I don't own any charters used here I only own the plot line

Fox Talking inside Naruto



Chapter Three

Date night

Naruto made it to Ichciaku's in ten minutes and was instantly jumped by three Kunoichi as he walked in. They sat at the counter and talked. "Well Naruto", said the brown hair waitress coming to take their orders "it seems you are turning in to a real ladies man and here I thought we were going to hook up when you were older." She faked a pout causing the blond boy to blush.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU NOODLE WHORE?" yelled Hinata, causing Ayame to jump back from the killing intent coming from the usually calm and quiet Hyuuga girl. Naruto groaned when he saw the look in Ayame's eyes thinking to himself 'Great she just went into big sister mode'.

Ayame sighed as she sat her pad down and sent her own glare back at Hinata and the other two girls. " Let's get one thing straight here girls " she said in a cold voice that sent a chill down all four genins' spines as she picked up a single chopstick and started to twirl between her fingers. "You might like Naruto; you may even think you love him. But I do love him and if you hurt my little brother again your fault or not. I'll make you regret it for the rest of short and VERY pain filled lives." With that said she stabbed the chopstick into the counter leaving the wooden utensil embedded in the metal counter top as she went into the kitchen.

"She is scary." Mumbled a ghostly white Hinata, as the other two Kunoichi just nodded. "She used to be a member of the Anbu" Said Tenchu placing their orders in front of the teens. "She was one of the ones assigned to watch over Naruto. The council revoked her ninja status for starting to teach Naruto kenjutsu and spending time with him while she was off duty. Hell they even refused to let me adopt him." He paused looking at Naruto and smirked thinking to put the blonde on the spot "so which one is your girlfriend kid?"

"We all are" Answered the girls. Tenchu snatched Naruto's bowl away from him as he was about to start eating and went back into the kitchen. When he returned he had an extra large bowl of ramen loaded with seafood. "Here with three you'll need this, it'll put lead in your pencil kid."

A whooshing sound could be heard as a pan thrown from the kitchen with deadly accuracy hit Tenchu in the head. "They're too young for that you damn pervert." Yelled Ayame, the said sweetly "it's all on the house guys."

As they were leaving Naruto waved to Shizune as she entered the shop. The group walked through the village stopping at a small fair that came to the village every year at this time. The rides were still being setup but the games and souvenir booths were open. Naruto stopped at a game booth and threw darts at balloons popping every balloon he aimed at winning three teddy bears one pink, one purple, and one blue. Earning a big hug from each of the girls as he handed them their bears. After stopping to get some ice cream Naruto and the three girls walked up to a stall when they saw who was running it. "Hey Tenten, Neji" Said Sakura "What's up?"

Neji side stepped behind Tenten when he saw Hinata "Calm down I am not going to hurt you." Hinata said with a sigh. "Why is Neji afraid of you Hinata?" asked Naruto

"She beat him up" laughed Tenten "for calling her a stuttering little princess."

"I'm not like that anymore." Stated Hinata

"By the way Hinata" said Neji from safely behind Tenten "your father is looking for you."

"Oh I guess I better go then." Said Hinata, she kissed Naruto hard causing him to have a dazed expression on his face. "So what are you selling? Asked Ino

"Oh" said Tenten, "Just a version of the filter masks and other equipment."

"Whats new about the mask?" asked Naruto picking up a mask designed to look like the snarling mouth of a beast.

"The poison filter last longer and they don't block mouth launched jutsu anymore." Explained Tenten

'I need new gear' thought Naruto 'and Tenten's family has a reputation for making the best, but they're expensive. Wait I got money now if Iruka lets' me have it.' "Hey Tenten does your family do special orders?" asked Naruto

"Yeah we do them all the time" answered Tenten, "what do you have in mind?"

"Don't know yet it depends how much money I've got. I'll come by the shop tomorrow." Answered Naruto

They left Neji and Tenten and continued their walk. After finishing up at the fair they decided to walk around the near the lake, Naruto couldn't help but laugh when he noticed the cherry blossoms had fallen in to the girls hair as they walked underneath the cherry trees. Around sunset they headed back towards the village. When they passed Ino's house they heard her mother call for her to come in. Not wanting to be showed up by Hinata, she kissed Naruto deeply sliding her tongue into his mouth. Just as Naruto started to kiss her back they heard a gruff cough coming from behind them. Breaking the kiss they saw Inochi standing behind them. He gently led Ino to the house shaking his head.

"Well what do you want to do now Sakura?" He asked. "Let's call it a night" she said "we got a team meeting tomorrow."

"Okay." Said Naruto as he walked her home. When they there she pulled him into the deepest kiss yet. Leaving him dazed with a small tickle of blood running from his nose.

Okay well this chapter is up. Reviews are welcome No Flamers I am straight. Naruto and all charters used do not belong to me never have never will.