Author's note: I know it took me a really long time to write this and I am really really sorry. I had manger writer's block. Please forgive me. And also sorry this chapter is so short.

I don't own the vampire dairies but you already know that.

I didn't know what to tell her, yes I compelled her but in my opinion it was for her own good. Why did I not see this coming? She a vampire now she would remember that, but I just thought she would drop it and not think anything of it.

"Damon…" Elena said looking at me with hurt in her eyes. "What do you want me to say Elena?" I snapped "I mean what if I did compel you and told you I love you. It's not going to change anything like you said before its Stefan and its always going to be Stefan."

"There has to be a reason why I keep dreaming about that one thing." Elena said sounding really annoyed.

"Maybe it's because you did not get compelled that much when you were human and that why you're only having that one memory." I said.

Then I turned around without saying another word and walked away. I don't have to explain myself to someone who doesn't even really give a crap.


I watched as Damon walk away (or ran away) and wonder way I even brought it up. He told me that he loves me before why is this time different because this time was different I don't know how but it was.

I just wait till he cool down and then I'll talk to him about it more tell then maybe I get so more sleep.

It because I love you,

that I can't be selfish with you.

I don't deserve you,

But my bother does.

I awoke to banging and stuff being thrown around. I got up and walked out of my bedroom. I went to pick up something to hit whoever was in the house and I found a wooden baseball bat. I started to walk towards where the banging was coming from and suddenly it was silent. Like the silence before death. I was about to round the corner and hit whoever was in the house. "I wouldddn't do that iiif I werer yyou." I was shocked I looked up to Damon smirking down at me. He smelled like a bar. He has been drinking, again.

"What are you doing down here? It sounds like someone was trying to break in down here." I took a closer look at the room, living room was a complete mess the couch was turned over and a lamp was broken. There was glass and paper everywhere. It looked like a tornado hit it. "Elena I was jussttt reorganizzzzing the living rooooom." He said.

"Are you drunk?" I asked I already know the answer though I could tell the moment I saw him.

"No Elena sober asssssa mousey." Ok know I defiantly know he was drunk. He would never say sober as a mouse that sounds like something Caroline would say. Well I couldn't have a conversation with him when he drunk. "Lets get you to bed." I said.


Damon has been avoiding me for the past four days and every time I try to talk to him about the dream I keep have he would ether pretend I'm not there or walk away. He really is starting to annoy me but what's new. I wonder what he would do if I went on a killing spree.

"Damon why are you being such an ass to me?" I asked I was staring to get really irritated with his attitude

"Because Elena I don't want to talk to you!" He said without even looking at me.

"Well you are going to have to talk to me. We need to talk Damon." I said

"Talk about what? We have nothing to talk about I though I made that clear to you but I guess I have to spell it out to you we have nothing to talk about. I told you I loved you twice before and you didn't seem to care why is this time so different? He asked.

"Because, it just is." And with that I turned and went to my room.

Author's note: I know this chapter was short and probably boring but please view anyway I love all your views they keep me writing this story.

Thank you to everyone who viewed my last capture. Also sorry about the crappy ending please forgive me. ;P