Life or Gohan

By Silvertress

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z.

Author's Note: Apologies for my constant lateness… (^_^;) But here it is. Warning there is a little bit of fluff going on but hopefully it's entertaining. As always read, review and above all enjoy.

Additional: This is when Gohan just is getting back to Earth. It is about half a year to a year before Mirai Trunks arrives.

On with the show:


            The air hung dry, the sun enhancing the immense desert heat, it's light pounding through a cloudless blue sky.

    "Mom, what are we waiting here for?" Goten, sweating, impatient, and importantly above all bored asked his mother tugging at her pant leg. There is only so much a seven year old can take.

    "OOO sweetie we've been over this." She said looking down at him with a smile so big he was scared somehow her face would break. How could cheekbones go that high? "You're brother is coming home." Her smile became even bigger defying most basic laws of physics.

   "Gohan?" He questioned. Gohan was a character in old stories his parents told him before he went to sleep. Or a ghost from the pictures that decorated the living room; he had taken one of them as if in a way to communicate with the protagonist of his bedtime stories.

            There was a boy with sapphire eyes that smiled each time he looked at it and platinum hair that stood on end the way on a Saiya-jin's can. At least they had some sort of connection he could become "the monster" as his mom called it too. He didn't do it around her, every time he did she would always start crying and whisper to herself. Daddy said it was ok to do in fighting but not around mommy because it brought up too many memories of Gohan. He didn't understand why that was a bad thing. He wanted to remember his older brother.

            In the picture Gohan was holding a small bundle in his arms, his Mom said it was him sleeping. He wasn't sure because all you saw was a white blanket and black spikes jetting out of the top. He wished that he could go in the picture and wake himself up. Somehow he felt it would make things better if in the picture he could see both their faces. Maybe it would prove that he had actual contact with his brother.

            They say pictures are worth a thousand words. Stories are usually longer then a thousand words. Even if over a thousand words seems like a large amount, think the amount of description, which is needed to bring a scene of life to reality. You need to know the setting, what the characters are like and feeling, how it all plays out. It's a complex arrangement of the right words and let's not even get started on correct grammar.

            Goten loved stories, he was even starting to tell his own. But he liked reality much more. To live something was a whole different experience then hearing about it. Sometimes things were left out be it a breath or perhaps the smell of sea water on the wind. The small demi-Saiya-jin didn't like missing details no matter how small they were. His Dad said it would make him a great fighter one day. You have to be able to observe what your opponent is doing and moving and that can help predict his next move.

    "Hey Goten, stop staring off into nothing. You're not your Father." The mocking voice of Trunks accompanied the hard pressure of a quick impact to the back.

    "Hey Trunks I was thinking." Goten whirled around glaring at his partner in crime. Trunks always thought that he was the boss since he was a year older and the crown prince of all Saiya-jins. Trunks was stubborn like Mr.Vegeta so he didn't fight it, anyway things were always a lot of fun when Trunks was around.

   "Wow, that's a miracle." Trunks replied. "Come on I have an idea."  Quickly Trunks opened his hand and flashed the center ingredient of a joke they had been working on. Sharing similar devilish smirks they snuck off from the adults. It's their fault if they get tricked now, they should know by now they should have a closer eye on the pair.


     "At this rate it'll be dark by the time he gets back." Chichi sighed. "Are you sure that he's coming?"

    "That's what the last report said." Lime replied. "You don't know the amount of paperwork it took to let him come back."

     "Scanners still show that his ship is coming. He's in our Solar System now." Bulma added looking to a small grayish screen.

    "If the boy was arriving so late then why the hell did we have to come and stand in this damn desert all day." Vegeta snarled who was crankier then usual from spending a day under the blazing sun in a hot desert.

     "We needed to make sure there was no trouble." Lime said. "We still don't know for certain if the plan worked," the last sentence softer.

            Heat has a way of drawing out more then sweat, anxiety, worry, impatience seem to appear too. At least the sun was setting almost taking the heat with it. The cold air of night was starting to appear with the purple of the dusk.


      "Now entering the Milky Way." Bardock said mechanically while attending to his consul.    

            Gohan grabbed the arms of his chair tensely, not even noticing almost breaking the arm with his iron grasp. His eyes were intensely glaring out the front viewing hatch at the space ahead.

     "One would think you would be glad to be going home. I mean isn't this what you've been working for. But you're tenser then when you go into battle." The Pureblood asked.

