A week later

The grades at the school were updated at the end of each week. To display the grades there was a immense board outside with the rank of where the student placed in comparison to the others. From looking at the board Tsukune could see there were about three-hundred students so, about a hundred per year he figured. It didn't take long to find his name on the board; sadly he was slightly near the end. Ranked at one hundred and sixty two; it wasn't terrible. He assumed some monsters aren't very intelligent, thinking back to his encounter with Saizo in the forest.

He decided to look for his friends rankings, so he stared at the front of the board. Moka Akashiya: Rank five.

"Geezz" he whispered under his breath.

It seemed Moka was a lot smarter than she led on to be. That was not what he was expecting at all. He would make sure to give her more credit from now on.

Next he looked for Kurumu's ranking. After going through the majority of the board again he found her. Kurumu Kurono: Rank one hundred and seventy eight.

"Yahooohoo!" A loud familiar holler came from behind him.

Kurumu strolled up and wrapped her arms over his shoulders and let them rest loosely on his chest from behind him.

"Look at that! We are close in our ranks" she said seemingly very satisfied with herself.

"Yeah… heh.. heh.." Tsukune said a little uncomfortable with Kurumu holding on to him like she was. It wasn't that he didn't like her but rather, he was embarrassed and not to mention he still didn't know what kind of monster she was, hopefully not something scary.

Just then Moka came walking up coming out of the building and over to where they were standing. Not to his surprise almost everyone stared after her until she came over and hugged Tsukune and Kurumu, then everyone looked like they were going to murder him.

"Hey the grades! How did you guys do?" Moka said beaming in her normal childlike manor.

"Eh we did okay I guess, I saw you were ranked at five" Tsukune said.

"Oh yeah, studying is pretty easy for me"

In close proximity to the group was a young looking girl in a strange outfit. She was wearing a hat that he saw wizards wearing on t.v. shows back home. In her hand was a wand as well in the shape of a heart.

Around her three guys approached her and starting talking to her. They didn't seem particularly friendly, especially the middle one. All of a sudden giant tubs fell out of the sky and hit them on the heads. The guy in the middle got up and turned his hand into a claw and started to swing his hand, only somehow Moka had gotten in front of the girl. The guy stopped and Moka told them not to hit girls. The group of guys started to look uncomfortable and left.

Later in the cafeteria Tsukune got his food, which he discovered his second day was normal food despite being at a monster school. As he went to sit down he saw Kurumu, Moka, and the young magical looking girl who introduced herself as Yukari Sendo, who happened to be the topped ranked student in the whole school, sitting at a table. As he got there he heard the Yukari yell:

"I love you Moka!"

She jumped across the table and start groping Moka's chest. Kurumu looked supprised as well as Moka, Tsukune on the of hand had blood coming from his nose and fell over.

After Tsukune finished cleaning his face in bathroom he came out and saw Yukari still attached to Moka's chest.

"How long are you planning on doing that?" Tsukune asked seemingly annoyed.

"What do you care? Moka is gona be mine anyway" She said to him in a very childish way, then she let go of Moka and pulled out her wand. She chanted some kind of spell and all sorts of cleaning supplies started attacking him.

"What is this?" he yelled while trying to fight off the killer brooms, brushes, and pans that were trying to destroy him.

"It's magic of course, I'm a witch" Yukari proudly.

Magic? What else could there be? He thought.

"Oww oww owwie!"

After the spell expired and the cleaning supplies stopped beating him, he went to the nurse and Kurumu accompanied him.

Tsukune was to busy looking at his cuts and wounds to notice Kurumu with a smile sprouting along her lips, likely related to the fact they were alone.

"Hey Tsukune, now that we are alone can I talk to you about something?" Kurumu said in a calm, almost nervous manner.

"Sure, of course Kurumu, what's up?" He said.

"Well the thing is I… I kinda decided I want you to be my Mate of Fate." She said looking and the ground and everywhere except at him and fidgeting a lot.

"Huh? What's that?" Tsukune obliviously asked.

"You see among us succubus we have a Mate of Fate, which is basically the person who is most important to us. They are the person that we eventually want to marry. But of course it can start off as just friends!" She explained and quickly added the last part. She seemed really genuine with most of her normal flirting and teasing gone.

Succubus… he thought So that's what she was.

So she really did care about him a lot. He thought as he reflected on when she had been crying after he ended up in the nurses the last time.

"Hmm, well Kurumu I'm glad you shared this with me and…" He started to say, then out of nowhere.


For some reason his own fist punched his face causing him to fall backward against the pillow.

"Tsukune what's wrong?" Kurumu asked confused and worried.

"I.. I don't know.." he said and then he reached out and stared to grope Kurumu's large chest.

Tsukne's face was beat red as he tried to stop by was unable to control his body.

So soft… He thought in the darker part of his mind.

"Oh Tsukune... I had no idea you were so bold" Kurumu said in a teasing way while giggling with a smirk on her face as her regular personality returned.

Just then the door opened and Moka came into the room. They both looked over at the door.

"Tsukune I finally managed to get rid of Yukari and…" She stopped mid sentence and stared at both of them.

"No Moka it's not how it looks! I can't control my body!" He yelled desperately trying to stop.

"Hahahaha I got you!" They all heard a voice say and looked outside and saw Yukari laughing.

"Heh... heh... oppps" she said rubbing her head.

