Hello! This is just some idea that came to me a little while ago. My muse surprises even me sometimes. Also I never thought I`d say this but… this got to long! I had to cut it in half! Looks like it's now a two-shot, unless my Muse goes crazy. Hope you like it!

"Comm talk"



"That's it, no more, I'm sick of it! We're leaving, and leaving NOW!"

"Star, are you sure that this is the right choice? I mean, we all both know this is hard on you, it's hard on us to, but can't you hold out for a few more Vorns?"

"VORNS? VORNS? Skywarp, I`ve put up with Megatron and his cronies for millennia now! I can't put up with him anymore! We`re leaving, and leaving now!"

"Star, we know this is hard on you and that you miss Skyfire, but"

Starscream stiffened, and turned, looking Thundercracker right in optic, his expression morphing into one of pain.

"It's just so hard" he whispered "being away from him I mean. I miss him so much, and I thought he was dead for so long. It hurts TC, it hurts so badly. And Megatron doesn't help"

Skywarp sat own beside him, and placed a comforting arm around him, unspoken loyalty and sympathy and desire to help radiating off him.

~You know TC, we might as well go now, we`ve been here for ages, and the only reason that the Decepticons still work is cause Star comes up with all the plans. Let's just go, we have no reason to stay here, and if we go, then you can help me squish the Cassettes!~

~Yep, that's definitely something you would say, and when we get out of here, the first thing I will do is delete everything on the all the computers, and replace it with human porn~

~Oh, I know a really good one!~

~…I`m not gonna ask~

~Yeah, it's best not knowing, the images will probably scar our processors forever. How can you stand being bonded to him?~

~The same reason why you can put up with him~


~We`re just messing with you Warp~

~Who said I was messing with him?~

~…Star, you wouldn't~

~I would, revenge for that hand-in-a-bowl-of-warm-water prank, why did you use me again?~

~I needed someone who wouldn't kill me to try it on~

~Sometimes I really hate the Trine bond~


Starscream walked down the hallways of the Nemesis in his usual manner, complete with his customary insults which were thrown at any unsuspecting Decepticon whose path crossed with his.

Reaching the main computer, he then set about deleting everything on it, and planting a virus that would show anyone who tried to user the computer porn, and let it spread to all the other computers.

"Suck on this Megatron" Starscream hissed as he watched the virus upload. "That`ll teach you"

Satisfied that his work was done, the victorious Starscream turned smartly and sauntered out of the computer room, king of the world.

"Starscream, what are you doing?"

'Frag!' he thought turning around to face the only person on the whole of the Nemesis that could send their plan tumbling down around the audios.

"What do you think Shockwave? Walking of course, or is that illegal now to?" he replies, disguising his anxiousness with heavy sarcasm. Shockwave frowned, before replying.

"Normally you would be in your quarters with Skywarp and Thundercracker. Why are you out so late?"

'Don't panic don't panic don't panic' "what are you doing out so late?"

"I`m normally out this late. Now, what were you doing out so late?"

"Well, I was, that is to say"


"I was doing a…Trine thing"

"Couldn't Skywarp or Thundercracker do it?"

"No, it's something that only the Trine leader can do its part of the ritual"

Starscream would forever more swear that he saw the Cyclops raise an, a, his, whatever, optic ridge

"Well, what ritual is this?"

~Aft head~

"Don't give me you're Seeker answer, tell me, what it called?"

"Well, you see, I can't translate it"

Shockwaves voice took on a threating tone "Why?"

"Well, it can't be translated; it only makes sense in Seekercant"

"Why isn't Ramjet doing this ritual?"

'Oh slag! I forgot about Ramjet! Frag it all!' "The timing...it…varieties from Trine to Trine"


"That's because it…has to do with…when a Trine was formed. So, Ramjet will be doing this ritual on a different night that I"

"So, if I talk to Ramjet or any of the others, they will be able to tell me about this?"

"No, only Ramjet will be able to properly tell you"

"Whys that?"

'Idiot! Why the slag did you say that?' "Only Trine leaders can do it, so only Trine leaders know exactly what happens. It's quite complicated; the ceremony that it takes part in is very complicated"


'Fragtard! Why do you keep doing that? Just hurry up and get away!' "Yes, the ceremony"

"What ceremony is this?"

"It's a very old one, ground pounders don't know it"

"Why do you call us who can't fly Ground Pounders?"

