Kayla could hear someone calling her name.

"Gabe?" she asked weakly. She felt someone carefully pick her up. She automatically burrowed into them, seeking comfort.

"It's okay, kiddo," she hears Gabriel says. "I'm here now. You're safe." Kayla opens her eyes. The first thing she sees is her brothers concerned face. She feels the impala speeding along the road.

"Dean called me when you wouldn't wake up," Gabriel explains. "What did Death tell you kiddo?"

"It was nothing," Kayla whispers.

"Yeah, sounds like nothing," Gabriel snorts. Kayla elbows him in the stomach.

"How long was I asleep?" she asks.

"A few hours, not long," Gabriel says. The clock isticking.

Dean pulls up in front of Bobby's house. Gabriel opens the impala door and helps Kayla out as well.

"Guys?" Dean calls as they walk in the door. "We're back."

They walk into the study and see Bobby, Sam, Cas, Crowley and Christine.

"Jeez, Kayla, you look awful," Christine says, she starts to walk over but a glare from Kayla changes her mind. Kayla walks over to Cas and leans against him. Cas puts his arm around her waist.

"I know how to stop Lucifer," Dean tells them.

"You really do look unwell," Cas whispers in Kayla's ear.

"Stress," Kayla shrugs. Cas shares a look with Gabriel.

"Death gave me his ring and the instructions to it," Dean continues. "We can finally do this."

"Whoopee," Kayla smirks sarcastically. Dean glares at her.

"Dean can I talk to you outside?" Bobby asks. Dean nods and they walk outside.

"Well, as fun as this has been, I've got to go," Gabriel says, clapping his hands.

"Bye Gabe," Kayla says. She walks over and hugs him.

"When I get back, you are going to tell me what Death said," he warns her before disappearing. Dean and Bobby walk back in. Dean walks over to Sam.

"If you think that you can do this, control Satan, then I will stand by you," Dean tells him. Sam smiles at him. "Right then, let's go to Detroit." Kayla stares at him.

"You're kidding me right?" she says quietly.

Dean looks over at Cas, "Hey Cas, could you go outside? We'll be out in a minute." Cas nods and goes outside.

Dean turns to face Kayla, "Look, I'm sorry, but we've gotta do this."

"What would you do Dean?" Kayla asks.

"What?" Dean asks.

"If you had the chance to save you're brothers. What would you do?" Kayla asks. Dean stays silent. "You would save them, wouldn't you?" Dean glances behind her, but before Kayla can turn around, something hits the back of her head. Her world turns black.

When she wakes up, she's laying on the bed in the panic room.

"You bastard!" she curses before getting up and walking towards the door. She bangs on the door and screams, "Let me out!"

"I'm coming," she hears Christine call. Christine opens the door and lets Kayla out.

"Where the bloody hell are they?" Kayla growls, stalking out of the panic room. She walks up the stairs and goes into the study.

"They left," Christine tells her. Kayla pulls out her phone. She dials Sam's number.

"Hello?" Sam answers.

"Sam," Kayla growls.

"Kayla!" Sam gasps.

"Why did you hit me Sam?" she asks.

"I had to. You were going to stop us."

"Of course I'm going to stop you! Because of you, my brothers are going to fight and kill each other!"

"Kayla, I have no choice. If you had found your grace then I wouldn't do this."

"Are you trying to blame me for this?"

"No! Of course not!"

"When I find my grace, I will let you know."

"And if you don't?"

"Well, then you and your brother will live with the knowledge that you sent me to my death." Kayla hangs up and closes the phone. She looks up at Christine.

"He's gonna say yes," she sobs. "Oh god, Sam's gonna say yes." Christine walks over to her and wraps her in a hug.

"I'm sure he won't," she tries to assure her.

"Of course he will!" Kayla shrieks, pulling away. "They want my brother gone! Even if it does kill me! All they care about is saving themselves."

"Hey, why don't you go to your clearing," Christine says. Kayla looks at her confused. "You know- the one you always feel safe in." Kayla gasps, Joshua's message echoing through her brain.

'Your grace is hidden in a safe place, in the first place that you ever felt safe in'. Safe- she felt safe in the clearing.

"That's it! Christine, you genius!" Kayla shrieks. She jumps up and runs out the door, ignoring Christine shouting after her. She runs out of the salvage yard and down the road. Kayla pulls out her phone and calls Sam.

"Sam, I need you to give me an hour before you do anything stupid," she says.

"Kayla, I can't. I need to do this," Sam replies.

"I know where my grace is," Kayla shouts down the phone. She then hangs up and puts the phone back into her pocket. She continues running.

"Why did I never think of this?" she mutters to herself.

Kayla runs into the clearing. She is at the edge when she hears someone behind her.

"You've finally figured it out, then?" he asks. Kayla turns around and goes to speak. But she is interrupted by the blade that pierces her stomach.

"You're not stopping the apocalypse. I have waited too long for Paradise and I won't lose it because of you," her attacker growls.

"Brother, why?" Kayla asks. Raphael smirks at her and disappears. Kayla collapses. She looks at the tree. She lies down, giving up. Kayla lies there and feels her life blood spill from her body. Memories flash before her eyes. Memories of her life as an archangel, memories of her human parents, memories of her time with the Winchesters, memories of her brothers.

"No!" she says suddenly. She crawls over to one of the trees and pulls herself up. "Not giving up! My brother's need me!" She stumbles into the clearing. She falls over a couple of times but keeps going. She reaches the tree and leans against it. Her vision blurs and she slides down the tree.

"Come on," she gasps and lays her hand on the tree. She concentrates on the feeling of safety that she feels everytime she goes there, but she can't feel anything.

