Soooo. Brain child of mine that I've been working on for a while, ever since the idea popped up when I wrote a corresponding drabble for the LJ community "ygodrabble".

Obviously this is AU, and there will be eventual Polarshipping. All sorts of characters are going to pop up in this little fic, but please don't make requests as to who you want to see. I already have decided on the cast and their roles—barring unforeseen circumstances, that list won't change. Oh, and almost all characters will have their dub names.

Thank you for reading!

Mai had not entirely resented the request from the neighboring kingdom when it had arrived. It was her chance to get out of her small kingdom, she was bored, and she could even potentially end up marrying the prince. After countless failed attempts from previous suitors, though, Mai was not exactly holding her breath.

Her parents had encouraged her to go, practically begging her to take the invitation. The high chance of marriage, with the chance of unifying with a prosperous and large kingdom, was the reason behind their eagerness. Mai also knew it was because they didn't really like her. That wasn't to say they didn't love her, but they certainly didn't enjoy her company. Mai was bolder than her passive parents, and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind.

Most people did not appreciate Mai's confidence. Whoever had decided women were to be seen and not heard in the courtrooms was a moron.

When Mai had arrived at the kingdom, it had not taken her very long to realize Prince Jean Claude was a fool. The man was good looking, yes, but he had all the intelligence of a goldfish. He was too full of himself, shallow, and vapid for her liking. Mai decided to at least make the best of her "vacation." Even if this visit did not result in a marriage, she could at least exercise what she knew of diplomacy. It could do wonders for opening trade routes. The kingdom of Hermos was one of the larger hubs for trading ports and merchants, and her small kingdom could stand to expand.

And if all of this did end up in a marriage? Well, at least she wouldn't have to suffer through yet another round of suitors, and she'd end up with a comfortable life with all needs taken care of.

Now that she was looking back on it all, she realized that none of that mattered. Suitors, marriages, empty smiles and subtly burning frustrations...not one bit of it mattered.

Being carried off by a dragon in the middle of the night tended to put things in perspective.