made the school better. Sure David's coming out made the hockey team rise up ahead of the football players, but Kurt gained a knight in shining armor.

"What about Finn? He could, or Rachel, or mom?"

"Calvin, we're already here, and it would be counterproductive if we leave just to drag another member of the family back here. Besides, I'll be getting a job near here soon, and with you going here, I have a feeling I'll be around. Might as well get the nostalgic feeling out of the way, and get used to the environment again." He rubbed the boy's hair tussling it a bit, as if by reflex, Calvin immediately fixed his hair, pulling the bangs down and waving his head to the side.

"Kurt! My hair! Seriously, I thought you of all people would stop doing that!" Kurt smiled at Calvin. The boy had picked up some of his traits, the hair, the fashion sense, granted the boy wasn't as bold as he was, but there was something to be said about this boy. Other than that, everything else came from Finn. Calvin loved sports and was a slob in his room, granted most teenage boys were like that. He smiled at the boy when a a familiar voice sounded over the group.

"Welcome eighth graders and guardians to William McKinley High School!" Mr. Schuester hasn't changed much over the course of nine years, except for the graying hair, but all in all he looked the same. "I am the principal of this school William Schuester and might I say that we would be honored if you choose McKinley as the next phase of your child's life."

Everyone stood up and was given a folder. A red folder for the parents and a white folder for the students. Soon enough the group was separated into two, parents were guided by Mr. Schue, while the students were guided by a group of seniors. Kurt marveled at how the school changed. Before, there weren't much respect to the arts, especially since Sue's campaign, but with her loss and Mr. Schue being the new principal, Drama, Music, Art and Literature classes were being paid with equal attention along with the Science subjects and the Sports teams. Seriously, McKinley had changed for the better, maybe teaching back in Ohio wouldn't be so bad after all.

"So Cal, how'd you like McKinley?" The open house ended just a couple of minutes ago. Calvin and Kurt now headed to their car.

"It's so cool! I dunno what you and Finn were going on about! This school is the best!" Calvin jumped by the passenger door of Kurt's car, Kurt smiled at his brother's enthusiasm.

The car doors opened and they both hopped inside. "Yeah, it's changed a lot I agree, but don't let our experience from years ago put you off, it's still a nice school."

Kurt dropped Calvin off in his old house. The boy fondly entered the front door with Kurt following closely behind. "Hey honey!" Carole chimed from the kitchen.

"Hi mom!" Calvin exclaimed before flopping on the couch and turning on the television.

"Hi Kurt! Will you be staying for dinner?"

"Aw! Ma, you know I'd love to! Need any help?" Kurt went over to the kitchen to see what his step mother would be cooking. It smelled heavenly, so a little sneak peak wouldn't be too bad. This was one change he wasn't welcome to. He was becoming like Finn when it came to food. He tried to urge himself away, but everyday, he found it harder and harder to resist.

"Kurt! You're here!" Burt came through the open doorway smelling like he'd just been in the hot sun for days, which he probably was. The man charged through the living room to hug his son, but was promptly stopped halfway.

"Dad, you know how I feel about my clothes right?"

"I don't care I'm still hugging my son! Come here!" And with that, Burt charged and gave Kurt a bear hug, much to his son's dismay.

"Dad! Ew! you smell like grease!"

"Son, I thought you'd be used to that by now?"

"I am, just not in these clothes please?"

Burt laughed at his son's comment, sure his son was older now, and his style has gotten less bold, but he still cared for them like he would his own children. "Yah sure, I better go shower. Dinner smells fantastic by the way!" Burt called over to Carole who simply smiled at the compliment.

"So how's the job hunt going?" Burt said after slurping a long strand of spaghetti.

"It's fine I guess, I have a couple of interviews next week and the week after that."

"Oh! That's nice honey!" Carole exclaimed. "Which schools?"

Kurt didn't want to deny it, but he missed it when Calvin was a little bit younger. He loved kids, he really did, and nothing would reward him more than to inspire the little kids of tomorrow. There were a couple of elementary schools that he'd arranged interviews for, but the one he wanted was the one he went to as a child. "Kingston Elementary, Turner Elementary and Staton Elementary."

"Staton, didn't I go there?" Calvin asked, his mouth filled with pasta, definitely like Finn.

"Honey, full mouth?" Carole said, giving the boy a small glare.

"Yup, and so did Finn and so did I. You weren't the only kid in this house you know?"

After leaving the Hudmel house and retreating to his apartment, he promptly sat down on his vanity. After all these years, his nightly and morning routines still hasn't changed, sure there were moments that he skipped, but he figured a couple of days missed won't really affect his skin much.

So he sat there, thinking of how the year had been for him. He stuck with tutoring for a while, but he figured that he was ready for teaching. Especially because the pay was higher.

The interview went better than expected, and soon he got a call from the administration that he'd gotten the job. He was set to start being a teacher's assistant during the last few months of the current school year, and once the next school year started, he'd be set to teach his own class.

The children were wild and intolerable at some times, but he expected that, the children being six year olds and all. There were no issues mainly because the teacher already knew how to handle the little devils when they were in their moods. Kurt watched the teacher closely everyday, noticing her teaching methods and her disciplinary methods as well when the children got out of hand.

Months passed by, and he was set to teach a second grade class, and he was happy. Sure it might be torture at some points, but he wouldn't want it any other way.

So here he was, sitting on his desk, ready to start his first day in school.