Well, here it is my first Power Rangers story here on ff dot net. This isn't my first story ever for this fandom. I wrote my first one way back in 1997. Unfortunately, I don't have it anymore.

Now this is a Tommy/Kim story. I don't write anything else. I can't see them with anyone else. I wish we could get a reunion and they're together. Actually, I wish that Amy would have done a few episodes of Dino Thunder. It would have been nice to see the original pterodactyl with the new one.

So I don't own Power Rangers. No they belong to Saban once again. They've just been with me since 1993.

I want to dedicate this story to Eric Frank, David Trueheart (aka Tommy's brother), Thuy Trang, Trini, and Richard Genelle, Ernie. They have a big place in Ranger fan's heart.

Chapter 1

The arena filled with cheers. The trio from Angel Grove had won the martial arts tournament. Only a few among the audience knew that not too long ago the three had been fighting intergalactic villains. Their friends rushed the ring in the center to congratulate the trio.

Their leader raised his arms, but didn't take his eyes off his ex-girlfriend as she congratulated the others. Every once in awhile, she would look at him. He still hadn't gotten over how he had felt when he saw that she had been captured by Divatox. It had felt like the letter had never even happened. It had caused him to actually end his short relationship with the current pink ranger, because he realized that he wasn't over Kimberly. When he had seen the hate in her eyes caused by the spell, he realized that he still loved her more than himself. Yes, the letter had hurt, but there had to be a reason behind it. And he got the feeling that she was wanting to talk to him, but might still think he and Kathrine were together.


The Youth Center was full of teenagers and adults. Kimberly sat at the Juice Bar watching her friends. It would have hurt if her friends hadn't wanted to have anything to do with her. Adam and Rocky understood that she had to have a reason. Katherine and Tanya kept giving her odd looks, and she knew why. Tommy had broken up with Katherine after only a few weeks of dating as the team had been coming to save her and Jason. So she was sitting at the bar watching her friends cause well she really didn't know where to start. Sighing, she glanced at Tommy standing beside Jason. Her mother's plan wasn't working anymore, not that she wanted it to. Since she had graduated in Florida, Kim was staying with Jason's family until she could get a place of her own. She was going to go to college, but she needed a job. Ernie had revealed to her he was selling the Youth Center and that the new owner would need some help. So now she was going to work at the Juice Bar. Thank goodness she had a nice college fund set up by her parents.

Kim turned back towards the bar. Once gymnastics had been her life, now she realized what was important, but doubted that he would want to try again. Why would he? She had hurt him badly with that lie of a letter. Sighing, Kim looked at the area behind the bar. Pretty soon she would be heading back to the Lee's house. She heard the seat beside her move as someone sat down.

"How you feeling, Kim?"

She turned and looked at her only boyfriend with his back to the bar.

"I've been better, but that's not what you wanted to ask me."

Tommy sighed. "This isn't exactly the best place for that."

Kim nodded. "But you want to?'

"If you'll let me."

Kim glanced over her shoulder at Katherine. "I already know about you and Kat."

Tommy clenched his teeth. "Kim, I don't want to talk about Kat."

Kim looked at him. "Tommy."

Tommy looked at her. "We need to talk, Kim."

Kim sighed. "I know."

Tommy nodded. "Come with me, Kim." He stood up.

Kim sighed as she stood up. "Kay, lead the way."

The pair walked out of the Youth Center and out to the Park. He lead her to the place where they had officially begun, the rock by the lake. Tommy stood with his back to the pond and watched as Kim came up to him.

"Why, Kim? Why break up with me in a letter?"

Kim tried not to cry. "I listened to my mom, Tommy." Tears began to fall from her eyes and down her face. "She convinced me that we couldn't work since we were on opposite sides of the country. And that we would never make it since she and my didn't. She drilled it so hard into my head I believed her."

Tommy closed his eyes. "So there's no one else?"

"Who could compare to you?"

Tommy opened his eyes. "You hurt me, Kim. I mean you really hurt me. Until I got that letter, I thought everything was fine. I mean we talked almost every night and you said nothing in your letters."

"It wasn't for me. I couldn't focus without you guys around me, without you. I missed you all so much. I missed you. They took the fun from gymnastics for me. I felt like my wings had been broken."

Tommy moved closer to her. "I tried to get over you."

"I said I knew about Kat, Tommy."

"Then you know that I broke up with her on the way to save you?"

Kim's eyes grew wide.

"I almost lost it, Kim, when I saw that she had you. I barely held myself together." He took a deep breath. "I felt like when Zedd had captured you all over again. When I found out that the dummies in the water weren't you or Jason, I went into my saving Kimberly mode. I though it over and as soon as we had time alone of the way, I did it." Tommy smiled slightly. "She wasn't that surprised." He sighed. "I want to try again, Kim."

Kim wiped her eyes. "What?"

"I want to rebuild our friendship first. Then we'll see where we'll go."

"You actually want to try again?"

Tommy took hold of her hand. "You know me better than anyone else. You were my best friend, Kim. I want that back."

Kim looked up at him. "Tommy."

"I know that you're staying, Kim. Jas, told me."


"Look, I'm planning to go to visit my brother at the Reservation before graduation. Would you please come with me?"

"You want me to meet your brother?"

Tommy grinned slightly. "Why wouldn't I want you to meet David?"

"I don't know."

"Relax, Kim. I'm leaving late tomorrow. Just pack up like you're going camping."

Kim smiled slightly. "Am I going to have you call you to remind you?"

"I'm getting better. Don't worry. I promised David I would show up. He got some of our parents stuff and he wants me there to go through it."

"I'll go."

"I knew you would. So need a ride?"

"I was waiting on Jason."

"Come on. Let Jas stay here a while longer. I was about to leave any way."

"All right."

The pair walked out to the Youth Center parking lot and then got into Tommy's Jeep. As Tommy steered the Jeep towards the Scott house, Kim watched the scenery go by. This was not what she was expecting. He actually wanted to work towards getting what they had back, and he wanted her to meet his brother. As the Jeep pulled in front of the house, Kim undid her seat beat. She got out and looked at him.

"So about what time tomorrow?"

"Around noon. It'll take about four to six hours to get there. We'll stay at least one night."

"So pack for more like two?"

"Yeah. I don't see David that much. So when I can I try to go up and see him."

"Kay, see you tomorrow."

Kim shut the door and walked up to the front door. After she entered the house, she turned on the porch light. Then she heard him drive away. Well, things hadn't gone as she had planned, but just maybe the Falcon and the Crane could find away back to each other after all.

So there is the first chapter. I plan to have this end just before Turbo starts. I don't plan to rewrite the part of the season before they pass on the Power. I may rewrite Passing the Torch. I haven't decided yet.

So if you please review.