    "I want to go home, but will they let me? Have I changed too much to go back? Even now I think everything has been a dream and I'm still chained to a desk looking out the window waiting to go outside."

     "You must be joking me. You've gone through battles, hunger, and the rituals and still believe you'll be treated as a child or exiled? Then you're not as smart as I thought you to be. Is this sort of dreading a human thing? You really should have more confidence in yourself and those around you. I thought you would've learned that by now."

    "I guess you're right" Gohan sighed slouching into the chair and easing his grip.

   "Sometimes your too human for your own good." Bardock whispered under his breath.


            Lime watched silently as the late dusk sky was slowly taking away the scorching sun. Wiping sweat from her brow she sighed heavily. Everyone was restless even with the arrival of the cooler night. Separating herself trying to get a calm breath of air, she still felt on the edge leaning against the shadow of the one of the boulders. It felt good to get weight out of her tender swollen feet, from standing all day.

            Closing her eyes she tried to calm her mind. It had been a busy last couple of years. Trying to stay in front of a Wizard was more difficult then expected. He had recruited more and acquired more power then what they originally expected. The Wizard himself was not much of a leader but having some powerful leaders addicted to his "magical power ups" helped him keep his soldiers. That was without the monster. When the fight came she wondered if they would be ready. But now she should have her mind on Gohan's safety.

            She had waited as long as she could. Vegeta and Goku were there if things were to go shoddier then planned. The girl had to go back to Other World to help Kibito with the trick. He didn't have the energy to maintain the disguised ki for long.

            The particulars of the idea that let the Hybrid return were rather simple. From Other World where spirit energy is stronger then in reality. Kibito started to transmit of ki signature that resembled that of Gohan's in something similar to a trance. It is easy for the body to have it's own ki or life energy it's a natural process. But to take and created or even replicate a ki took a lot of energy and detail. Chi is very specific to the person that it belongs to. The actual undertaking of it is near to impossible.

            They couldn't enact this plan years ago because this technique took a very long time to develop. Also Gohan had just been a boy, the ki fluxed sparadically according to the will of his pubescence. That would have been impossible to replicate. The Wizard was tracking the boy by his ki signature, a spell fused with technology that surpassed that of the scouter used in the Ice-jin Empire. The Wizard had the forces and ability to try and make an empire. But he didn't, he just continued to strengthen his forces.

            Shin said it was his magical upbringing. The belief and magical training stressed the importance of destiny, a noble idea but when in the mind of a psychotic megalomaniac not one of the best tools. He believed it was his destiny to take what he thought was his by force and his spells. But to get his ultimate prize, The Universe, he must use a creature his Father created. Some kind of ultimate fate a prophet told his family. His Father was defeated so it was the son who had to save the dropped torch. So far he had picked it up… Now their goal was to keep him from lighting it. Too bad it wasn't easy as taking away his matches or drenching the torch. Not many things are that simple, unfortunately.

             This plan definitely was not like stealing matches, as Kibito transmitted the powerful false signal, Gohan let the Kami ki that was left in him from Piccolo spread throughout his system, using his own ki to amplify the signal and conceal it. (The ki Piccolo put in him using a scratch to track him when he went to the future) This technique was dangerous and couldn't be done for a long period of time. The demi had finally gotten close enough to Earth to maintain the ki in his system for the amount of time needed.

            It was her turn now to help sustain the power to under go all this. The torch analogy really didn't fit this situation. Did it? It must be the underlying pyromaniac in her surfacing.

            No matter what, duty calls. There was one common link with the Supreme Kai's side and the Wizard. They all had a great sense of duty; unfortunately it was two different sides of a coin. Stepping out from the increasing shadows she cleared her throat to get the other's attention.

   "It won't be long now, but sorry I got to go." Seeing Chichi stiffen more, "No, don't worry nothing went wrong." She said reassuringly. With a wave and smile, and quick good byes, she closed her eyes and just seemed to fade away.


            The sky was a pitch black now while the stars started to lighten the moonless sky. The stark hotness of the day was replaced by austere cold. The ground started to rumble, as a big fiery bean shot across the sky. Squinting one through the light one could see a white round shape. The air was roaring and the wind picked up, as the image got closer. Rapidly as it appeared it went over the welcoming committee's head. With one resounding roar of impact and an up spurt of sand a few miles away it was over.