"That's because… I just do. No real reason, just a Seeker name for you flightless ones"

"Why not just grounders? Ramjet and the other Seekers call us grounders"

"I just prefer to call you ground pounders"

"A vague answer, even for you, Starscream. You're hiding something. And I want to know what"

"What makes you-"

"Shockwave, report to my office immediately"

"Yes Lord Megatron" narrowing his optics down at Starscream, Shockwave turned on his heel and left. Pausing, he looked over his shoulder.

"Don't think that this is over Starscream, I`ll be expecting you`re answer in the morning". With that, he turned around and left.

"Trust me, you`ll have you`re answer in the morning Shockwave" answered Starscream glaring at the retreating figure "you can count on it


"Starscream! What took you so long? Where were you? We were so worried!"

"Don't worry Warp, I ran into Shockwave"

"…Did he?"

"Don't worry, he has no idea, he`s suspicious, but nothing more. I just wish I could be here when they try to use the computers"

Skywarp sighed dreamily, his optics misting over as he imagined the scene, his lips curving in a dreamy smile.

"TC, I`m scared"

"Me to Star, me to"

~Hehehe, I love it when I scare you guys~

~Skywarp, I hate you~


~I agree with Star Skywarp, I hate you~

~Fine then, I don't need you~

~You so do~



~Why did you say that?~

~I dunno, it just seemed right~

~Skywarp, did you bribe Frenzy and Rumble into repainting you both again?~

~Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are, I think it's all that soap opera he watches. That, or aliens have abducted him and this is some sort of alien clone to try and stop us from figuring out that this is not TC, but an alien~

"Agreed, no more soap opera for him, and really? Aliens? I think you watch too much TV, no more TV for either of you~


~Come on you two let's get out of here, and I WILL be talking to you two about this later, Ok?~

~Ok Starscream~

~Yes Starscream~

~Now, let`s get outta this Pit hole! ~

~WAIT! ~

~What? ~

~Just let me set the timer for my prank~

~Which one?~

~The one with the raspberry jelly, three week old custard, lard, blueberry jam (I think I've created a new strand of bacteria with that jam), and my trademark cheese~

~I almost feel sorry for them…almost~

~I definitely don't! And what makes it even better is that no-one can kill me, cause we`ll be at the ARK!~

Several minutes later

"I'm done! Now, let's all go to the Ark and make Prowl throw a fit!"


A few MORE minutes later at the Ark

"Prime! Teletran One says that there are Decepticons coming!"

"It's the Seekers!"

"Who else?"

"Its…it's just them Prime. No-one else is with them"

"Prime, you don't think?"

"Prowl, I believe they would"


"Prime, what's going on?"

"You shall find out soon Bumblebee. For now, we need to see what the Seekers want"

"Autobots! The Seekers Skywarp, Thundercracker and Starscream are approaching the Ark I want everyone to meet outside, and no-one is too shoot before my command"

There was much surprise at this order, but who could argue? The fact that they were almost at the Ark helped.


"Hey, Skyfire!"

"Yes Bluestreak?"

"Do you think that their mission is finally over? Or they called it quits"

"Most likely they called it quits, they still have a few more vorns left"

"Oh…is it wrong that I`m happy their here?"

"Bluestreak, I feel the same way"

"Oh, good! I was worried for a second there!"

"Now, let's go and see what they want"

Outside the Ark…

"Hey, we`re here!"

"Let's land, they`ll be less likely to shoot us down if we land"

"Knowing Prime, he`s probably given the order not to shoot at us unless he orders it"

"I'm worried about the Twins. Ironhide too"

"Don't worry we`ll be fine"

"Hey! This feels so weird! What's it called Star?"

"It's called volcanic ash, it comes from the volcano when it erupts, it`ll be from when we blew up the volcano last week"

"Yeah…good times. Do you think Prime will let me prank still?"

"Well, the Twins do so I assume you will to"

"Oi Decepticreeps! No further!"

"Don't worry Ironhide, we`re not here to blow up the volcano again"

"That was fun though"

"Skywarp" growled Starscream hitting him on the back of his helm "Don't say that!"

"Why not?"

At that, Starscream let off an angry burst of Seekercant.

"Ok Starscream" said Skywarp bowing his head.

"Good, don't do it again, this`ll be hard enough as is"

"What do you want? And did Starscream speak with improper grammar?"