Later when everything was figured out they all moved to their classroom.

"Please do something about her. I'm angry now!" Tsukune said.

"I didn't really mind though" Kurumu said smiling with a blush.

"We can't just let her keeping doing this, for Yukari's sake we have to teaching she can't keep messing with people. Yukari if you keep pranking people will leave you and eventually you gona be alone." Tsukune said.

"That's fine! I've been alone from the start anyway." She said with sad eyes.

"Yukari…" Tsukune said feeling bad.

Whack. Bonk. Bang!

Using her magic, Yukari made a tea pot, a pan, and a huge tube fall on his head.

"Haha I tricked you!" she happy said and ran off laughing

"Get back here!" Tsukune yelled after her.

"Tsukune calm down" Moka said.

"She can't keeping doing this, besides you're the one that needs to leave her alone."

"I can't just leave her like this" Moka said and ran after her.

"As expected of a witch, she is unaffected even if everyone hates her" Kurumu said in a calm tone.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Tsukune asked.

"Well witches have always been persecuted by monsters and humans. Monsters don't like them because they aren't really monsters. Humans also treated them horrible and hunted them because of their powers and fear of them. They have been the outcasts." Kurumu explained.

Tsukune stared at the empty classroom.

"She's just like me…" He thought.

"Come on Kurumu let's go find them."

Then they ran out of the room to go find Yukari and Moka hoping to find them quickly.

They went into the woods to look for them. Kurumu fly above the trees and said she spotted them near the lake. He ran to find them and when he saw the shore of the lake he also saw Moka and Yukari fighting three lizard men. Yukari was currently biting the tail of one of them so Tsukune ran to help her. The lizard man being bitten turned around to attack Yukari with his claws but Tsukune grabbed her and protected her while the lizard's claws cut his back.

"What? You're here too…" Yukari said.

"I'm sorry about before, I know what it's like to be lonely and I don't want you to be lonely." Tsukune replied with a smile.

"No way you're just saying that!" she said acting childishly.

"Ugh…." Tsukune grimaced from the wound on his back.

"What's with all these people? Don't mess with us!" The lizard men yell and ran forward to finish off Tsukune and Yukari.


Tsukune was staring at the ground which was now several feet below while holding on to Yukari.

"Kurumu!" Yukari shouted and when Tsukune looked up he indeed saw the blue haired succubus flying the over next to Moka.

"Thanks Kurumu" Tsukune said once they landed.

"It's no problem if it's for you" Kurum said and hugged him while still flying in the air.

"Where are they all coming from? Well I guess we will just have to eat them all." One of the lizards yelled.

"Bring it on if you dare" Tsukune said.

He was determined to protect his friends but the pain caused him to double over and grabbed Moka's necklace.

Moka suddenly changed into someone much scarier looking. Her hair changed to white and her prescience became heavy and powerful.

"So this is her true form… a legendary vampire" Yukari said.

"Moka's… real form" Tsukune said being the first time so far he had seen her transform.

What cause it? He tried to think when he noticed the rosary in his hand. He figured it must have been the necklace.

"Hey it's against school rules to transform like that!" The lizard men started to complain.


One of the lizard men was knocked out in a tree from Moka. Kurumu also hit one of the lizard men and wrapped her tail around his neck and threw him up in the tree. Only the leader of the lizard men stood there.

"Your powers are against school rules!" He yelled.

"Oh shut your trap." Moka said and kick his head and he flew into the lake.

"Why did you all come and help me? Even after I did such mean things to you everyone" Yukari said looking at the ground.

"Didn't I tell you already? We all wanted to help you. You're not alone anymore." Tsukune said with a smile while he held on to Kurumu to keep from falling over.

Yukari started to cry from being sad for what she did and happy for her new friends.

A few days later

Tsukune was in his classroom talking with Yukari and then she started to hug him, a few moments later Kurumu and Moka opened the door carrying boxes.

"I love Tsukune!" she shouted and kept hugging him.

Both Moka and Kurumu dropped their boxes.

"My classroom was nearby so I wanted to play, and I love Moka and now I love Tsukune. When he saved me and was on top of me after pushing me out of the way it made me feel more mature so I hope he will push me down more" Yukari explained.

"Hey hey we can't do that…" Tsukune said embarrassed.

"That's right Tsukune is mine anyway!" A pouting Moka yelled and started pulling him from the side opposite of Yukari was on.

"Your both wrong" Kurumu said "Tsukune is mine!"

Kurumu rushed forward and grabbed Tsukune and flew out the window.

Kurumu blushed and giggled flying with him in her arms.

Tsukune blushed and laughed also but was more embarrassed.

It was going to be a long year he could tell, but for some reason he didn't seem to mind.

An: Hey again it's me the talking bat! Okay maybe not. Anyway I did again try to stay fairly true to the story and charactres after factoring in the changes. Like the event in the nurse with kurumu and tsukune, I made it so he finally found out what she was and i changed her from her trying to suduce him to trying to win him over because she is closer with him at this point than she was in the original. I also made her fight one of the lizards so it wasn't just moka, kinda her showing off to him. And I did change the ending so that kurumu got him instead of moka biting him.

Anywho I hope you are all enjoying my story so for and I hope to keep hearing everyone love, critisim, and advice. Obviously I can't please everyone or it wouldn't be my story but if you have any questions or suggesitons I would be happy to listen and take them in to consideration.