Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers characters, robots, environments etc, etc. Any OC, robot or location not recognisable is mine.

Rating and Warning: M for bad stuff, abuse, torture, violence, gore, naughty stuff. Alcohol like stuff abuse. OOCness through the roof, OCs here and there, beware. My first real Non-Con ever, scary. Warning may expand in the future. Oh My God I have a plot! See if you can spot it.

A/N: I'd like to welcome my newest readers. It's always fun to see new faces. And loving kisses to the people who are sticking to this story. I love every single one of you with big hearts and chocolate and stuffs.

Beta: Proofread and made less sucky by Francesca Zatnik. More special thanks to you!

…- Azure Droplets, Crimson Optics -…

The academy is disturbingly quiet.

Fights constantly break out on the streets of Iacon, forcing civilians out of their homes and into the towers and higher buildings of the city, while others flee completely. Although Iacon has an outstanding military force, they are no match for the seemingly very well organised rebel forces. Half of those military forces were send to Kaon as backup, as the streets of the working city were flooded by rebels several lunar cycles ago. Devotees of Primus, they call themselves. Out to bring salvation to the children of Primus, out to purify the streets of Cybertron of the filth and the weak.

Horrible, in Starscream's opinion. He tries not to think too much about it. The white seeker is rummaging through a box filled with datapads, all of them broken and useless but he just cannot bring himself to throw them away. He can still fix them or reroute their information, if only he had the time. "Starscream." The seeker twitches at the mentioning of his designation. He raises his gaze to the large grounder in the doorway, wings lowering on his back in agitation. His professor smiles an oily smile that forces the flyer to suppress a shudder. Lightswitch snakes his way towards the smaller mech but leaves some distance between them when Starscream rises to his peds. The seeker barely manages to contain his disdainful tone of voice. "What do you want professor?"

"Now, now. I just want to have a talk with my favourite student." The green and red mech opts, sensing the hostility but remaining positive. He has been coveting the seeker for a while now and has made no secret of it. "I'm sure you have heard the news concerning the recent discoveries made by Gamma Ray." Starscream returns to rummaging through his box of broken pads, pretending to be busy. Maybe the other will pick up on his disinterest in this conversation. Even if Gamma Ray is a brilliant researcher and the seeker would kill to follow her progress first hand. "She has put me in charge of the upcoming expedition. And I am to select a few to accompany us."

His hinting can't be any more obvious.

"I doubt that is what you came here for. If you have made your pick you could have commed me." Of course, Starscream is interested. The fembot is almost legendary when it comes to her research on Xenovitology. It was top news when she came with the discovery of a new planet that may hold actual life. "I do."

"Then why are you here?" A datapad falls on the floor when Starscream digs a little too vigorously, but the seeker pretends not to really pay attention to it. The other mech might not know it, but his ember has started beating with anticipation. Lightswitch always did have a way of getting under his wiring. "It has come to my attention that you are reaching the age to bond with a mate. And seekers are allowed to have multiple suitors…" Starscream immediately knows where this is going. "My creators aren't very fond of grounders, so me bonding with one is not going to happen." The younger mech quickly responds, wiping the playful look off the other's faceplates. However, the look quickly returns when the larger mech stalks forward towards the hulking seeker on the floor. The smaller mech freezes mid-dig in his box when a hand brushes over the tip of his wing, leaving a disgustingly slimy trail in its wake.

Although the professor's servo is dry.

Starscream in on his peds in a flash. "What do you think you're doing?" He snarls, slapping the servo away when the other mech tries to make a grab for him again. Grabbing a seeker's wingtip is taboo, and his professor knows that. It is one thing if a stranger tries it, and by Primus a lot of grounders have done it in the time the seeker has been on the academy, but someone who knows about seeker etiquette has no business touching a flyer's wings in general. "I've heard that the seekers of Crystal City aren't very tolerable in general. Yet your creators don't seem very concerned with your affairs with a simple librarian?" The white wings go rigid with tension at the mentioning of the seeker's crush. "I'm sure they would approve of a scholar of my calibre, if they consider a lowly librarian for their creation as well?"