"No, and Prowl?"

"Oh no" moaned the Autobot SIC "Yes"

"Mission 2550, set at date 0900 hours, Cybertron time mission: infiltrate Decepticons for several vorns"

A murmur ran through the assembled Autobots

"Mission: successful. Request:_"

"That this fragging thing will be over and we can be Autobots again!"

Everyone but a select few gasped. Optimus and Prowl being among them.

"You HAD to do it this way didn't you?"

"I`d like to see YOU put up with the Decepticons for millennia and not go slightly crazy"

With that, the Seekers ripped off their Decepticon sign to reveal their red Autobot insignias.

"Why so surprised? Why else did you think I did all that to Megsie? Revenge! That and it was in Prowls plan…why DID we have to spend so long their anyways?"

"Yeah, I wanna know that to!"

"I`m with Bluestreak"


Starscream separated form his Trine, running over to Skyfire and gave him the biggest hug he could.

"It's good to be able to do this again" he sighed happily, snuggling into Skyfires embrace and planting a quick kiss on his face.

"Me too Star, me too"

"Tickle Torture!"

"No! no no no no, stop it! Skywarp, stop it! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Nope! I`m not gonna stop, this is too much fun!"

"Thundercracker! Help me!"

"Sorry Blue, I'm afraid you`re on your own with this one"

"Starscream! Help!"


"Why not?"

"This is too much fun, and he was gonna do it anyways"


"Sorry, but I`m on my lunch-break"

"Oh, nice one Fire!"

"Hey! I told you not to call me that!"

"Well I can't call you Sky, that's Stars nickname for you, and I don't wanna use Skyfire, that's too long"


"Haven't you been listening Red Alert? We`re not Decepticons, we never really were, it's just the cover! Jazz, help us out here, explain this to Red Alert, or else I`ll shoot him"

"Hey, I`m not getting involved in this"

"I still have that video of you from when we were in school you know"

"You WHAT?"

"Yep, and I'd be more than happy to show it to everyone"

"Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it!"


"Oh, you wouldn't ruin my fun would you?"

"Bring out the turbo-puppy look" muttered Skywarp, just as Starscream did his legendary turbo-puppy look. Everyone AAAWWW!ed, even Ironhide, though he would later deny it.

"Hey, I can do that look to!"

"Really?" asked Starscream, clearly surprised. Bluestreak nodded furiously smiling, and proceeded to do his infamous turbo-puppy look.

"I see where you get it from. Where did he get that grey from anyways?"

"I dunno, where did he get it from TC?"

"You`re black turned my blue to grey, that's why it's a bluey-grey, and not a plain grey"

"Oh, Ok"

There was silence from the Autobots. Skywarp gave a frown, before turning to Bluestreak.

"Bluestreak, why does everyone look so surprised?"

"He wouldn't have told them Warp; do you really think he would?"

"Good point. So, they won't know about Star and Skyfire either"

"Yeah, they don't know, we`re gonna have to tell them, and can I call you two Warp and TC? Carrier and Creator just seems weird"

"That's fine with me"

"No complaints here, we`ll just save the family things for emergency's/trouble situations, Ok?"


"Calm down Red, no need to blow a circuit"

"I`m just gonna put this simply, so no-one needs to ask questions. Starscream and Skyfire are bonded, same with TC and I, and Bluestreak is our sparkling, and we went undercover in an infiltration mission for Prowl ages ago, so we`re not Decepticons, we`re Autobots. And that is what`s going on"

There was a stunned silence. Prowl face palmed, wishing that they at least gave them some for warning. Then Bumblebee spoke.

"You mean, that we`ve been shooting at one of our own this whole time?"

"Yep, pretty much"

"I feel so guilty"

"Don't, you didn't know Bumblebee, we all know that you wouldn't of if you knew" said Skyfire kindly, trying to ease the minibots conscience

"So Prime, are we gonna go in, or are we going to stay here all night?" Starscream asked, shocking most of the Autobots out of their shock.

"Yes, but you`ll have to bunk with someone else"

"I'm bunking with Skyfire"

"TC and I`ll bunk with Blue"

"Now that that's sorted, why don't you two show us around?"

"Ok! Come on, I`ll show you the rec room"

"What's a rec room?"