            "I'm glad that we weren't waiting there." Krillen said rubbing his ears.

    "Wow it's the master of the obvious." Bulma answered sarcastically. "But that sure was some landing."

    "You were saying," Krillen interrupted. "Hey where is everybody going?" He asked see the others entering the air.

    "Did you see what just happened? Or is your short-term memory broken? He's here! My baby is here!" Chichi had tears in her eyes and Goku could feel her shaking in his arms.

    "Mom why are you crying?" Goten asked hovering next to her. "I mean if he's here why are you sad?"

   "Not all tears are sad, Goten." Goku said gently.

   "Will you stop this mushy bull shit!" Vegeta yelled. "The brat isn't even off the space ship yet and you're discussing your feelings."

   "Vegeta will you shut up for once in your life. You ruined once again another Kodak moment." Bulma said hitting his shoulder while he held her.

    "Do you want me to drop you woman?" He yelled down to him.

   "Oh right, then it would be your job to take care of Trunks. You'd also get lonely." She glared.

   "Mom, Dad everyone is leaving," Trunks pointed out quietly. "They said they were tired of waiting so they left."


            There in the middle of its landing crater sat the capsule that had taken her son to places she couldn't imagine. She didn't notice it but Goku noticed that he was supporting most of her weight now. She was too excited, anxious maybe, she didn't know what emotion but her legs just wouldn't support her. He was holding her tighter.

            Not everyone can understand the emptiness, which is present when someone so important in your life isn't present. At times she wondered if she was always destined to know what it felt like. First Goku then Gohan but now they would both be back. They could be together in what she wanted. A family.

            The lights from the ship went off and all went black again as two figures came out of the ship and slowly rising to the desert sand. Chichi's heart felt, as it would break through her chest. The strong beats were rapid with her anxiety as adrenaline coursed through her body.

Her baby was actually coming home!

            She didn't know if she should concede to tears, strangle the boy when she saw him, or laugh hysterically. Her indecision left her shaking in Goku's arms as she dug her manicured nails deeply into his forearm. He didn't shrink from her grasp but just stayed stone still. She looked up to him and saw his eyes were on the two dark figures approaching a smile on his face. He could see him… Gohan… He was smiling… That meant only one thing. Gohan was back and whole!

            It was as if everyone was frozen, except the pair of darker figures coming ever closer. There wasn't even the of sound of breath, it was an inhale of anticipation, literally.


            Bardock was flying in front of him, while Gohan was in a state of semi shock; he could hear his heart beat in his ears. The dry air of the desert seemed so familiar to him; he'd seen battles for the Earth take place in spots just like this or trained with the Earth's Special Forces. The familiar landscape of the brown sand was a dark blue by the night sky and the mountains that jutted up were black shadows. It brought to surface so many memories. HE WAS HOME

            The demi could see the dark figures waiting for him silently. Were their eyes on him? He remembered waiting for his Father like that.  Would they really do that for him? The trembling butterflies in his stomach were calmed as he sensed the warm anticipation in the kis he was so longing to meet. (Corny much?)

HE WAS HOME…(one track mind too ^-~)


            A figure landed and Chichi ran as fast as she could, grasping him as hard as she could.

    "Gohan you're back I can't believe it…" She was on the verge of tears.

    "Um Chichi…" Goku spoke up quietly; she turned around glaring at him as he rubbed the back of his neck.

    "How dare you ruin my reunion with my son," She snarled.

    "Mom? He's your son?" A deep voice questioned coming from a few feet away. The source of the voice was a 17 year old Gohan hovering in the air. His long hair futilely pulled back by a band of leather, gold locks still spiked. "I don't think his name is Gohan…" He smiled. Chichi looked the same her hair pulled back in a full bun and her usual silk outfit. The demi looking around was glad to see the Z senshi remained mostly the same. He was just different… Would they be ok with that?

    "Gohan?" He lowered to the ground.

    "Long time no see…" She was frozen, her arms still around the stranger.


    "It's me." He answered giving the goofy smile he inherited from his Father.

    "Gohan?" Talk about being speechless.

    "Excuse me lass but care to loosen your grasp. It's very tight." Bardock said breathlessly his Saiya-jin accent making the syllables sharp.

            Chichi looked up and her eyes widened. "Goku?" She question seeing the carbon copy of her husband subtracting a scar and his tanner skin.