"…I'm not… You can't just…"

"I believe in fact, that he is just a simple archivist." The green mech relinquishes his hold on the other's wrist somewhat, but not enough to release the seeker should Starscream bolt. "A simple, lowly archivist dwelling in the lower records with barely a glimpse on what real knowledge is all about." The larger mech pushes the seeker into the table behind the flyer, their faces inches away from touching. "And one who, although strictly forbidden, has visited you more times than security can account for."

Even though it is forbidden for archivists and filers to enter the academy grounds, it didn't stop the 'lowly' archivist from visiting the seeker whenever he could. Somewhere along the way, Starscream had begun to look forward to those visits. It's not really a crime, but if authorities should get wind of these activities and decide they are a waste of precious time and energy, repercussions could follow for both Starscream and his visitor. "Or maybe your creators have yet to be informed?" One look at the seeker's shocked faceplates is enough for the other mech to pinpoint exactly where he stands. "You wouldn't…"

"Oh but I would." He promises, oily smile breaching his lips. With a gentle tug the larger mech pulls the seeker a little closer by the wrist, their chests bumping into each other slightly. Starscream suddenly has a very strong need to throw himself under a scorching hot spray of cleanser. "Unless you can give me a good reason not to?" He continues, raising a green servo to touch the flyer's check. The larger bot releases a startled yelp when his servo is slapped away, a few claws nicking the metal skin and causing it to leak. Starscream is released in an instant and takes a few steps back, about to tell his professor where he can stick his courting when someone else enters the lab.

If Starscream had any less dignity, he would have swooned on the spot.

Even Lightswitch seems to realise they aren't alone anymore, because the mech puffs himself up, giving the false impression he actually matters. He's already guessed who is disturbing them, judging by the uncontained smile on the flyer's faceplates. "Professor…" The red and black newcomer greets with an air of indifference, acting as if he owns the place which strikes a nerve. "Orion. What brings you to this part of the academy? Surely you haven't forgotten that the towers are no place for archivists?" He leaves no room for the newcomer to greet the mech he came here for.

"As the new head librarian, I can go where I please professor." Orion plays with his new title, tasting it on his lips as he spits. "As for filers and archivists not being tolerated in the upper halls of the academy, I plan to change that." Secretly, Starscream is adoring the way his suitor is towering over his professor. The seeker himself isn't a big mech, even small compared to most seekers, so he is easily bested in heights or body masses. Seeing Lightswitch forcing himself to stand his ground against a very large grounder, now that is just spicing to his high-grade. "So they chose you?" Starscream pipes up and pushes past the green mech. The infectious smile on Orion's face has the seeker beaming with delight. "But there were so many candidates."

"Many forfeited the position." He begins, not paying much attention to the fuming green mech. He is more interested in the seeker now hanging on his arm. "Have you finished your… business here?" Orion contemplates out loud, furious optics gliding towards the green mech in silent warning. "I have." Starscream answers, but the large mech still glares daggers at the professor who has remained carefully silent. Good. "Come. I wish to speak with you." The two lovers leave the fuming professor to brood in silence and head for Starscream's chambers, where they can speak freely.

Starscream never really questioned why that had been the last time he had seen Lightswitch in one piece.

"So… twenty-seven candidates, and they all just passed the opportunity to become head librarian?" Starscream plops down on a chair, scooting it over to the table. He can't stop looking at the larger mech, who unspaces a few cubes and places them on the table before he takes a seat. There are always many after the position of head of the library, a title which isn't passed on very often. "Indeed." He doesn't elaborate any further. However, Starscream isn't one to give up quickly. "I heard Spitfire disappeared…" The smaller mech begins, watching the other for any kind of reaction. "And that Cloudchaser was found deactivated in his own home."

"What of them?" The larger mech grabs a cube and opens the lid, sliding it towards the seeker in a meaningful gesture. Starscream denies it, as he always does. He doesn't drink, and Orion knows it. It never stopped him from offering though. "Simpleshifter and Ace withdrew their applications…" Orion plays as if he's not bothered at all. "I think someone has been targeting them. And…" Even an idiot could figure out that the other candidates have been targeted, have been threatened or deactivated. By who is still a question. Although Starscream believes his crush is more then adequate for the position, so were the other candidates. And some of those others were more qualified then Orion. Meaning that the ones targeting the candidates probably missed Orion. "…and I think you might be next."