"Father, help me," she sobs as darkness takes over her vision. Suddenly, someone lays their hand over her own. She automatically grasps onto it. A white light begins to spill from the tree. It surrounds Kayla and the stranger. Kayla feels her wound healing. Suddenly, the light starts forcing itself down her throat. She closes her eyes and lets it. When it is all gone, she collapses. Light shines through her skin and she feels the stranger step back. When she is nothing but light, Kayla explodes.

When she next opens her eyes, she is in a deserted warehouse in Detroit. She looks around her and down at her body.

"Kayla?" she hears someone asks. She turns around.

"Sam and Dean Winchester. It is an honour to finally meet you as myself," she smiles.

"What do you mean?" Dean asks suspiciously. She tutts and shakes her head.

"I thought you two were supposed to be smart," she scolds them. The brothers look at each other in shock.

"Metatron?" Cas gasps, walking in, with Gabriel and Bobby closely following.

"Hello Cas," Metatron smiles. She then spots Gabe. "Gabe!" Metatron throws herself at her older brother. Gabriel catches her and spins her around.

"Hey Mettie," Gabriel smiles. Metatron pulls a face.

"I think I prefer Kayla," she says. Suddenly, she gasps. "They're here." She turns around to see Michael and Lucifer standing behind her. Michael is possessing Adam and Lucifer is still possessing Nick. The two brothers don't notice their audience.

"The time has come, brother," Michael says. He pulls out his sword.

"Indeed it has," Lucifer replies. Without anyone noticing, Kayla slides her hand into Gabriel's pocket and pulls out his sword.

As Michael prepares to deliver the first blow, Kayla screams, "Stop!"

She disappears and reappears on the other side of the warehouse. "You will not fight." She slowly raises the blade until it rests over her heart. "I cannot watch my brothers fight. It will kill me." She gently pushes the blade so that a drop of blood appears. "If you fight, then I will die, right here, right now." Michael and Lucifer look at each other. "What is more important to you- your fight and honour or your family?" Lucifer sighs and stands up straight.

"I will not risk losing you, little one," he says. "I will not fight." Everyone turns to look at Michael. Michael looks down at his sword. Kayla sighs and closes her eyes. Suddenly, she feels someone pulling the blade out of her hand.

"I will not risk it either," Michael says. He drops his sword on the ground and walks over to Lucifer.

"Forgive me, brother?" he asks. Lucifer looks at him.

"There is nothing to forgive," Lucifer replies. Kayla smiles and walks over to them. She pulls them both in for a hug. Gabriel walks over and joins in.

As they pull away, Lucifer asks, "Kayla, where did all that blood come from?" Kayla stiffens.

"Well, uh, you see..." she stutters.

"Kayla," Michael warns.

"Raphael. He, uh, tried to kill me before I stopped you killing each other," Kayla tells them, looking down.

"Did he now?" Lucifer asks, smirking. He walks over and picks up the blade that Kayla had. "Well, he's certainly going to regret it now." He also picks up Michael's sword. He gives it to him as he calls Raphael down. Raphael appears, he looks smug. But when he sees Michael and Lucifer standing next to each other, his expression turns to one of confusion. He then spots Kayla.

"You!" he growls, stepping forward. But he is stopped by Lucifer.

"Don't you dare come anywhere near her!" Lucifer threatens. Raphael frowns at him.

"What are you going to do to stop me?" he asks.

"This," Lucifer replies. He disappears and reappears in front of him. He stabs Raphael in the exact same spot that Raphael stabbed Kayla.

"You really should have left her alone," Michael says, walking forward.

"Michael, help," Raphael gasps. Michael doesn't answer, instead in plunges his blade deep into Raphael's heart. They watch as Raphael dies, his wings burned onto the floor.

"No one hurts our sister," they say together. Kayla smiles at them and walks over to Cas.

"My grace wasn't the only grace hidden in that tree brother," she says quietly, holding out a vial. Cas looks at her in surprise and takes it from her. "I think that our father does still care about his children."

"What do you mean?" Cas asks, looking confused.

Kayla smiles, "I should have died today. But someone saved me- they helped me get my grace."

Cas looks at her questionly and smashes the vial.

"Close your eyes," Gabriel warns Sam, Dean and Bobby. A bright light engulfs the warehouse. When it dims down they see Cas standing there, examining himself. He looks at Kayla in amazement.

"I got my grace back," he smiles. "And there's more- I'm an archangel." Kayla shrieks in delight and hugs him. Cas eagerly returns the hug.

"Now all my favourite brothers are archangels," she grins. Her and Cas walk over to where Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer are standing.

"Time to go, little one," Michael smiles.

"Can we wait one more minute?" Kayla asks. Michael nods and Kayla walks over to Sam, Dean and Bobby. She stands in front of Bobby first. She lays her hand on his chest and concentrates. After a few seconds she smiles.

"What?" Bobby asks wearily.

"You've got your soul back," Kayla grins. Bobby gasps and pulls her into a hug. She gratefully returns the hug. "You were like a father to me, Bobby. I promise you- this isn't goodbye. You will see me again." When Bobby lets go, she turns to face Sam and Dean. "Same goes for you- you will see me again." She walks over to Sam. "You're a good person, Sammy. Never forget that." She hugs him. After a few seconds she pulls away, wiping away tears.

"Nice to see that I've still got emotions," she mutters before turning to face Dean. Before she can say anything, Dean pulls her into a hug.

"You're like the sister I never had," he tells her. "Don't ever change."

"I won't," she promises. "I love you, Dean." She pulls away and walks over to her brothers. She faces her human family one more times and smiles. "Thank you."

The archangels disappear.