Disclaimer: Inception does not belong to me.
Arthur grimaced as he felt his leg move. Paul, his physio, began to gently push it into a folding position, taking care not to damage the knee. Arthur blinked- he could feel the muscles starting to groan and complain. A few months earlier, he had not felt anything before.
"Right. I am placing your feet on the weight press-" Paul skillfully guided Arthur's feet, and let them rest. "With my assistance, you're going to try and push that weight."
Are you insane? I couldn't even feel my feet a few weeks ago!
"Come on, Art-"
With a sudden rush of determination, Arthur felt his feet on the metal, and began to try and use his legs. His thighs, which had wasted away considerably, shuddered, shaking under the sudden strain. But, to his astonishment, the tiny little 3 kg weight that Paul had selected on the resistance machine, moved. Barely a quarter of an inch.
Arthur felt a sudden rush. He could get better. He could do this.
I need to do this. I need to be whole again.
"Whoa!" Paul blinked, and laid a steadying hand on Arthur' shoulder. "Chill a little, Art. You only just got here!"
Arthur swallowed. His muscles were burning, but he could feel them. And suddenly, he realised that he wanted to. He needed to. He blinked, and Paul's hands were on his arms.
"OK, I'm going to put your hands on the lat pull," he said, gently. "Let's see if you can hold it."
His fingers were stiff, and he feared he'd forgotten how to bend them, but with coaxing, he managed to start wrapping them around the metal pole. He couldn't quite grasp it, but he felt his fingers flex.
Arthur ignored him. He pushed himself, and his fingers began to move. The pain screamed up his joints, but suddenly, he felt a flash of accomplishment. He could move. He could still actually move.
"Arthur! You'll-"
The bar began to move. Suddenly, Arthur's hands flew off it, and he began to slump. Shaking his head, Paul helped him up.
"Arthur! Please! You've only been here 24 hours! Are you trying to kill yourself?!"
No...I just want to get better. Better for her. Ever loved anyone to the point where you can't live without them? For the first time in my life, its happened to me.
"Time for a rest." Paul spoke firmly, as he tucked the other man back into the wheelchair. "I can't have you hurting yourself."
I should be with them. I should be protecting her. I can do this!
Paul looked at him. "OK. Let's do this."
I love reviews, if you could leave one it would be great, thank you! Apologies for the shortness of this chapter. And this its been a month!