Disclaimer: I do not own these characters; I merely love them so much that I've decided they're too awesome for men and therefore should be for each other.

Music: Kiss The Rain – Yiruma

Pairing: Hermione Granger & Fleur Delacour

I need a beta, do check the author note at the end of this story.

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Her eyes fluttered open; she was lying sideways and was facing a glass window. It was still dark outside but the sun had begun to show signs of waking up. A seventeen year old Hermione Granger sighed deeply as the last remnants of sleep left her brain and her consciousness returned slowly.

She closed her eyes for a full minute and tried valiantly tried to choke back her tears, willing them not to fall. Especially not on the cheeks of the blonde veela that's currently asleep in her arms. In a few days time, as the trio have planned… They will be leaving on a mission, a mission to hunt for something that would put an end to this war. A mission she will accomplish for her family, for her friends, and most of all for the love of her life; a mission in which she have no idea how to tell Fleur. She gave another sigh.

But who was to be blamed? She argued with her brain. I just want to protect her; Merlin knows that she wouldn't let me go without her coming with us. A frustrated noise came out from her lips due to the debate.

A very naked Fleur stirred in her arms, she suddenly realized that she was making too much noise. She glanced at the clock placed in their bedside table and whispered lovingly on her lover's ears.

"It's just four am love, go back to sleep…"

"Mmmmhmmnnn." An incoherent sound coming from her lover's lips, which she usually found oh-so sensual. She let out a breathy sigh and dropped a little kiss on Fleur's temple as she snuggled more closely to her body.

Oh how she loved the blonde beauty. With her intense blue eyes that sparkle every time she laughs, then there would be a glint of mischievousness upon her lips every single time she finds something to tease Hermione about. Her luscious curves that made her a woman, those hips that with one swing would make every man in the vicinity go weak on their knees. The contours of her angelic face, the motion of those jaws and even the flex of her facial muscles when she spoke look elegant.

She never walked, Fleur Isabelle Delacour never walked to a place; she always glides with ease and confidence. And then there's her voice, just sweet-mother-of-merlin, her voice. A melodious song, with a it's slight tilt of French accent which usually becomes more pronounced when she's too happy, too sad, too angry or any other emotion that's "too much" as she explains it.

Her luscious white-soft skin usually glowed in any dark place, plus there's her hair. That blonde tangled one-hell-of-a-sexy mess of hair. It's soft and silky texture and however she pulled and played with it, it just can't seem to get tangled too badly unlike her hair. She smiled at the realization. She would have more reason to play with her lover's hair once she gets back—every time she gets the chance to.

Without her noticing, a single drop of tear escaped her eyes. Hermione blinked furiously in an attempt to clench her feelings. But she couldn't help it; she'd miss the blonde so much. It's not even happening yet but it already hurt so badly. How much more would it be when she's gone? How much would the veela hurt if she's gone? Would Fleur be so mad at her she wouldn't take her back once all of this is over?

Damn it, what's the use? She thought and finally gave up, letting the tears stream down her face. But she tried to keep her breathing even; she choked back her sobs as to not make any noises. Hermione positioned herself more comfortably and inched away from Fleur's face so she can stare at it; and she did so lovingly, her eyes full of determination, love and passion. She took her left hand from Fleur's waist and carefully caressed Fleur's face.

From her temples to the center of her forehead, down to the bridge of her nose, going back up to lightly touch her eyelids, and carefully running a finger through her lashes. The back of her hand caressed Fleur's still flushed cheeks. She gently cupped her face and ran her thumb over the bottom of Fleur's lips loving the silky and soft feel to it.

"I love you, I love you so much." Hermione whispered while she let her tears freely fall down to her face and onto the pillow they shared.

"I'm really sorry, I'm so terribly sorry. But I promise you that I'll be back. I'll end all of these for you; I'll go through anything for you. Anything to make sure our future will be with each other's arm in a safe place, in a safe world; in this world."

She sniffed and inched closer to Fleur's face. The pretty blonde was still oblivious to all the heart-felt words she was babbling about. Their noses barely touching now, she inhaled her scent. Fleur have always smelled good, a faint scent of vanilla. It's sweet but never overpowering; but the same scent overpowered her in many, many, many ways.

"I have no idea why I'm so in love with you. I don't need a reason anyway; I won't ever need anything else… You're the only one that I need, the only one that I want."

And heaven forbid did Hermione Jean Granger barely want or needed anything or anyone for that matter. However the blonde veela had been able to turn her into a mushy sap-ball. Hermione knew her will would crumble the moment Fleur pleaded with those blue eyes for her to stay by her side.

She pictured Fleur in her mind, the face of a confused Fleur, a Fleur teasing her, a Fleur rambling about something— a Fleur painting a picture with her face contorted in pure concentration. A smile was tugging in Hermione's lips. It was magical how the blonde's reactions can mix her emotions in every possible way, like mixing anything into everything and feeling them all at the same time but still being able to understand and be happy about it.

It's been this way for the past few nights. She would always hold Fleur close to her and caress her face lovingly; trying very hard to memorize and take in every detail she can about Fleur's face. Her mannerisms, habits, everything she can save up for the foreboding journey where she would need to leave the veela for quite possibly a long time. Not to mention it would be so bloody dangerous.

Hermione wouldn't have ever guessed that someday she would hate herself for being such a logical thinker. She cursed herself under her breathe for always returning to that notion of leaving the blonde. She didn't want to think about it, she just wants to enjoy her remaining time with the love of her life.

"Je t'aime."