"Don't worry about that."

"What?" The younger mech shifts on his seat when the other doesn't elaborate further. His wings tense up slightly, but when the other mech gives the seeker a warm smile the tension bleeds from his frame and he momentarily forgets what they are talking about. Orion places his empty cube on the table and stands to his peds.

"I suppose you have been following the news on the fights breaking out in the streets of the mayor cities." The smaller mech, still seated and slightly flustered by the other's mere presence nods once. "The Autobots are growing in power and numbers." He circles the seeker once, keeping an optic on him. Starscream has fallen very quiet, his faceplates fallen in silent contemplation and shock. The Autobot faction was founded by Sentinel Prime long before the seeker was sparked. A small, private army of the Prime so to speak. Sentinel has preached peace for as long as the flyer can remember and has enforced his will with his soldiers. Not many question the Prime, not many are brave enough and even fewer are that stupid. For a long time now the Autobots kept the violence to a minimum, but it seems Sentinel has lost sight of his own path.

"Sentinel won't stand for his faction using violence. He…" The smaller mech stops speaking when large hands gently fall on each of his shoulders. It has never been easy for him to think straight with the other mech this close, and touching him no less. Strong fingers circle the flyer's neck cables in a gentle massage, draining all remaining thoughts from the smaller mech. "He would not. Not a long time ago. But he believes it is time for change."


"Praxus has too many underground problems, and just as Metroplex and Kalis there are rumours of drug pits, gladiator battles and prostitution. The Megalo Convoys no longer produce sparklings due to inbreeding. Scramble City has practically no police forces left. Tyger Pax and Trypticon are actually at war with each other. Vos has seekers stealing more and more grounder sparklings because many are unable to reproduce due to the 13-Virus, which there is a cure for in Axiom Nexus but they refuse to part with the formula. Not to mention the conditions in Kaon are horrible at their best… There is an energon shortage on all of Cybertron, because authorities are too preoccupied with healthcare for the poor, weak and wounded to find a solution."

"The conditions aren't that bad…" Starscream places his hand on the hand on his shoulder, mindful not to disturb the other hand. It's very nice to have his neck cables rubbed like that. It's very nice to have his crush touch him in any way. "They will be. It's going to be a matter of time." Unfortunately the rubbing stops. "Listen to me." Orion softly begins, kneeling onto the floor next to the flyer. Starscream has never been able to resist the shine on the other's optics. "The academy in Crystal City would be more appropriate for your talents. You are much safer there."

"From what?" However, the other mech remains silent, calculating his next move. Orion raises a hand to the seeker's faceplates and strokes his check lovingly with a thumb. An action that usually distracts Starscream from his train of thoughts, but not today. "From what Orion?"

Still, Orion did not elaborate.

Despite his deeply conflicting feelings about the Autobots and Orion wanting him to return home, Starscream still followed his advice. The Autobot faction declared the Crystal City theirs about a lunar cycle later. No energon had been spilt, but the tension in the air could be cut with an energon blade. A curfew had been set up, and bots had been confined to their homes or work. Autobot warriors patrolled the buildings and were the only ones allowed to travel between buildings after curfew. It came as a surprise when Starscream found out how many flyers of the Crystal City had joined the rebels.

Starscream heard nothing from his crush for a very long time, stellar cycles passed as he waited. Even when Sentinel Prime was murdered and a mech named 'Optimus Prime' had taken the title, he heard nothing for so very long. At one point in time, Starscream really began to miss him. His ember ached, longed for the beautiful archivist the seeker had fallen for.

When he met Orion again, or Optimus Prime, when the large mech came to visit him again, he had shown glimpses of what he was becoming.

Who he has become.

What he has become.

"Put me down…" The seeker hisses, trying to kick the larger mech with an energon stained ped. His mate doesn't release his hold on the flyer's waist and keeps walking down the corridors of the stronghold. Starscream can guess where they are going. And that is the last place he wants to go. He would prefer the med bay and a berserking Hatchet over what his mate has in store for him.

