A/N: Thank you all sooo much for my reviews! It really means a lot(: Yeah it is a sad beginning but don't worry! It gets good(: Btw, I know it's kinda awk how I describe Chad, however I was trying to get into the mind of Sonny, and she would describe him(:

Disclaimer: I don't own anything(:

****What's wrong, What's wrong now? ****

Chapter 1:

The sun comes streaming through an open window. Sonny sighs rolling over in the bed. Bed? Why is she in a bed? Confused she opens her eyes and finds herself in a bed she's never slept in. A room she's never seen.

Her heart starts to beat harder. Her eyes frantically search the room till she finds an old wooden bat lying against the closet door. She crawls swiftly out of the bed and clings hard to it, holding it over her shoulder ready to swing.

She creaks open the door and her eyes go straight to the couch where a boy, who looks about her age lays, sleeping. She takes a deep breath slowly moving forward. She hoists the bat over her head, and swings it down.

It about comes in contact with him, when his hand swiftly comes up and catches it. A small smile plays at his lips. "It's about time you woke up." Her breath catches in her throat and she's petrified. She slowly lets the bat go and backs up a bit. He sits up and turns to her smirking.

For the first time she notices how attractive he is. His blue eyes shine brightly and his blonde hair frames his face perfectly. He probably has a girlfriend...She thinks to herself.

"Uhm...how did you know I was going to..." She trails off. "Attack me?" He finishes laughing. "I didn't. I just figured you might try." He says, so proud of himself.

Sonny finally looks up at him. "Who are you? Why am I here?" He walks into the kitchen and props himself up on the table folding his arms. "I don't know. Why don't you tell me."

Sonny looks at him curiously. "I should tell you why you brought me here? That makes sense." He smirks at her. "Well...I found you all by yourself in an alley. A girl like you shouldn't be alone at night." Sonny turns and stares at him. "Girl like me? What's that mean?"

He shrugs. "Well...There's a lot of people who could kidnap you." Sonny glares. "You mean like you?" He chuckles. "I hardly call what I did kidnapping." Sonny moves closer, suddenly not afraid at all. "What would you call it then?"

He backs up startled. "Well...You need a place to stay, and I need a roommate." "What makes you think I need a place to stay?" She snaps. He steps closer now. "Don't you?" She runs around the room looking for something.

He smiles. "What are you looking for?" She glares back at him. "The key to get the hell out of this place!" He smirks folding his arms over his chest. "You won't find it over there."

She walks over to him glaring. "Give me the key!" He shakes his head laughing. "No. Way!" She folds her arms. "WHY NOT!" "Cause I said so. So what's your name?" He says smirking.


Suddenly the door opens and a girl walks in carrying a bunch of bags. "Chaddy, I'm here." She cries in a high pitched squeal. "Oh no..." Chad groans sighing in frustration.

"Who's that...?" Sonny whispers looking back at him.


I hear the creak of the opening door and I try to hide the smirk on my face. I hear her quietly creep over. I feel a brush of air come over my face, and I quickly reach above my head and my hand comes in contact with the wooden bat that I knew was in the guest room.

The girl lets out a shocked cry. A sly smirk fills my face and I speak to her for the first time. "It's about time you woke up." She takes a deep breath in, and I can hear her back up.

I open my eyes, and turn to her and smirk. She up at me sooo innocently, it's almost a curse of how cute she is. "Uhm...how did you know I was going to..." I smile at her cuteness. Cuteness? I barely know her. Stop Chad. Just stop. "Attack me?" I finish. "I didn't. I just figured you might try."

She looks up at me, and I can't do anything but stare right back at her. "Who are you? Why am I here?" I walk into the kitchen and prop myself up on the table folding my arms. "I don't know. Why don't you tell me."

She looks up at me curiously and it's adorable. "I should tell you why you brought me here? That makes sense." I smirk at her. "Well...I found you all by yourself in an alley. A girl like you shouldn't be alone at night." She stares at me for a moment. "Girl like me? What's that mean?"

I shrug. "Well...There's a lot of people who could kidnap you." She glares. "You mean like you?" I laugh. "I hardly call what I did kidnapping." She moves a few feet closer and I'm caught off guard. I almost want to kiss her. What am I saying! I don't even know this girl. "What would you call it then?"

I back up quickly so I don't do anything I will regret. "Well...You need a place to stay, and I need a roommate." "What makes you think I need a place to stay?" She snaps. I step closer. "Don't you?" She runs around the room looking for something.

I smile. "What are you looking for?" She glares back at me. "The key to get the hell out of this place!" I smirk folding my arms over my chest. "You won't find it over there."

She walks over to me glaring. "Give me the key!" I shake my head laughing. "No. Way!" She folds her arms. "WHY NOT!" "Cause I said so. So what's your name?" I smile.


Suddenly the door opens and Maria walks in carrying a bunch of bags. "Chaddy, I'm here." She cries in a high pitched squeal. "Oh no..." I groan sighing in frustration. "Who's that...?" Sonny whispers looking back up at me shyly. I can't stand her cuteness.

I sigh running my hands through my hair. "That's just..." She comes in smiling. "Maria..." I say unenthusiastically. She giggles but her smile falls when she sees Sonny.

"Who the hell is that?" She snaps. My mind goes blank for a moment. "Uhhh...Uhhh...Uhhh..." Sonny looks over at Maria staring at her. "Well?" She growls. I don't say anything for a moment and she breaks down in sobs. "Oh god. You're cheating on me aren't you! I knew it! I just knew it."

"I hate you Chad Dylan Cooper! You cheap ass! Looking for a skank every place you go!" She screams. "Whoa! Whoa! I'm not cheating on you...and Sonny is not a skank. She's too cute for that!" Did I just say that to my girlfriend!

"What...you're not cheating on me? So who is this!" She snaps. "I'm Sonny..." She says smiling. "Well...What is she doing here!" Maria snaps harshly not even caring Sonny is right there. "I'm his roommate." Sonny smiles saving my ass. "Roomate?" Maria cries, throwing a nasty look at Sonny.

I smile at her nodding. "Well...okay. I guess I'll be back tomorrow...Uhm...Bye." I turn and smile at Sonny. She smirks. "You sooo owe me one."

"So where's my room?" She asks smiling from over her shoulder.