    "I'm over here Chichi," Goku said waving behind her keeping eye contact with the copy. She backed up letting go of the man a look of relief coming over his features.

    "First, I guess I should introduce him… So we don't mistake him for Krillen or someone else next. This is Bardock."

     " Bar…Bardock? You mean that guy is Goku's Dad… But how?" Krillen asked slowly.

     "Wait you guys stories can be saved till later… Gohan is back and we haven't even welcomed him back. Manners people." Bulma spoke up. Ignoring a snarling Vegeta, who was glaring daggers at the Father of his greatest competition.

     "Gohan!" Chichi cried once more as she ran to her son. Finally taking the right Son into an embrace.

    "It's great to see you again, Mom." He said breathlessly. Her arms were so tightly around him that it was cutting off his air supply.

    "Look at you my baby all grown up," somehow she managed to squeeze even tighter.

    "It's great to see you again, man, you've grown huge you're taller then me now," Yamcha spoke up.

    "It's great to see you but I can't say anything about you being taller then me. You were taller then me when you hit about 9." Krillen added.

     "Welcome back," Bulma smiled.

            Goku was still in an eye lock with Bardock two identical expressions of concentration on each other, as their Prince had a death glare on the older of the two, his hands even seemed ready to do a final flash attack. Goten and Trunks were nowhere to be seen.


     "What took you so long?" Goten asked.

     "My parents wouldn't go with the others to meet your brother."

     "Can you feel that he's really strong? His ki is almost familiar." The younger demi said sensing the warm ki.

     "Who is the other guy though? Whoever he is, he's related to you." Trunks spoke, feeling what can only be described as family vibration. Each ki has a similar wavelength if the two are related to each other. Everything about ki shows something, the amount shows the power, the temperature helps convey mood, while the vibration of it shows something of a celestial family tree.

   "If they're all gone do you want to go on with the prank?"

    "What?" Goten asked surprised at the question. Usually Trunks didn't have that amount of concern in his voice.

     "I was thinking since the prank took longer then we thought and your brother is here…You wouldn't want to make the kind of impression. We can wait till tomorrow to play tricks on him." Trunks said quickly.

     "You might be right," The small Saiya-jin mused chewing on his fist slightly.

    "Why don't we just go meet your brother, we can reuse the bubblegum and fireworks." Trunks said unexpectedly, he usually never stopped a prank. Only at the threat of death by ki blast and sometimes he went along with it anyway.

   "Are you sure?"

   "You want to meet your brother, don't you?"

   "I…" Goten trailed off, not knowing what he wanted. The prank had been a blessing in disguise. The planning helped keep his mind off that he was meeting the boy in the picture. His brother. Would he remember him? Was he as nice as his family said? Would he still get the same amount of attention now that he was back? There was so much uncertainty that came with his return.


   "I don't know if I want to… I've never had a brother before." Goten said quietly.

   "What am I?" Trunks questioned lifting a brow.

   "A demi-Saiya-jin?" Goten asked.

   "Yes, but that's not the answer I'm looking for." Trunks shook his head.

   "A pork chop?"

   "What?" He exclaimed in surprise.

   "Sorry, I'm hungry." Goten apologized rubbing his empty stomach.

   "What I'm looking for is… I've always thought we were something like brothers with…" Trunks said slowly. He wasn't one to express such deep feelings like this. He was Vegeta's son.

     "Really?" Goten asked brightly, he nodded and that made Goten beam. "Thanks Trunks." The younger nervous demi whispered.

     "Let's go see your brother."  Trunks advised getting off the ground. It was Goten's turn to nod.


            The brat had gone to protect the Earth. Leaving the planet in Vegeta's care for about 2 years. The Prince actually respected the boy for his power and behavior in battle. He even could've been one of the elite if the Saiya-jin Empire was still around. He was glad the boy came back in a few ways.

            But the man with him… Bardock… He had killed his Father and he was responsible for his own personal hell- His childhood with Freiza. His blood was boiling; the prince would've blasted him into oblivion if the two Sons weren't there. He hated to admit it but he couldn't take the pair on at once. With Saiya-jin instinct of family they would defend Bardock with all they had. He would just have to wait until later to deal with… him…


            Chichi finally released a very blue-faced Gohan. Goten and Trunks had just landed a few feet away and were now running to the middle of the group. Goten in front of Trunks stopped at the sight of him, causing Trunks to run into him with a grunt. He was huge, about as tall as his Dad. Wearing something that reminded him of a… of a bathrobe. He used to have one with little yellow rubber duckies for after baths but he and Trunks blasted it after they decided little yellow rubber duckies were evil. 