Hermione whispered. She sighed deeply and opened her eyes slowly; her tears had stopped falling now… She was able to pour out her feelings and she felt better. Hermione was expecting to see a close-up view of Fleur's sleeping face. But unlike the many nights before, she was surprised to see startling blue eyes in contrast with the dark staring deeply into her face.

"I love you too mon amour, more than you'll ever know."

Came the quiet melodious reply which struck Hermione, It was said with so much sincerity and passion that she couldn't help herself from closing in the distance and returning the passion with as much as she have through a kiss.

Their lips met in a loving embrace, it was the clashing of souls—two souls made for each other. It was a dance performed by two mastered into a perfection, a perfection only achieved when both of them are doing the dance. Hermione's hands instinctively went through Fleur's face to the back of her neck, aggressively pulling her closer, needing more of her warmth, more of her lips, more of her. Just more; much more of her.

Fleur was never one to back down from a challenge, and the said challenges are including but not limited to; a very aggressive Hermione pulling her in for a passionate and loving kiss. Fleur wrapped her arms more securely around the brunette, keeping her as close as possible, rubbing loving circles in the small of her back with another hand weaving through the tresses of the brown chocolate locks of Hermione's hair.

Fleur moaned into the kiss, which in turn made Hermione sigh in pleasure. Kissing Fleur was always like this, it was always like the first time. It still amazed her how their bodies fit perfectly, like a lock and key. She nibbled on Fleur's lower lip and ran her tongue over it—a thing she usually did to ask permission for entrance.

Fleur opened her mouth to Hermione's seeking tongue and met it with her own. The mass of quivering muscles met in a sword fight, trying to out-do each other with passion but knowing how to take turns. Hermione could've sworn she heard violins playing in the background, she felt lightheaded.

A few moments later, the kiss broke apart naturally and they both gasped for much needed air but their lips were still touching each other. Fleur rubbed her nose lovingly on Hermione's. She then shifted her position so she was lying on top of Hermione, her blonde silvery hair clouding either side of their faces. The sun was peeking out now, sending a few rays into Fleur's hair. It was glowing beautifully, almost ethereal. Her girlfriend was a goddess, understated.

"Now that you 'ave claimed your good morning kiss, tell me why you were crying mon amour."

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes, she didn't want Fleur to worry. She snaked her arms onto Fleur's waist and opened her eyes—hey maybe she could avoid it.

"I wasn't crying love, whatever do you mean?" Came her reply, she winced inwardly, that wasn't so convincing.

Fleur raised her eyebrows in that superior way of hers.

"'Ermione, you were never good at lying. Surely I have said that before, non?"

Hermione let out a sigh of defeat. She's very good at everything, but her expertise at everything fails her when her lover looks at her this way.

"Okay… Okay, I was crying…" She gulped. "…I was just worried and all, you know about the war. And everything, and everyone."

Brilliant, bloody brilliant Hermione, you just had to stutter. She let out another sigh and pulled Fleur closer.

"And…?" Well, apparently Fleur wasn't convinced with the answer.

"…And I was thinking of how much I love you, and how scared I am to lose you. I was thinking of how tomorrow would be if I couldn't wake up by your side. If I open my eyes every morning and see you're not there. I was thinking of how much I love your voice, every curve of your body, every strand of your hair, every contour in your face." Hermione said it with so much passion, though she did leave out the bit of why she was actually thinking of that she was glad Fleur haven't noticed.

Fleur visibly melted at the passionate words spoken by her lover.

"Ma belle… My 'Ermione, I love you too." She smiled as she dropped another loving kiss into Hermione's mouth as she wiped the remaining tears from the brunette's face.

As the kiss broke, Hermione felt the need for sleep tugging into her consciousness; she had barely slept the whole night. She kept waking up at random times of the night and had been whispering soft loving words to Fleur.

"Mmmm, love. I'm feeling a little sleepy, do you mind if we sleep a little bit more?" Hermione whispered while gazing up her lover's blue warm orbs.

"Of course mon amour, get some sleep… We do not need to do anything today. I just want to stay 'ere in your arms all day." Came Fleur's loving reply and adjusted her position so that her head was lying upon Hermione's chest—and then she nuzzled into the crook of Hermione's neck and dropped a little kiss upon it.

Hermione chuckled and wrapped her arms more securely around the blonde, and closed her eyes, welcoming the relaxing feeling of sleepiness tugging in her being.

She fell asleep a few minutes later—Fleur on the other hand just closed her eyes and stayed awake, randomly running her fingers to and forth the line of Hermione's collar bone with her eyes closed, listening to the heart beating for her.

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A/N: So, how was that? Did you like it? That was like; my first Fleur/Hermione story and I did it in a spur-of-the-moment thing. My apologies for several grammars and/or spelling mistakes that you will find. I've written it in such a late hour it's currently 3:00AM at my time. I also do not have a beta, obviously so yeah. And I'm really sorry if you ever find mistakes on the bit of the French and Fleur's accent.

Speaking of which, I would really love to have a beta for an HG/FD story that I'm currently plotting. Do send me a PM if you're interested. I'm considering on making a really long story about them, they're my most favorite HP pairing. w (I blame the influence of several awesome writers about this pairing—not that it wasn't a welcomed influence. Teehee)

Also, I'm thinking of adding another (or a few more) chapter to this which would consist of Hermione finally leaving Fleur for the awaited journey/hunt and some other random, sappy lovey-dovey scenes. What do you think? Reviews will be very much appreciated, thank you!