DISCLAIMER: Do not own, now or ever, anything to do with Hawaii 5-0 or the characters. *sniffle*
A/N: As always a big shout out to all readers/reviewers/alerters! This is the last chapter I'm afraid. Funny I struggled with this one more than any other. Perhaps its because the number is 13! I want to thank you all for your support throughout this story and I hope to see you for my next one which I hope to start to post in the next week.
- 5-0 -
Steve pulled up outside his house and was greeted by Chin and Kono coming out his front door. He smiled and went round to his assist Danny out of the truck.
The other two team members greeted Danny with relief and smiles before helping him into the house.
"Shower," Danny stated succinctly.
"Is that a good idea brah?" asked Kono.
"Sand in places sand has no right to be!" replied Danny before slowly making his way upstairs followed by a chuckling Steve.
The cousins turned to one another and grinned. They headed to the kitchen to get some food together for a late lunch.
"What you gonna come in the shower with me?" Danny grouched as he realised Steve was following him upstairs.
"You can shower in my bathroom and I'll sit on the bed and wait in case you need anything. Just remember the doctor said not too hot."
Danny sighed and rolled his eyes at his partner, "You wanna set the temperature for me?"
"Sure," to Danny's amazement Steve brushed passed and entered the bathroom to turn on the shower.
"Unbelievable! I am perfectly capable of choosing the perfect temperature for my own shower!"
"I just wanna help Danny," Steve said as he stepped back out of the bathroom with his best puppy dog eyes in place.
"Fine," huffed Danny. He was too desperate for a shower to argue for long.
It was a much happier Danny that stepped out of the bathroom ten minutes later. Steve got up and handed him a tube of cream.
"What's this?"
"Kono brought it up while you were in the shower. She said it will help with that nasty case of sunburn."
Danny gratefully took the cream. Even if the doctor hadn't ordered a cool shower that's what he'd have been having anyway since his skin was now a lovely shade of lobster. Hot water would have made it hurt more. He went to his room and spread the cooling cream over his skin then pulled on a pair of light sweatpants and t-shirt.
The two men then headed to the kitchen to see what food the cousins had prepared. It didn't cross either of their minds to find it odd that they knew that was what their friends would be doing.
The team settled at the table to eat the sandwiches provided and Danny filled Chin and Kono in on what Doctor Jenkins had said about his return to work.
"You're alright with being out of the field for two weeks?" Kono asked warily.
"Yeah. I need to get my strength back and I need to follow doctor's orders to do that. I'm no good to any of you in the field if I can't keep up. One of you could get hurt and I won't be responsible for that."
Steve got up and retrieved Danny's pills from where Chin had put them on the kitchen counter. He handed the bottle to Danny who looked at him curiously as he opened them and took two. "Saw you rubbing your chest. You do it unconsciously when it's hurting," he shrugged.
"Thanks." Danny hadn't realised just how well Steve could read him until that moment. Perhaps it had taken the events of the last week to actually allow the team to lower the last of their barriers. Enable the final building blocks of trust to be placed and cemented.
Kono pulled Danny to his feet and dragged him into the living room, closely followed by Chin and Steve. She pushed him down on to the couch, "Rest!"
"Yes ma'am," Danny grinned at her cheekily before drawing his feet up and allowing her to drape a light blanket over him, "Thanks for the cream."
"You're welcome."
"Look, Chin, Kono I've already apologised to Steve and I think it's only fair I apologise to both of you as well. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about the pain before, like I told Steve, I just didn't think it was anything other than badly bruised."
"It's OK, just don't do it again!" Kono told him firmly.
"Yeah brah, next time let us know," Chin agreed.
"Well hopefully there won't be a next time, but if there is, I won't hide pain from you."
The three other team members were satisfied with that. Had they spoken about it directly after the incident then there would probably have been some yelling, purely generated by fear, as it was there was no need for yelling, Danny had made an understandable, albeit grave, error in judgement.
The whole team had learnt a lot about each other and themselves over the past week and it wasn't anything any of them were likely to forget in a hurry.
Danny was made comfortable stretched out on the couch with Kono sitting by his feet, Chin and Steve taking the recliners. The TV was switched on and after much heated discussion a movie was chosen.
About halfway through the film Danny smiled as he drifted off to sleep. He was on the road to recovery and would be back to work in no time. Better than that he was surrounded by his ohana and any doubt that they didn't care about his wellbeing had been well and truly quashed. He felt truly blessed at that moment.