            He wore a dark black robe trimmed with blue over a white shirt and dark gi pants. His face was similar to his dad's, but there were parts of mom. The face was bigger and more slender then the one that smiled up at him from the picture. The hybrid wanted to reach out his hand to see if he was real. But he couldn't move.

    "Hi there," Gohan beamed, the same smile his Dad did. Not the goofy smile he did when he broke stuff because, he couldn't suppress his power, or he did something else wrong. It was the smile he used when he was really happy. Like when he saw him(Goten) go Super Saiya-jin for the first time…. Happy.

   "Hi," he managed to squeak out.

   "I'm Gohan," he said gently holding out a big calloused hand.

    "I..I'm Goten," he replied reaching a shaking hand to the one offered.

    "I remember you… But I'm not surprised if you don't remember me. I'm your older brother." Gohan said as he brought his fingers around the smaller one into a handshake.

     "I'm sorry I don't. But I've seen pictures of you and Mommy and Daddy always tell me stories of you." He answered.


    "Did you hold me when I was a baby?" Goten asked abruptly.

   "Yes," the oldest demi answered with a nod.

   "There's a picture of you holding a blanket with black spikes coming out of it but I can't tell if it's me." Goten said.

   "I remember taking that picture. Trust me you were in my arms. It took forever for you to stop fidgeting, you finally fell asleep and we took it." His brother replied reassuringly.

   "…." Gohan stepped forward and took the younger Son into his arms. Goten stood in the grasp shaking for a moment but then laughed and returned it.

    "I guess having a big brother won't be that bad." The boy whispered into Gohan's ears.

    "Glad to hear it."


     "Will you two cut the mushy shit? I'm going to barf." Trunks spoke up. (Seems the softness of Trunks has a limit.)

    "Trunks, language," Bulma scolded.

    "Shut up Woman, tell me that wasn't getting repulsively touching." The Prince spoke up.       

            She didn't answer, the Prince laughed in triumph.

     "Mom can we eat now? I'm hungry." Goten spoke up. "Gohan is back now, so there is no point in waiting here."

     "He is right," Gohan agreed. "I didn't come all the way here to wait in the desert."

     "At least one thing hasn't changed. They think with their stomachs," Krillen said lightly.

     Vegeta growled, while the demi-Saiya-jins chuckled.


            "They are right, since Gohan is here there is no reason to be here anymore," Bulma concurred, "It is really late, Goku maybe you could…. Goku?" Bulma looked to one of the dearest people in her life. He was glaring at Bardock his black eyes so intense with expression she couldn't read it. How long had that been going on?

            She stepped forward trying to reach a hand to his shoulder to get attention.

   "No!" She jumped as Gohan shouted at her, quickly striding towards her.

  "What? Gohan… he's not… What is going on?" She was finally able to form the question she was looking for. She was a scientist. It was her job in life to figure out the who, what, when, where, and why.

  "Goku?" Chichi stifled.

  "He's fine, it's kind of complicated but they are…" He was trying the right words to translate the Saiya-jin concept. Vegeta turned with a small look on intrigue of what the Hybrid had learned. "It's sort of renewing the family bond between them. It's like "This is your life" Saiya-jin style. It's completely harmless but it could take a while and if you try and interfere… it's won't be pretty."

    "You mean they're trying to get the… the feeling." Goten slowly piped up.

    "What are you guys blabbing about?" Yamcha spoke up.

    "It's a Saiya-jin thing. The boys seem to have this connection with their Fathers. Kind of a heightened paternal sense, for instance they can tell if they're in danger, and vice versa. It's instinct."

    "Wait, you mean Vegeta and Trunks… Impossible…" Yamcha tried to keep from laughing.

    "Watch it… Calm down Vegeta." Bulma warned.

     "Why do I put up with these puny idiots?" He fumed to himself. "You have no comprehension of …."

     "Don't Dad, it's not worth it. They don't need to understand…" Trunks said calmly. He looked down to his son. "If he reacts like that. How is he worthy even to know? You and I are the only ones that…" He trailed off. The Prince looked towards his "heir" understanding. With a cold glare he turned…there were more important matters to attend to anyway, for instance his stomach.

