Here is the end of Story #2. Story #3 Security of Heart will be edited in the same way and changed so it actually gets the respect it deserves.

Chapter 6: Go to him

Mainframe returned to normal status and the nighttime cycle was beginning.

Stara was looking at Paige's wound that she was trying to heal with some healing particles on her table. She had to install the particles with a dropper on her neck in slow pieces.

Paige hissed as it burned.

"I can't believe that is what the doctor said that you had to do to heal your wound," Stara said. "It looks painful and not to mention that it is going to take a while."

"Anything to hide this scratch," she replied. "Are you going to Justice?"

"Yeah," Stara replied. "You really should come. Have some fun."

"Start a fight with the Shadow Riders?" Paige filled in her sentence. "Stara, you have to make sure that you guys don't start a fight with those Riders. They've been hounding us for a long time. Just go out and fun, come back in one piece."


The four of them jetted out into the setting sky and headed into the Web to get the system where they were going.

Paige finished repairing her scar and stared at herself in the mirror. She looked miserable, but she knew that she and Dixon looked the same except that she grew out her hair.

She stared at her eyes and could see a sparkle in them. "Go to him," Dixon's voice said in her mind.

Paige smiled and got up from her vanity.

Bob's apartment was dark and he was working on his car. He wanted to get some work done on it in order to relax so he could log off.

He walked over to take a sip of his energy drink and wipe off his face with a cloth when the doorbell rang.

Bob headed over to the door and opened it. There stood Paige and she looked like she was doing better.

"Hey stranger," she said and revealed a bottle of energy chardonnay in her hand. "Want some company?"

"Sure," he answered. "Come on in."

"I didn't know if you still liked this or not and I had a bottle lying around so I figured what the web," Paige answered and set it down with her glasses.

"Are you kidding? That was the first thing I ever had to drink in my life."

"And remember you got sick and we had to fly you back to the dorm tower before dawn so that you would be ready for class for the next day."

Bob gave her a glass of it and sat on the couch next to her. "I'll never forget when Cardin was waiting up for me when I got back," he replied. "He knew that I had been out again and he was shocked at how basic I was acting."

Paige chuckled and then swallowed the neon colored liquid. "Always good," she said. "Looks like you have grown if you can drink this and still be standing."

He poured her another glass. "So, you said that we had a conversation to finish?" he said to her.

"We were talking, about us," she said. "Something that we had, once before, that we once cherished."

The back of Bob's hand featherlike, touched her cheek, and she looked to him. "I know that it has been a long time since we dated," he said to her.

"A very long time," she stopped him from talking.

"But those feelings never changed," he told her.

"You mean it?"

He moved across the couch and kissed Paige on the lips. "Does that answer your question?"

She looked at him and took his glass out of his hand, setting it on the table. "Now answer mine," she asked of him.

"OK," he said.

Paige nearly flung herself at him, but Bob fell back on the couch as she was kissing him. He didn't push her away, but only surrendered to his former girlfriend.

They parted and stared at each other. "Just the answer I wanted back," she said.

"Really?" Bob answered.

"Really," she replied with a smile and kissed him again.

They wrapped their arms around each other, never wanting to part from this moment.

They made their way into his room and continued in their relation, knowing it was wrong and all levels, but they didn't care.

They were still in love with each other.

Move on to the next text and see if you like the changes I have made.