Even if his systems start buzzing with desire again. It must be the other's ember, still throbbing away in his chassis in blatant want. The seeker looks up into the face of the other mech, just a glimpse but just enough. More then enough. It's hard to believe he once loved this mech, that he once missed this mech's touch and very presence. "Fraggit put me… down!" Seemingly in a mood to indulge Optimus does as he is told and nearly throws the lighter mech onto the ground who releases a strangled grunt on impact. Starscream is too dazed to figure out what is up and what is down, processor spinning and blaring danger and damage.

The seeker pushes himself up, trying to ignore the flare in his back from his barely mended wing. The damage his mate had done to it was minimal, but he knows how to make it hurt. It takes a few kliks, but the seeker finally figures out they are in someone's chambers.

Getting to his peds while he feels so heavy with anticipation is difficult.

To be perfectly honest, Starscream had no idea what he would have thought about the chambers of his mate. If he would have to go by the architecture in what he has seen of the stronghold, he would have been standing in energon soaked, filthy, depressing chambers littered with bodies and spare parts. But this room, probably the living area, is so clean one could spill energon on the floor and lick it up without it being contaminated. The walls are decorated with guns and energon weapons that seem to be in perfect condition. The centre of the room has a circular couch that wraps around a smaller circular table. One could think themselves anywhere but the chambers of an Autobot.

Had the corpse stapled and chained to the wall been lost to them.

The seeker's optics glide over the metal chassis of a long offlined Decepticon. The 'con's shell has greyed out long ago after it went offline. A metal chain with diamond shaped link pins is easily upholding the empty chassis of the poor mech to the wall, coiling around the mech's body like a snake. There are many marks on the bot's body, where the poor soul was able to move. The mech actually offlined hanging here, stapled and chained to the wall like some ornament. Starscream feels his empty tanks roll with nausea, coiling and twisting in utter disgust. He looks back down out of respect when his optics glide up to the mech's face, which he has never seen before and never wanted to see like this. The Decepticon's visor is cracked and broken, ripped away, his always so carefully hidden faceplates out for all to witness.

A heavy chassis pushes against his backstrut, strong arms wrapping around the seeker's waist and chest. "He was definitely one of my favourites." Starscream shudders in repulsion, his body rattling against the other, larger one. "It was such a shame we couldn't crack his CPU. He would have made a wonderful asset." Lips brush over the seeker's helm, placing a loving kiss on the side before brushing lower, tracing dented neck cables. Starscream's intakes hitch in a dry sob.

The large chassis tenses behind the seeker when Starscream raises a servo and traces it up the other's neck. Easy to reach for him now, with Optimus behind him. The Prime groans softly, intakes stalling at the odd gentle touch of his smaller mate. Not that he dares to complain. One servo attaches itself to the seeker's hip while the other begins rubbing the flyer's stomach, tracing gentle and loving circles. It's the larger mech's way of encouraging his mate to more intimacy. The seeker reacts by brushing his servo over his mate's cheekplate, the one he had damaged earlier in the evening. Deep cuts are still obvious. A deep and approving purr in return is his reward.

Another dry sob stalls the younger mech's intakes when he locks optics with the dead chassis in front of them. The seeker jerks sharply and throws his helm back, trying not to cry out when his mate stops rubbing the small circles on his stomach and lowers it to his interface again. The smaller mech flexes his claws slightly, silently wishing the Decepticon TiC was still online to witness this. A small smile appears on his lips, one of dry humour at the sheer lunacy of this all. They have lost so much. His mate is purring contently, obvious to what is coming.

With a quick flick of his wrist Starscream's claw hooks underneath the optical lens and into the optical socket, easily flicking deep underneath the lens. The seeker needs to twist his arm in an unpleasant way but it is utterly worth it when the large mech releases a strangled roar of pain.

The large chassis jerks back out of reflex and a large servo wraps around the wrist of the offending servo. It's too late as the seeker twists more claws underneath the optic, cracking the glass and pulling the optic loose from the socket. Optimus jerks his head away, snarling when the optic breaks. A loud crack follows when he twists the arm of the seeker downwards, snapping the flyer's shoulder in the awkward position. Starscream nearly cries his vocaliser out as he is forced to his knees. The other mech releases his wrist, allowing him to pop his shoulder back into the socket. It hurts a lot, but the smaller mech has no time to dwell on it when a well aimed kick slams him against the white floor, knocking the air out of his vents.