    "Just leave them, it shouldn't be long. I can take us all to Capsule Corp." Gohan said looking at the two.


            After the Ship was gathered and everyone had contact, Gohan put two fingers to perform his more proficiently trained technique of instant transmission. There he at Capsule Corp, a dinner that was almost the same as he remembered, for the first time in so many years he felt safe… His story saved for later, so he found out about everyone else.

Krillen's daughter Marron was about five now… She and 18 and Master Roshi were on Kame Island because of the flu… Piccolo was Kami at the moment… Tien and Chiaozu were off at some unknown quarter of the world training…Yamcha's team had been winning the championship for years now…

Sparring, training, took up most of the time for all the fighters. It was the same old pattern. For the Saiya-jins, Androids, now a Wizard… Some things Gohan guessed were just imprinted on reality so much the same act happened, it just involved different players.

            But he was home. With his Mom and Goten and his Dad and the rest of his extended family. As corny as it sounded, he was home and he could barley keep his smile from permanently stretching his cheeks. His past worries were forgotten; At least for now.

            Things finally quieted down as Gohan carried Goten to a guest room setting him for bed and turning off the light. The small Saiya-jin snuggled toward the covers and hid his head in the blankets so only black spikes stood out.


            Bardock… Badock as in his Father, not Grandpa Gohan but his real Father, he was standing right in front of him. Goku never really thought about what that would mean to him. He had Grandpa Gohan, Chichi, Bulma and everyone else. But there was a kind of energy going between them. It was like a soft pull in the back of his mind. He knew Gohan was back but he just couldn't focus on the boy.

            The older pure blood could also feel the pull. Succumbed to his instincts he did what they screamed for him to do. He tried to reopen the "link" or emotional bond that had been formed when Goku was only a few days old.

Flash back:

    "Bardock I'm surprised your son was put in the warrior class," The old Trianina doctor said, scratching what looked like a horn. Tiranina were cleft lipped creatures with scales and had horn like growths throughout their body. There were few species that were smart and tough enough at the same time to deal with Saiya-jin patients. This Tiranina known as Zehn was one of the best. Nothing was good enough for the "secret" of the Royal Family.

    "Inheritance is always in the air. He must get it from his mother."

    "But I don't understand why he was put in such a low class… His power…." At this Bardock was on him. He usually wasn't a violent person at heart but if those words passed the doctors lips his son would be in danger. Large fist surrounding the medic's windpipe, he growled lowly.

    "Finish that sentence and your neck will be snapped. You already have been debriefed on the situation. Any more of what you just attempted and I will have your head. Alpha doctor or not science can't save you from pure Saiya-jin power." The doctor once a green was now turning black from lack of oxygen. He nodded as his body flailed helplessly to get free.

            Leaving him breathless he went to see the subject of his prior conversation. There in the arms of his sleeping mate was a bundle wrapped in a blanket black spikes the only thing visible. Slowly Goku's mother's eyes fluttered open.

    "What happened?" She asked immediately seeing his stressed expression.

   "Too much shit to do and not enough damn time." He said exasperated. "That doctor Zahn might be trouble he was asking too many questions when he already was told not to."

    "We can't let Freiza know about him. Kakkarott has more power registered then anyone since… since Brolly." Bardock said knowing at least in this room the walls had no ears. The King had sought to that personally days before he…

     "Your right," She said hugging the bundle tighter. "He's destined for something I can feel it… Have you.."

            She didn't even get to finish her question, "I believe he will be the one to end it all. He will be the one to reach the legendary level of Super Saiya-jin and he will be the one to kill Freiza."

     "What," Her voice was close to a tremolo.

     "The night the King died I saw a vision of Freiza and perhaps his end, on an exploding planet. He had golden hair and blue eyes just as they say in the legend." Pointing to his sleeping son.

     "That look in your eyes, it says that's not every thing, is it?"

     "This… This is years in the future and in that future I don't see us… I don't see any other Saiya-jins.  The only ones left are Kakkarott and Prince Vegeta… Freiza is going to destroy us all. I don't think I can do anything to stop it. I couldn't save the King and I don't think I can save our race." He said the guilt and sadness in the words almost made them drop in the air as if they were physical.

    "But… can you save Kakkorott and the Prince?" She said softly, "then there would be some of us left."

