A/N: Okay so I came up with the idea of writing this story by listening to Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne. I know it might not be good but I don't really give a crap. So if you're interested yay! If you're not, suck my invisible dick. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own SWAC or Nobody's Home.

Prologue Part 1

***** I couldn't tell you. Why she felt that way, she felt it every day. ****

She made her way through the crowded hallway, her head hung low, not meeting anyone's eyes. She was in store for another year of high school, but she could barely make it through the last one.

She finds room 212 and before giving her schedule one more look, she opens the door and scans the classroom. One half of the room was filled with a collage of desks, and the other had the teacher's desk. She trudges to the back of the room and takes a seat. She pulls her gray hoodie from her backpack and pulls it over her head.

Students start filling the desks, leaning to one another and sharing stories of an amazing summer. She stares down at her desk but she can feel the glances from the other students.

"Sonny?" A voice echoes from above her. She slowly looks up and meets the boys dark brown eyes. He smiles taking a seat next to her. "So how was your summer? You haven't spoken a word to me since freshman year..."She turns her head away from him and stares out the window wishing he wasn't here.

Sonny Munroe. She wasn't always like this. She used to have friends and a lot at that. She was the most popular girl in school her freshman year. The teacher walks in smiling at all the new faces.

"Well...Welcome to another year here at East Mec! Sophmore's huh? I've been told that's the hardest year..." She smiles looking curiously at all of them. Sonny scoffs and closes her eyes.

There is a loud bang on her desk and her eyes fly open. She looks up to see the teacher standing, hands on hips, with a current of rage in her eyes. "And who might you be young lady?"

"Sonny Munroe." She says glaring up at her. The teacher turns away from her walking back to the front. "You're not giving me a very good impression Miss Munroe." "Why would I want to make a good impression on someone like you! You're a teacher, and teachers know shit." Sonny snaps.

The class gasps at her rudeness exchanging glances. The teacher turns. "What do you know about teachers Miss Munroe?" Sonny leans forward in her seat. "My dad is a teacher and it never did me any good!"

Suddenly the door opens and a young man with perfect brown hair and a bright smile walks in. The class smiles greeting him warmly. He high fives a couple of guys before turning to the teacher. "I'm sorry I was late mam. I had trouble finding the class."

"And you might be?" She asks warmly. "Alex." He smiles.

Sonny gets a cold, lost feeling in her heart. She feels like she is going to be sick. He looks over and they lock eyes. His get a glimmer of mischief in them. He smirks. "Well! If it isn't little Miss Sunshine!"

Mrs. Montague sighs. "She's something but it certainly isn't sunny." He grins big. "I beg to differ mam. I think she's a very bright person." He walks to the back and takes a seat next to her. She dares not meet his eyes.

When she starts talking again, Alex slowly moves his hand onto Sonny's thigh and locks eyes with her. "I'm so glad we're in this class together." Sonny feels shivers go up her spine.

To understand you have to start at the beginning...

August 24, Freshman Year.

"Sonny!" Gabby calls from behind her. "Gabs!" Sonny squeals throwing her arms around her. "How was your summer?" Gabby asks. "Amazing of course, I can't believe it's freshman year!" Sonny beams. "I know!" Gabby exclaims.

"Sonny!" "Sonny!" "Sonny!" "Sonny!"

She was a celebrity. During break she walks to her locker, and suddenly there is a swarm of people around her. Not only old, but new people, who had heard stories about her and wanted to meet her.

A boy with perfect dark brown hair and a white smile catches her eye. She gets a warm feeling in her stomach and she continues to watch him curiously. He stands talking with a bunch of guys before his eyes lock with hers and he looks away. Sonny looks back to her friends, and catches him throwing her glances.

The 5th time she raises an eye brow at him and he smiles looking down. She bites her lip walking past him with her friends. "Who was that?" She asks someone.

"Oh that's Alex...Isn't he cute?" Sonny looks down embarrassed. "Maybe a little..." "Sonny!" Mark cries grabbing her hand. He pulls her warmly into a hug. "I really missed you this summer." Out of the corner of her eye Sonny can see Alex leaning against the wall watching.

"Awh! Me too Mark. You wanna give me ride home today?" He smiles. "Sure!" Sonny hugs him again. "Cool. See you then."

"Where are we going now?" The crowd asks her. She bites her lip. "Let's play hide and seek. I'll find you. Go!" They all scatter and she walks on down the hallway sighing in relief.

Alex steps in front of her smiling. "What was that about?" She looks down at her feet. "I...needed some space from them...they follow me everywhere..."

He laughs, and it's the cutest laugh she thinks she's ever heard. She smiles a little thinking about it. "What are you smiling about cutie?" He says shoving her gently like they've been friends for years.

She looks up into his eyes and gets lost. The bell rings and she comes back to herself. She gasps when she sees that they are only inches apart. "I'm...sorry." She whispers backing away.

"It was my fault..." He says looking startled also. "Anyway nice to meet you..." He trails off looking at her. "Sonny." She whispers.

"Sonny." He smiles. He offers his hand, and when Sonny takes it there is a spark between them.