A large hand wraps around one of the seeker's ankles before he can recover, dragging the seeker away from the wall. Starscream screeches and claws at the floor as he is dragged off, talons leaving indents in their wake. The perfectly clean marble protests when the small mech hooks his claws in the rims presented for him, but they do little to deter his mate. They pass the furniture in the centre of the room, and quickly after pass through a set of doors.

There is a distinct smell of spilled energon that hangs faintly in the air. That is just wrong.

Optimus seems wholly content to take hold of him again, wrapping strong arms around the flyer's waist and easily lifting his light chassis off the floor. His chest bumps against the flyer's back, sending a flare of heat through the seeker's body. The link between them is still weak, but Starscream can feel the desire and want now that they are this close. It seems his mate has been very patient, but that patience has run low.

The smaller mech tries to make a grab for his mate's optic again, wholly intending to rip it out now. A strong servo snatches his wrist before he can even touch the other's face. "Darling…" Metal screeches and protests beneath the pressure the large mech applies to the captured wrist, denting lines and cracking through the wrist armour. "…no more of that." Something snaps in the seeker's wrist forcing a strangled cry from the flyer's vocaliser. Energon begins to well up from beneath the cracked plating, droplets dripping along his mate's servo. The seeker hisses, pointlessly grabbing at the heavily armoured arm around his waist. The hold only becomes stronger, causing the steel plating of the flyer's midsection to buckle and groan under the pressure. Starscream stops struggling, trying in vain to puff himself up to counter some of the pressure, but at last the other stops stressing his abdominal plating.

With an appreciative purr Optimus turns with his mate in arms towards their berth. Starscream's engines stall and his CPU hiccups when the larger mech's intensions become very clear. He knew this was inevitable, and some part of him is surprised that it took the Prime this long to drag him to a berth, but in the end this whole idea seems so surreal. Especially because he and the larger mech are already bonded.

"No!" There is a slight stall in the other mech's movements but he doesn't seem deterred in the slightest. Optimus easily pins his smaller mate with his weight alone. Starscream's wings still protest as they are pushed into the berth, his earlier injury still throbbing and burning. The Prime's broad chest meets with his canopy and it doesn't do his aching ember any good. It nearly bursts through the glass of its protective chamber when the larger mech grinds their chests together, equally affected and aroused. Lips decent onto his own, snapping with a desperate vehemence Starscream is slowly getting used to and learning to anticipate. Sharp teeth dig into the soft metal of his lips, drawing rivers of energon that drip down the sides of the flyer's mouth.

The seeker raises his hands and presses them against the other's chest, trying to shove the larger mech off. His mate doesn't even budge, heavy bastard, in fact he shivers a little because of the contact on his windshield glass. Large hands track down the seeker's sides, claws digging into transformation seems and along heating plating. Starscream hisses and snaps his head to the side, trying to dig his own claws into seems to he can have some sort of leverage to fight the other off. He notices his mate leaning a little to the side to shift with his weight, to push an arm around the small of the flyer's back. Starscream raises one powerful leg and presses it against the larger mech's exposed side.

If an opportunity ever presented itself…

No time is wasted while the other topples over the edge of the berth with a surprised yelp and a harsh crash. Starscream doesn't hang around long enough to laugh and point. There is, in all fairness, nothing funny about the large mech being thrown off so easily. As the seeker bolts through the door of the bedroom a pang of anger rushes through his ember, weak and distant, but it is coming from his mate. The small mech really doesn't want to be around for what that feeling promises.

There is only one thing he hadn't accounted for. Even if it is very obvious, since the bedroom door was open

He bolts straight into the locked door leading out the Prime's personal quarters.

The full body slam rattles his processors, for a moment his CPU shuts down and starts back up again. Not too long for his legs to give out under him, but it leaves the seeker dazed and momentarily confused.

Of course this door is locked.