     "I'm certain Kakkorott and the Prince will survive, we just have to get them off this planet."

     "Fine, go to the board and try and get him a mission." She said hugging the bundle tighter. "Don't forget Raditz…"

     "What about you?"

     "This is my home… I can't leave. You know that… But if you want…"

     "Never, I'll go to the board," With that he gave her a protective look and left the room.


            Goku had seen his Mother… She had held him… He had a Mother was the most important thing. Then it was Goku's turn he felt something tugging at his memories. Flashes went in front of his eyes. Memories buried deep of things that had happened a long time ago.

             His crash,  Grandpa Gohan, his accident that took his memory… Numerous enemies from Emperor Pilaf to Cell and most important Freiza…

            Then the tugging was gone and he was able to concentrate on other things. First he saw the sand that was a clear dark brown that seemed to glow with a bluish light. Then the large eyes that he had been transfixed on for an unknown amount of time.

    "You, you did it… Kakkaorrott you defeated Freiza you were a Super Saiya-jin…" The older man's eyes seemed glassy.

    "Why didn't you leave?" Goku asked slowly. "You knew but you didn't leave."

    "Territory your Mother couldn't see past that instinct and," he paused, "I couldn't see past my instinct to stay by her. I did my job. You were safe and were able to defeat Freiza that is all that mattered."

            Goku was speechless. This was the first true meeting with his Father he could remember; thanks to the fall he never even had dreams of the man. But he was talking as if he had known him for his whole life.

    "What did we just do? What was all of that?" He questioned.

    "I renewed our family link… You must have something like a very close feeling that can't be explained, with Gohan and Goten. It's something to use to keep your family safe. It's also an easy way to catch up."

            For another time Goku was speechless… " I know this must be strange to you. But Gohan needed someone that was familiar with the Galaxies to get away from that threat you've all been preparing for. I guess it was something I did to make up for what I put you to."

    "What did you put me to?" Goku asked scratching the back of his neck.

    "My visions you know I saw you defeat Freiza, I feel like since I saw it I was the one that put you to that destiny."

   "Huh? You made me battle Freiza? I don't think that is right… I fought him because," Goku was quiet for a moment, "because that is just what happened. I don't really believe in destiny. I could've let him go on hurting people but that's not who I am."

    "Very odd,"


    "That fall really did erase your memories, and most of your Saiya-jin behavior. You're a Saiya-jin with Earthling personality; if you were like a true Saiya-jin you would've defeated him to be the alpha. Not because he hurt certain Green Aliens"

     "I gave him a second chance but he wouldn't stop. In the end it was his own evilness that made him die."

     "That idea will take a while to get used to… I hope you will allow me to stay around long enough to. I am on your territory now."

     "That is your decision. I would like to get a chance to know you…" He couldn't say their exact relationship out loud… "Father." 

     "Thank you. But I believe your son would like to see you Kakkarrot, and you seem to need a meal."

     "How did you know?"

    "You stomach is rumbling louder then an Earth Quake. A trait I believe you got from your Uncle, perfectly healthy but just a tad annoying. I think someone blew him up because… Never mind," Seeing a startled/ confused look take over his son's features.

            Slowly Goku came forward and grabbed his forearm and in a flash they were at Capsule Corp, where everyone's ki seemed to be.


            There are a few moments in life when events happen that one can't or won't sleep no matter what they do. You count sheep, do a little shadow puppet show with your hands, and drink warm milk, read the dictionary or any other reference book you can find. But the Sandman still refuses to come.

            The sky was now turning a pale shade of pink across the horizon but the deep sky of night still held domination over the sky. The white marble of the Look out reflected the tone of the sky above it. Causing the edges to be the ground to go from a light to a dark blue. The calm of it was something Gohan could only maintain through deep meditation or, being at the Look out, excluding during times of crisis.

    "Welcome back kid," A deep voice said.

    "Piccolo!" He exclaimed running to Namek arms around him as fast as he could.

    "Good to see you again," The Namek said putting one arm around him.

    "I heard your full Kami for the moment, that's why you couldn't leave the look out, and why you didn't come…."

    "We wanted to make sure you made it back, I'm going to give it up again to Dende now that you're back."

    "I really missed you,"

   "I missed you too kid." The demi-Saiya-jin didn't know what was making this more emotional. Was it an effect from having part of Piccolo's ki in him or was it the sleep deficiency it could even be hormones. Who knew?

