Another story! Well ya it true everyone. I'm sorry for not updating my other story. I have a slight writers block. I had a dream and it came to me. So call me a prophet, but if my pen name is supergirrl, I gotta write something DC related. Also if you want to know what Ava looks like, check my profile or story picture. So without further ado I give you...

The silent wind ripped at me, tossing me side to side. A helpless doll that couldn't even hear her own pathetic cries for help. I was just falling falling. At it seemed to be the end for me, I stared at a pair of eyes. They were so kind and caring, but the thing that got to me the most was that they were the bluest eyes I had ever seen in my lifeā€¦

I gasp and shot up in bed. It took me a minute to relax and get my breathing back to normal. I had that nightmare again except for that new ending. Usually I would fall until everything turned black and I woke up just like now. Now that I think about it, it was just getting annoying. For once in these last few months I rather wake up happy, well rested- not felling like I just died. Ugh, how to start a day. Then I realized what today was. "It's my birthday!" I said as I shot back up with a start and scrambled out of the mess of sheets, falling out of bed as I did so.

By the time I got untangled from my sheets and got out of my apartment, I felt pretty confident. Hey anyone who's turning 21 needs to be in a good mood. Especially when it means I can legally drink. I headed off to work. Most people might think it would be terrible to have to work on your birthday, but I really don't mind. Most people are surprised that I work at a newspaper; and a big one to be more specific. I didn't plan to be one either, but after writing an article for my college newspaper; I suddenly decided on changing majors. Apparently my 'way with words' and 'witty yet accurate' skills I showed through and got so much praise and recognition. Not only did it help me get my internship at The Insider; I finally found something that I love to do. Most people laugh at me. Ha it's impossible to get into the famous business. Why didn't I just work for the city's local newspaper, the Torch? You see, when you live in a small city, right next to one of the biggest cities in the world; you just dream big. So that's where I am. Working most of the day as a reporter, evenings, for my online class. I even got to move into a nice apartment, for younger generations mostly. We do have a couple elders like Mrs. Wites. I even met my friends there, each introduction odder than the rest. My best friend, Eberly (introduction included a dark alley, rubber chicken, tofu, and a homeless man), Xander (a giant stuffed panda, fake foot, and an angry business man covered in coffee), and Caleb (don't ask cause you don't want to even think about knowing). Tonight was going to be a special night out just us four and a roof top. Caleb's mom works at The Insider as a secretary. She was nice enough to give us the key to the rooftop for the spectacular view. You could see the Crystopolis skyline with the big skyscrapers and everything. The best place to spend your birthday night.

As soon as our day was over, Eberly and I went back to the apartments to get ready. Twenty minutes later I took a deep breath and we left. The guys did an amazing job at the rooftop. A few chairs, lights, and a cooler full of drinks made the setting perfect. Xander poured two glasses of champagne for the girls and cracked open two cans of beer for the guys. "A toast, to our amazing Ava and her accomplishment to finally turning 21!"

"I can drink to that!" Eberly said laughing, draining her entire glass in one gulp.

"Agreed!" laughed Caleb drinking his beer in a more moderate sip. I smiled gleaming at everyone especially Xander. In a friendly way, mind you. We tried it out months ago but it just didn't work, especially since he kept bringing the topic up. We decided it would be better as friends.

"And finally securing that job at TI (abbreviated the Insider), we know it isn't official, but how could you not get it?" Caleb praised me.

I laughed, "Yup, I mean the chief just loves me!"

We all laughed at that. Inside joke: the chief seems to hate everyone.

"Ya know, all these years I never really took you as someone who would take such serious job." Xander laughed, taking a huge swing of his beer.

My laugh was a bit hollow. "Um, thanks?"

"You know with you head always up in the clouds. Even when we were dating, you seemed more intested chasing the impossible than reality. Maybe with this job you can get your feet firmly in reality." Xander chuckled and hiccuped.

"Hey buddy, I think you're drinking a little too quickly" Caleb tried to grab Xander's can, but he stumbled just out of reach. Both Caleb and Eberly avoided my gaze, glaring at Xander and silently mouthing Shut up Xander! But he was too busy wobbling towards me, waving his beer like it would help emphasize his point.

"What do you mean? I've always had my feet in reality. I've been working my ass off for that job at TI" I asked with cutting edge delicacy.

"True, but if ask anyone, hell, even Caleb and Eberly- you're always reading, thinking of the impossible. Chasing down theories like suddenly the secrets of reality would suddenly reveal itself to you. You're should be living it up! You're twenty one, and so serious. He explained, boring his eyes into mine.

"Are you saying I'm crazy?" I dared him.

"Hey, I never said that. Just maybe you need to see that the world doesn't include your little fantasies." If I could breathe fire, I would've. I spun around and marched up to the ledge and hopped up, spreading my arms wide.

"Well guess what? I already did grow up! I know how to be serious, I can take care of myself, and I've been doing it for the last couple years haven't I? And I don't even need to be all wild and crazy all the time like you. I like, no I want to let go sometimes. I can't be super reporter all the time! I'll go crazy!" All of them rushed towards me, with worry in their eyes.

"Ava, come on you know Xander's drunk and stupid. Get of the ledge, it's not safe." Eberly held out her hand, trying to catch mine. Unfortunately Xander shoved her out of the way.

"I'm stupid? Look who's on the ledge acting like nothing can hurt her. Get down now!" He grabbed my arm and jerked me towards him.

"Xander let go of me! I don't need you tell me what and when I need to do all the time. Guess what, I'm 21! I've told before and I can tell you now; I can do it without you!" I shoved him off. I guessed I pushed too hard. Xander stumbled, but I was thrown of balance. I tripped backwards and fell. To nothing. I saw the ledge with all my friend's frantic faces looking down at me. Wait,down! I screamed and twisted around. The wind ripped at my clothes and my scream along with it. The ground came closer. I realize suddenly that's I felt this before-in my dream I had dreamed of the end for months without knowing. I saw too late it was really a prediction of what was to come. Suddenly my head exploded into pain. Blackness started to dot my vision. Did I just hit a flagpole or something? Doesn't really matter anymore, does it? I thought as I crumbled to unconsciousness.

Edited 12/9 (thanks to Rory for pointing out my italics mistake :D)

Edited 1/1/15 I have decided to do some major rewrites to this story. I have been meaning to change this story and t's been forever since I've touched it. There are several elements that I didn't really like when I reread this and new year and resolutions and all that stuff- I've finally opened up the doc manager and started working.

Thank you for those who have fav/followed and stuck by. I've been the shittest author so thank you.