First of all , I'm sorry for those who got this multiple times or that I might even have send this as a PM to.

I will be moving from Fanfiction net to FictionPad org .

My Accountname is YueShirosaki

From tomorrow onward I'll move every story over, one after the other, since the site transfer option doesn't actually work for some reason.
I'll be going chronologically from New to old, but will keep the order of series the way they should be.

So I'll start with my try of autobiography

Then Angeli Sanguis in order 1-3 + sequels


By the time of the weekend, I try to be finished with AS so that those who come over can enjoy the weekly chapter.

In addition to this the stories that are already here will stay until the day of my 30th birthday.
That will be June 1St 2021.
After this Day everything will be gone, my account included.

If the admins don't wipe it off the site beforehand that is.
The next purge for MA-rated writers will definately come.

Well until then
See ya at fictionpad

Shiro Yue