    "Looks like we got another Son on our hands." Piccolo said stepping away from the boy. No matter how tall Gohan had grown the Namek was still at least seven or more feet tall.

    "There you are, I've been looking for you. You're lucky your Mother is asleep." Goku said cheerfully.

    "Dad! Daddy!" The boy ran to him in a similar fashion he had for Piccolo.

    "Sorry I had to put our reunion off for a while. Your Grandfather and I had some things to discuss." Goku said shortly.

    "I know," Gohan replied. "I can't believe I'm home…"

   "You better believe it," Yet another voice joined the trio.

   "Who… who are you?" Gohan asked stepping back from his Father's grasp.

   "You don't remember me?" The new comer asked. "Hmmm, ok, Ahhh Cell! Cell is coming! Help, help." The girl started screaming almost hysterical.

   "Where?" Goku asked looking around his body tense, preparing for battle. "I can't sense him."

    "Cell isn't here Goku," Piccolo said calmly.

    "Lime?" Gohan questioned after his Father calmed down. "You changed…"

   "It happens. Looks like it happened to you too." She pointed out. "Welcome back." She smiled.

            He was speechless. This girl didn't match the memory in his mind…It was like she put him off his mental balance somehow. Then he started to remember yes people do grow a little bit from after the point they hit eleven. He definitely needed to get some sleep.

    "Going on another trip?" She asked quietly.

   "He just got back," Goku interjected.

   "What… Sorry long trip. Thank you for all that you've done…" Gohan said flashing the goofy smile his Father was known for, stating one of the big understatements of his life, but the last thank you seemed to get Lime off guard.

    "Goku, maybe you should take him home," Piccolo observed the bloodshot white of his eyes accompanied by dark circles. There is always time for welcomes later. Goku nodded realizing how tired the boy was.

    "It's getting rather early. I don't know how Chichi will react if he isn't there when she wakes up." Goku said.

    "Gohan, real quick you did let the Kami ki go back to the scratch on your arm. Didn't you?" Gohan looked at her his teal eyes slightly slited, and slowly rolled up a sleeve displaying the thin line of exposed ki.

    "A few moments before I came here, I was told to keep the technique going until just before sunrise of the night I got back." He said covering his mouth to conceal a large yawn at the end of the sentence.


            The goodbyes had been quick. The hybrid didn't exactly understand why at that moment his exhaustion had to catch up with him. But he was in bed as the first few rays of sunlight started to go through the shades. The closest way to describe his feelings is space was cold and now he was home and was warm. Even excluding the heavy comforter over his body. He was where he belonged.


    "He's back," Lime said softly in the doorway of one of the many rooms in Kami's palace.

    "So," Videl replied.

    "You couldn't know that since you were in that "special training" with Mr. Popo. Had did it go?"

    "Hard," Videl called from the bed.

    "Short today aren't we. I mean you're always short physically but usually you can form more then one word."

   "I'm very tired, and I really don't see the big deal. So he is home will that make a big difference?"

    "He is the difference. Now that the plan worked, that means…." She could hear snoring from the bed. Must be very tired. "Now that he is back that means we are in the big time, the wizard has the torch and Gohan is either the match or water to keep it out." I really need to sleep, now I'm talking to someone who is sleeping and I'm on this Olympic pyro kick…

But at least he is back…


    It was mid afternoon and Bardock was able to feel that Gohan was stirring. Quietly he went through the busy grounds to the room that contained his Grandson.

   "Good sunrise," Bardock said as he silently slipped into the room. He didn't want Gohan's Mother to know her son was conscious just yet.

    "Good morning," Gohan said rubbing his eyes slowly stretching.

    "You have what you've most wanted and dreaded. You're home." He said abruptly. "What do you plan to do now?"

   "Eat something probably I'm hungry," He joked. "You know what I really don't know… But I think it'll be ok…" The demi replied smiling. "At this moment I'm where I belong and that is all that really matters," He said calmly in Saiya-jin.

            The Grandfather was amused he didn't know if the newfound confidence from doubt was just youth or perhaps Saiya-jin pride… But he had gotten along the right lines of the answer he was looking for.

To be continued…

Author's Note: Thank you for reading. I do hope you enjoyed it. Please review… Stay tuned for the next chapter.

C ya.