A/N: The final chapter. I just want to say that it had been a good run. I had fun writing this. And now, we've reached the end. Happy All Saints Day to all =D.

Chapter 6: One more ace to play

The aftermath of the big fight left the club as one of its casualties. The matchboxes that were used as tables were overturned with some damaged and some unfixable. Cardboard boxes some shredded or torn. Food splattered all over the floor and the walls. Even the stage was not spared. In the center of it all, the monkeys were rounded up and all tied up. Apparently, they lost the fight. Hanging on the top with his knees tied on ropes was the leader of marmosets, who was looking at everything upside-down.

"I can't believe we lost… again."

The penguin approached the hanging king
He looked above and waved his wing

"I warned once my simian friend.
It's time to finish this. Goodbye. The end."

"Wait… you know. Maybe we can work this out."

"Perhaps it's time to shut your mouth."

The marmoset king looked at the penguin and the other birds smiling over him. Something was up and it does not look good. Soon pales of fishguts emerged from every bird. "What are you guys doing?"

The penguin picked up a fistful from a bucket. "Providing a finale fit for a king." He threw it towards the leader of the marmosets. A direct hit. Other birds soon started doing the same. It did not take long before he was covered with fishguts. "Help me!"


The penguin stopped his activities. "Who said that? I say. Anyone else wants to play?"

"I did ya' nasty bird!" Pedro then emerged from the room, but was taken aback by what he saw. "You guys got beat up again."

"Don't remind me." Mauro replied back.

Pedro looked back at the penguin and recognized him. Although he wore an eye-patch, the dream he had, along with Luiz's story. It was clear now. "The penguin with the monocle!"

"Ah… someone still remembers my name. But I will have to put you to shame."

"You should be the one ashamed, you penguin."

"Little bird, would you like to join your friends. Cause this is where the game ends."

"The game's not over yet, penguin, for I have this!" And he uncovered an object that he hid earlier, making it visible to everyone.

"Hey! That's my phone!" yelled the marmoset king.

"Yeah, now I will free my friends from your spell when I play the music player of this phone."

"You… wouldn't"

"I would." He then neared his wing to activate the phone. "Take this!"

But after a moment… nothing happened.

"Wait what?" Pedro asked puzzled. He tried again, still nothing happened. "Why isn't this thing working?"

"That's because you need fingers!" Mauro said.

"Oh." Pedro said. Well that explains a lot.

Upon seeing nothing after,
The crazy penguin burst to laughter.
"Oh my. This is precious. I feel fantastic.
You just showed me a one-off classic."

At the snap of his flipper, a finale so grand.
His friends and loved ones under the penguin's command.
The blue macaws, the toucans and his canary friend approached
Pedro backed a bit as his former friends encroached.

Cornered at last to a wall
Pedro never felt so small
But even if there's none left to say
He still had a small ace to play


At the call of his name
A white bulldog enters the game
He ran as fast as he ever could
To fend the aggressors as he should

"Heyz, I didn't think the monkeyz would get rounded up thiz fazt."

"HEY! I can hear that from up here!"

"Oh! Zorry!"

"Nevermind that." Pedro replied. "I need ya' to untie the monkeys and create a distraction."

"Zure thing. Time to getz my mad face on." Luiz acted like a wild dog with rabies, but it was all pretend. He charged to the marmosets and though it scared them at first, he did what was told of him and started untying the monkeys free. "I gotz you good!"

The place once again getting out of control. Marmosets running around along with a dog. Meanwhile, Pedro grabbed the phone and flew over to Mauro. "I'm gonna need your help with this thing."

"Okay! Just get me down from here." With that, Pedro tried with his beak to break the rope. It was taking longer though it was his only hope. "Stop your squirming!" Pedro said.

"I can't. I'm freaking out here."

All of a sudden, a final surprise

A penguin jumped behind Pedro's eyes.

"Get off my back you crazy bird."

"I won't give up quick. Mark my word."

With the combined weight of the penguin, the rope snapped, which sent the three dropping down fast. Pedro passed the phone to Mauro to which he unlocked his phone first. Then, he made his way to the music player. "What song should I play?"


He had no time to pick. And so, he picked one at random, played it and cranked the volume up. Soon, its sounds fill the air. And one by one, the birds were slowly coming back to their senses.

"That song?" A nearby bird said. "It sounds… familiar…"

"It sounds… like… like…" Another one said.


Soon, many birds were dancing on the floor. The penguin went to the stage and uncovered a familiar box. "This cannot be. All of you belong to me!" He started playing the strange tune. Again, a part of their spirit was being removed from them, but the song from the phone also meant that it was regenerated. The box slowly expanded and expanded until it could not take anymore. Without warning, the box exploded and spirit of samba spread out and returned to their respective owners.

Pedro looked the marmoset king. "Those are some pretty good tunes actually."

"Hehe… thanks." The marmoset picked up the phone. "I'll be taking this. Oh and by the way, let us never speak of this."


"Good." The marmoset king whistled to get the attention of every marmoset. "Let's move out."

After the departure of the marmosets, familiar faces approached Pedro. "Pedro?" Rafael asked. "What happened?"

"Yeah. How did we get here? I don't think I remember a thing." Blu asked.

"It's a long story."

And so Pedro told us the tale
Of how our very souls got stale
But all is well that ends well they say
It was the end of a really long day

The penguin was nowhere to be seen
No one knows now where he's been.
The search continues to this day
Until he's found, I ask you… to… PRAY!

"Ahh!" The three blue chicks replied.

"Did I scare you kids."

"That was scary." Bloo replied.

"Is he really still out there?" Bleu asked.

"It's just a story, son. It's all made-up."

"But what if-"

"Perhaps it's time for bed."

"No." The three simultaneously replied.

"Will you tell us another?"

"Anything for you, Facebook, my dear."

"Dad, stop calling me that."

"Alright… Pearl, sweetie."

Her daughter then smiled.

"Who wants another story?" Blu asked.

The three chicks got excited, chanting me and I do repeatedly.

"Very well, this one is called…."

Meanwhile at the marmoset camp

A marmoset passes by to dump their latest stolen item at the marmoset king's pile of stolen items. As he placed it, the pile shifted and fell sideways. Worried, the marmoset tried his best to fix the mess he made. Carefully, he picked the items one by one and returned them back in the pile. He then picked up a strange object. It was a ring circumscribing a layer of glass. The marmoset briefly wore it, but quickly returned and went on his way.


A/N: Btw, if you want to know what song Mauro played on his phone, visit youtube and add this extension to the link .com/watch?v=VM56POaEEX4