Azure optics travel over the steel surface of the door, as if it would open in one way or another. If only it would, but the small seeker knows he isn't that lucky. If he were that lucky he would be somewhere far, far away from here. Or offline. A pang of humiliation travels through the flyer's backstrut, and the cold feeling of apprehension and defeat is crawling through his wires like a virus. Starscream nearly glares a hole through the steel door when the mech behind him chuckles mockingly, laughing at the pathetic attempt for freedom.

Slowly, very slowly the seeker begins to turn around. His mate hasn't closed the distance yet, too far for Starscream to reach, but too close to retaliate should the seeker bolt again. Another chuckle escapes the larger mech when he realises Starscream is sizing him up.

The Prime revs his engine in a growl, a mock threat that is enough to start the fun. Starscream lunges himself at the other, ready to shred the bastard to strings. The larger mech catches one wrist, one claw aimed at his face. He doesn't catch the other which grapples into a visible seem, claws hooking underneath a cable. Starscream pulls his hand back before the other can stop him. Three of his claws break under the surprisingly strong cable, but a forth slices through it, drawing a stream of energon. Optimus doesn't release a sound at that.

The seeker snaps at neck cables, grabbing a thick line between his teeth. Processed energon drips up from beneath the dents he is able to create, but he can't last long before pain erupts from his backstrut as the Prime grabs at his barely healed wing and pulls the joint downward. He is on his knees again in a matter of seconds, no match for the vice like grip the other possesses. A kick to his side knocks the seeker on his back. The flyer curls into himself, not having anticipated being downed this quick. It is a stab at what is left of his pride.

His mate circles him slowly, daring him to get up again. "Finished already?" The seeker glares at the large mech through furious optics, but he isn't getting up. He doesn't have the strength left to get up.

Shame, Optimus enjoys having to fight for it. Always had, it is so much more fun like that. It's a shame the smaller mech doesn't get up quicker, but then again, there is always next time. There will be plenty more times they can fool around.

The smaller mech begins to struggle when his mate picks him up again for the umpteenth time that evening. With a sharp jerk to his chassis the large mech begins dragging the seeker towards his bedchamber again. "No…" Starscream drags his heels over the floor, leaving scuffmarks on the ground. His mate doesn't seem bothered in the slightest. "Do you really want to make this any harder on yourself?" He teases, uncaring for his mate's rude reaction and the sad attempts at another escape. He really enjoys the spirit of the smaller mech. The more fun it will be to beat it out of him when the time comes.

Starscream's shout of outrage is muffled when the warlord pushes him face first into the berth. One large servo grapples his wrists and push them to the berth, and the Prime's other arm is free to snake around the seeker's petite waist and keep him firmly in place with minimal effort. And he has a nice view of his mate's pretty wings.

Optimus has always been a little crazy for wings, the way they frame a flyer's body and make one complete. Big flyers, small flyers, petite flyers, enormous flyers, seekers, shuttles and everything in between. The flyers were a race on their own on Cybertron, sleeker and lighter then the sturdy groundbound mechs. Every Cybertronian has their appeal, but flyers always possessed a certain grace Optimus found hard to resist. Seekers, the war built kings of the skies are the best, of course. So many joining the Autobot cause had been a blessing from Primus himself.

There is just something magical about the way a seeker's wings pop, snap, creak and break when one twists the appendage in one's hands just the right way.

Starscream is wriggling about the place, cursing up a storm with a snapping vocaliser that is pitching under the strain. However, the pretty seeker falls blissfully silent when the large mech brushes his fingertips over the flyer's most intimate cover with a ghostly touch. He would have laughed but his smaller mate suddenly jerks forward, snapping sharp dentae onto his pinning hand and breaking through the armour of his fingers.

Optimus secretly hopes his seeker will never stop fighting him.

With a harsh jerk the larger mech pulls his hand back. His light mate slams into his chest, dentae still embedded in his hand. The seeker flashes him a deathly glare which Optimus can only answer with rising glee. With an arm firmly around his small mate's waist he can pull his trapped hand as far as he wants, and Starscream can only move so far. Two of the smallest fingers on his hand snap clean off when the Prime pulls his hand back, breaking them off with ease. His mate is so shocked by what transpires that the large mech can easily overpower him again. Starscream kicks him, but he is quickly beaten. The larger mech wrestles himself between his mate's legs, getting the job done with little trouble and after inflicting a few dents and scratches.

