Hey you guys! How's it been?



WARNING: Morgan/Reid, a little Morgan/Seaver

Timeline: "With Friends Like These…" 6x19

*Smiling* Done.



Fight For Me

Chapter 1: Dinner Party

Spencer's fingers played on his keyboard.

He looked up and smiled.

Everyone (remaining, anyway) was there.

Derek, Garcia, JJ, Rossi, and even Hotch.

All there.

But then there was…her.

Seaver, Ashley.

The Replacer.

The Newbie.

The Temporary Glue.

Her place did NOT blend right.

She was just…there.

"Hey Spence?"

The music stopped.

His head snapped to her as he inwardly scowled.

No one calls me that but JJ…


"You alright?"

He nodded and blushed.

Great, now everyone's staring.

"Yeah, of course I am."

The music began again.

He stared at her and frowned.

This is going to be some long years…

Derek looked up from his food and stared at Spencer.

His hands moving so elegantly on the keyboard.

Long, broad, proud fingers.

Begging to be on him.

He shook his head.

I can't…we're team-mates. Team-mates don't think about each other like this.

So he looked at Seaver.

"So Seaver, how's the BAU?"

She smiled and glanced at Spencer.

Spencer looked up and scowled.

"Fine. I'm getting used to it."

"Yeah, that's good."

"Yeah. It's a very…different team."

He chuckled awkwardly.

"Don't I know it. So, do you truly feel like you're a part of the BAU?"

"Yeah, a little bit."

Spencer rolled his eyes.

She's a man-eater, too.

The soft beat was thrown out the window, replaced with a fast one.

"Hey Reid!"

He stopped, frustrated.


Derek shrugged back slightly.

"Play a slower song."

He calmed down and nodded.


The music began again as Derek took Seaver's hand.

"Care to dance?"

She nodded and smirked at Spencer.


He gasped.

Oh no, oh no, oh no; I don't want to see this…

He looked down for a little while.

Too bad curiosity got the best of him.

Their dancing didn't match the music at all.

It was more for clubs then for ballrooms.

Seaver looked at him and shimmed her hips against Derek's, earning a moan.

His face turned an angry pink.

She was teasing him.

He stopped playing.

This wasn't fair.

That should be him with Derek.

She'll always just be there.

Spencer yawned a fake one.

"Well, that's it for me tonight. See you guys."

So everyone stood up and began exiting.

Garcia patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, goodnight, Boy Wonder."

Then she leaned in.

"And you weren't fooling anybody."

He blushed,

"We'll talk about this in the morning."

She waved away.

He stretched and made sure everyone was out.

But Seaver was standing in his way.

Staring him right in the eyes.

"Look, Reid, I know you don't like me. But let's face it: I'm not going anywhere for a long time. Soon you'll learn to deal with it and just except the fact that nobody else takes me as a threat but you."

He swallowed.

"Get out."

She leaned back and smirked.

"Hey Morgan!"

He turned around and gasped as she did the unexpected.

She kissed him.

Right in front of Spencer's face.

She hooked onto his neck and waved at him.

"Bye Reid! See you tomorrow!"

He slammed the door and slid down.

This is harder than it has to be…

Author's Note: Yeah…Seaver's a bitch.