Author's Note: Heyy! This is my first Fanfic, (that I've uploaded) so I'm kinda nervous. Sorry if there are any grammatical or otherwise mistakes, point them out and I'll fix them immediately! If I do decide to continue with this story, uploads may be slow as I am kinda lazy :/ , sorry! Hope you guys like it!


The Doctor swung around the consol in his usual maniacal glee that always put a smile to Rose's face. They had just come back from lunch at The Restaurant at the End of the Universe where they had met up with and old friend of the Doctor's – Arthur Dent. It would be awhile before they would start feeling tired (Well, Rose would – she wasn't sure when the Doctor ever slept, or if he even needed too). They had decided to have one more trip before calling it a day.

Leaning against one of the beautiful (if not slightly alive) coral-like struts Rose called out to the Doctor,

"So where we going next then, eh?"

The Doctor stopped, spun on the spot facing Rose with a huge grin and dug his hands in his pockets.

"Weelllll, seeing as we've spent the past few weeks going to places all over the universe I figured we might go somewhere closer to home – well your home, well Earth I mean as I 'spose the TARDIS is more your home now but anyway, thought maybe we'd try going to…."

His ramble was cut off suddenly as his manic grin was completely wiped from his face. His faced paled to almost pure white and he collapsed onto the grating groaning and clutching his head.

"Doctor! Doctor, are you alright? Oh god, are you ok? Can you hear me?" Rose called frantically as she rushed towards the fallen Timelord and crouched next to him.

"Yeah…" Was the grunted reply. With his eyes still scrunched up as if suffering from a migraine he continued slowly.

"Just a sudden… shift…" –gasp- "In the, timelines" He paused again for breath, every word was an effort.

"Timelords, we… can see timelines. Everything that could be, would be and… what never should be." His speech was getting clearer and he opened his eyes to stare into Rose's concerned brown ones.

"Whenever a decision is made, the timelines shift – the greater change in time due to the decision or event, the bigger the shift. Mostly the timelines shift in tiny, unnoticeable ways and we – I, just ignore them. But sometimes," He pulled himself up into a half-seated position and continued.

"something happens that makes the timelines shift in such a big way that the whole of the causal nexus is affected causing the more psychically aware Timelords too suffer a migraine." Noticing Rose's confused look he rephrased.

"Basically if something really big happens that affects most or all of time, powerful Timelords get big headaches." He chuckled a bit when Rose's confused expression cleared in understanding.

"So, what your saying is – you're getting a headache cos something happened that affected the timelines?" Rose asked.

"Pretty much, just what happened was a biggie as the timelines weren't just affected, they changed,like normally – with small changes the universe just compensates, but with this, a whole parallel worldshould have formed. But it didn't! Which," He jumped up with Rose following suit,

"is what gave me a migraine that would send a lesser man to a hospital for weeks!"

He started jogging off to the TARDIS's impressive med bay and on arrival started pulling out all sorts of needles, tablets and god-knows-whats.

"With the right medication I'll be right as rain."

He seemed to have found what he was looking for when he let out an "Aha!" and pulled out a small needle with a flourish. He proceeded to inject a light golden liguid into his arm while Rose winced.

"So this… thing-"

"Spatial disturbance"

"-yeah… Are we gonna find it an' fix it?" Rose questioned.

The Doctor finished up with the needle and Rose noticed that a little colour had already returned to his cheeks.

"Nahhhh! We'll probably run into whatever it was eventually anyway, judging by our luck!" He bounded back into the consol room, his hyper mood fully returned while Rose was starting to suffer from whiplash.

"So like I was saying, maybe we'd try going somewhere on Earth – close to your time. I know! London Olympics! That'd be brilliant! 2012 London, haven't seen that one yet, which is good cos I don't fancy running into myself, that wouldbe awkward. Did I tell you, Rose, of one time I met four of my past selves? Five of me! At once! Can you imagine…"

Rose sat down on the old captains' chair and grinned, she didn't like it when the Doctor –her Doctor- was in pain, and it was good to have him back to normal. She was still curious though,

'What was the event that shifted the timelines so much?'

Meanwhile on earth, a girl woke up screaming to a whole new world….

So whadya think? Good, bad, or are you gouging your eyes out? Review to tell me what you think! Pls?