"It's a recreation room, or rec room for short"


"You have to be careful though, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker like to use that area for their pranks"

"Oh, looks like you've got some competition Warp"

"Competition? Star, you know me, I`m the best pranker on the Nemesis! Not even Frenzy and Rumble are better than me!"

"Don't remind me, their pranks are pathetic"

"Remember that time they tried to magnetise you and ended up sticking Megatron to the wall?"

"Aaahh, that was a great day, and better yet, he couldn't blame us, because Lazerbeak saw them with that machine. Where did it go again?"

"I got it"

"Yes, I remember now"

As they watched their figures retreat into the Ark, there was only really one question being asked: what the frag just happened?


"Why do we have to do this again?"

"It's all your fault Skywarp, you're the one who mentioned that the closest thing the Decepticons have to a medic is Hook, so now we have to get a full up maintenance check"

"Sorry to tell you this, but you would have to do this anyway"

"What? Why?"

"Regulations, you don't like it, bring it up with Prowl"

"I might as well write it all down and put it down as a big list"

"Surely you dislike THAT much"

"Are you kidding? This is Star here, I'm surprised that he hasn't complained about everything here"

"The science lab is good, or rather would be if Wheeljack didn't blow it up every second day"

"And you know what the sad thing is? It aint even an exaggeration. That's why the rule is don't go near Wheeljacks lab, or his inventions if you can help it .period" said Sideswipe, butting in "so, where you all going?"

"Ratchet, he says we have to have a maintenance check-up"

Sideswipe visibly winced "Ow. I feel sorry for you, you have to put up with the Hatchet"

"The Hatchet?" asked Skywarp tilting his helm to the side "Why the Hatchet?"

"Easy, you got Ratchet, the cranky medic, and then you got the Hatchet, the cranky wrench throwing, threatening, and in general intimidating scary medic"

"How is he so scary?"

"Trust me, it's the wrenches you want to avoid, their lethal! I mean, if wrenches were weapons then all we would need to do is send him out and sick him on the Decepticons. You would have to feel sorry for them"

"I assume you mean the Decepticons?" asked Starscream raising an optic ridge.

"Yeah, but we gotta put up with him every day. There's a reason why we try to skip maintenance check-ups, and that reason is Ratchet. And this is where we bid you farewell; we don't want Ratchet catching us"

"But there's only you here" said Skywarp frowning.

"That may be, but if Ratchet catches me, it's only a matter of time before he catches Sunny and neither of us want him to catch us, we haven't had our check-up yet" and with that, he turned on his heel and left, leaving three very worried Seekers.

"Sky, should we be afraid?"

"Yes, my Star, you should be very afraid. In fact, Skywarp is the only one here is safe"

"Whys that?"

Skyfire gave a grim smile before replying "Because you can warp out of the med bay when he starts throwing wrenches"

"Skywarp, you're going in first"

"Hey, how come I got to go in first?"

"Easy, you can warp outta the way if he's throwing wrenches. That and you're dispensable"


Gingerly, Skywarp poked his helm around the corner of the door of the med bay and looked around. There was no-one there. Taking a deep breath and gathering his courage, he called out "Hello! Is there any wrench throwing medic or highly explosive inventers in here?" no-one answered.

'Maybe there's no-one here?'


"AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH!" with a scream that could wake the offline and make even Megatron wet himself, Skywarp jumped up, hit his helm on the roof, and warped around the corner to where his Trine and Skyfire were, and jumped into Thundercrackers arms. In that order.

"Save me!" he cried burying his face bin Thundercrackers armour.

"I`m sure he's not that scary"

"You didn't see him! I don't wanna do this, you can't make me!"

"If you go back, and stay there, I`ll make you a plate of rust sticks"


"A plate of rust sticks, with that sauce you love"


Thundercracker gave a sigh, and made his ultimate offer.

~ A plate of rust sticks with that sauce you love, and I`ll be your slave for a week~

Skywarps optics got a mischievous glint in them at that last offer.

~Ok then, I`ll do it, but you're gonna have to do EVERYTHING I ask~

Yes, I know I`m evil! Leaving it at the good part, with a cliff-hanger of sorts to! :D anyways, you see that blue button down there that says Review Story? Well, I want you to click that button, and If you do, the Seekers will give you a ride while you eat Energon Goodies. If you don't, then Skywarp will go after you with a no-limits all-out prankathon. And Ironhide will talk to you about your feelings. See ya!