A/N Hey everybody! I'm so sorry for the late update, but I've had so much stuff to deal with… I won't bother to list it all as we'll be here all day. Thanks for being so patient. Well, enjoy!

Tell me your wishes… I will grant them for you… An ominous voice sounded out and I froze in pure shock.

Labrador instantly shot out vines and securely immobilised the small, bony Kor.

"You sure seem to attract a lot of these things." Labrador said as he caught yet another one.

I stood there in shock. "Are those Kors?"

Labrador nodded. "You have a wide knowledge of this world."

I nodded. Not really wanting to explain to him how I acquired such knowledge. Explaining it to Teito was one thing, but explaining it to one of the 07 Ghosts was a different matter entirely.

Teito was instantly stood by my side. "Are you okay Autumn?" He asked seemingly concerned.

I blinked. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were just attacked by a Kor." Teito said.

"I'm fine thanks it didn't have chance to touch me. Thanks for your concern."

"Oh your welcome." Was all that Teito was able to say.

"We're here." Labrador said breaking apart the awkward silence and tension between me and Teito.

I took in my surroundings with awe. "Wow… It's amazing." It really was amazing. There were flowers everywhere. All of different varieties and they all looked extremely healthy. "Do you care for these flowers, Labrador-san?"

"Yes. Don't they look happy?" He answered as he took a hold of a flower delicately between his finger and thumb; observing it intently.

I nodded. "They all look so healthy."

"Then it shall be the perfect place for your grave." We all turned around sharply at the sound of this new voice.

A small boy with bright pink hair in a plait and one singular bright pink eye and an eye patch, stood a metre away with a small smirk across his face.

"Kuroyuri." I instantly recognised the small boy with the evil smirk.

"Oh? You know who I am. Well, that saves the introductions. It means that I can get my mission over and done with that much sooner." He smirked evilly and giggled madly.

"What is your mission?" I asked; curious as to what he could possibly be after.

"Oh? Is it not obvious? I'm here to retrieve the Eye of Destiny and to kill you all." Kuroyuri made a hand gesture to include the church's flower garden. "This place will be your grave."

Labrador instantly shot out more of his vines. Kuroyuri laughed and chopped the vines up with his sword. "Do you really think that such a pathetic attack will work on me?"

Labrador jumped backwards quickly as Kuroyuri attacked with his Zaiphon.

Kuroyuri ran at me and the Eye of Destiny took over. I was powerless to do anything about it. The power overwhelmed me and flooded through my system. My head snapped back and I let it control me.

3rd Person P.O.V

Autumn's eyes snapped open and they shone a vibrant and bright purple; just like amethysts. Her face warped into a twisted smile as she glanced at Kuroyuri. "Are you the pathetic imbecile who requested the death sentence?"

Kuroyuri glared back. "You will pay for saying that Destiny."

"Oh? You dare use a Goddess's name so casually? You will pay for your insolence." Autumn's arm snapped out suddenly and she launched a very powerful Zaiphon at Kuroyuri.

Kuroyuri blocked it with a Zaiphon attack of his own but Autumn's Zaiphon was too powerful. The force of the collision sent him flying backwards into a wall. He pulled himself back up and smiled manically. "I'm not through yet."

"Oh? You're asking for more punishment? Rushing your death is never a good option. Kuroyuri, puppet for the Chief Of Staff, Ayanami."

"H-How do you know about Ayanami-Sama?" Kuroyuri asked shocked. His manic grin was replaced with a look of pure terror.

Autumn's grin only widened in response to Kuroyuri's fear. "Oh please. I'm a Goddess. I can clearly see the thread of fate that connects you both. If I injure you, Ayanami will also be injured. You should take that into consideration before you go around insulting a Goddess."

Kuroyuri froze dead. He gritted his teeth and threw yet another Zaiphon attack at Autumn. Autumn cut through the Zaiphon with her hand like it was paper. She cast a Zaiphon towards the ground, jumped on it and took off into the air.

Kuroyuri was close on her heels. He launched several Zaiphon attacks into the sky but she dodged them effortlessly gliding from side to side with extreme ease.

Autumn flew higher into the air before she spun around suddenly. She unleashed a powerful Zaiphon and it crashed into Kuroyuri with full force. It sent him flying back down to Earth.

Kuroyuri hit the ground hard and went skidding across it. He hit a nearby tree hard and his head flopped forward.

Autumn flew back down and landed on the ground in front of Kuroyuri. She flicked her wrist and a deadly Zaiphon locked around his neck.

I'm so sorry, Ayanami-Sama. I'm not a match for the Eye of Destiny after all… Kuroyuri thought weakly as he could feel his conscience sleeping away.

Kuroyuri fell unconscious and his body slumped over sideways.

Satisfied, the Eye of Destiny gave up its hold on Autumn. She swayed slightly before crumpling over and falling down to the floor.

"Autumn!" Teito cried out as he rushed over to the unconscious girl. Labrador followed closely and kept an eye on the unconscious Kuroyuri.

"This isn't good. The Eye of Destiny is very strong, but Autumn isn't yet mentally or physically strong enough to deal with such a vast amount of power." Labrador rested a gloved hand across Autumn's head. "She's burning up again. I knew it was too soon for her to go out, but she seemed so lively…"

Frau and Castor came running over. "We heard a lot of noise. What happened?" Castor asked as they arrived near the trio.

Labrador nodded in the direction of Kuroyuri's unconscious figure. "Ayanami is already sending people out. When he discovers that Kuroyuri lost, it won't be long before Ayanami himself shows up."

"What happened to Autumn?" Frau asked as he bent down to join them on the ground.

Teito lifted Autumn's head off of the floor and swept her hair back.

"Did she take on Kuroyuri alone?" Castor asked.

Labrador nodded. "After the Eye of Destiny took over there was nothing Autumn could do. The strain this fight has put on Autumn's body proved too much to handle. The fact that she was still weak from the journey here didn't help matters." Labrador summarised as he stared down at the unconscious girl.

Autumn's eyelids fluttered before opening slowly.

1st Person P.O.V

I opened my eyes to come face to face with several people who were staring at me. The first thing I noticed was Teito's relieved face. I then noticed Labrador, Castor and Frau staring at me with worried expressions on their faces.

The next thing I noticed was a huge gust of wind and the humming of engines. I looked to the left and everyone else did as well.

The final thing I noticed was the familiar purple-haired, smirking, guy that stood on top of the plane. Chief Of Staff Ayanami. A growl ripped free from my throat.

"Hello. We meet at last Princess Autumn." His smirk grew wider as the plane came down to land.

My growl intensified and Teito looked at me worriedly.

"Is that any way to treat your new Master, Princess?" Ayanami jumped off of the plane and landed smoothly on the ground a few feet from where I still lay in Teito's arms.

A/N Sorry that it's a little short, but I thought this was a good place to leave it. Anyway I hope all you Ayanami fans out there are happy now. He's finally arrived to make matters more complicated - as he usually does. Now that exams are over, for a little while anyway, I should be able to get the next chapter out to you sooner than the last one. So please be patient!

I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to review this chapter and let me know what you think of it. Constructive feedback is very useful to me.

Well, see you next chapter!