Starscream finally spits the two fingers out and swears loudly, hissing barely coherent threats as the other pries his valve cover open again. His valve throbs and begins to lubricate without his consent when the deft hand returns to his port and begins rubbing the slick metal with the same expertise it had done earlier in the evening. The movement sends waves of heat through the seeker's chassis, his breeding programs recognising the actions and starting their sparking protocols. It mellows him out, makes him a lot more receptive to the other mech. Sparklings aren't born from rape, unless something in the victim's processors muddles the definition, and his CPU is spinning and bending itself in ways almost impossible to make sure this first attempt at sparking will be successful. The seeker doesn't fight the glossa forcing itself into his mouth, not with that skilled hand deftly working him towards his next overload. Somehow the seeker can no longer bring himself to care about who is pleasuring him. Something echoes through his CPU about the bonding cycle he has entered, the new merge starting up the appropriate protocols.

A finger pushes into his valve, easily sliding in because he is so wet. "I would say you're ready for me." His mate whispers into his audio, lips brushing the side of the seeker's helm. The smaller mech swallows a lump, the apprehension tugging onto his wiring and making him lose the feeling in his legs. He tries to push against the other in a last ditch effort, sending the other mech a glare that isn't very convincing; a glare that falters gravely when he feels something press against his thigh. Starscream picks up on the sight of the offending hardness, unsure if it should be that big.

Optimus moves himself into position, keeping his small mate down. The seeker chokes on his curse when his mate simply pushes halfway into his valve before pulling back slightly, and then pushes all the way in. The stretch is very painful. With an appreciative growl the other mech begins fragging his smaller mate, quite literally. Starscream has to fight to keep quiet every time the other pushes in, the spike causing a horrible burning sensation.

Starscream winches and groans at a particularly harsh snap of the other's hips into his own. Lips trace over the flyer's neckcables, razor teeth nibbling on the precious lines. The seeker tries to edge the other's helm away, accidentally dragging claws over his mate's antenna and eliciting a very deep groan with that. Starscream immediately withdraws his hand, cheekplates running hot after the discovery of one of his mate's erogenous zones. Optimus is purring loudly, nuzzling the side of the smaller flyer's face with his own. The seeker's throat is closing up with desperation because he can't fight the other mech off anymore.

Starscream groans and turns his face away from the larger mech, biting his glossa to try and distract himself. His mate has mellowed in his humping to a much more relaxed pace, deeper and slower thrusts that have Starscream's processor reeling. Optimus picks up on this rather quickly and stops moving for a moment, having his mate nearly cringe with the loss of movement.

In the few kliks it takes the larger mech to adjust his position the seeker has a much needed moment to recollect himself. A pang of shame washes through his frame as if someone has just dumped a bucket of freezing water over him. He tightly shuts his optics, biting his lower lip until it bleeds. But when his mate begins moving again Starscream nearly chokes on the groan pressing up in his throat. The first languid push in hits every sensor node. Gasping, the small mech throws his head back when his mate pulls out, leaving only the tip of his spike inside the velvet heat. Rolling with his hips the large mech pushes back in, drawing a muffled groan from his small mate.

He establishes an easy rhythm, slow and gentle pushes in and out of the flyer. The Prime shows a mountain of self-control as he takes the smaller mech slowly, taking note of every out of rhythm jerk Starscream makes and adjusting to them with expert ease. When the smaller mech tries to push at the other's helm again Optimus grabs at it, gently, and pushes it over the seeker's head. It's a bit of a struggle to get the other pinned as well, but the warlord does so without causing any pain to the delicate flyer. Without Starscream fidgeting the other has more control, slowly thrusting in and out. The seeker kicks at the berth's soft material with his legs, feeble attempts to stop the other. Worst part is the nagging voice in the back of his head telling and hoping Optimus will keep going for just a bit longer. Which he does, caressing a hand along the seems of the seeker's chest plates, stomach and hip, wherever he can reach with one hand. When he brushes the hand along the underline of the seeker's wing, the flare of heat makes the small mech groan loud. Lips nibble on the ex-'con's neck, kissing at the small dents and broken wires.

A bit more. Starscream moans, hips meeting his mate's without him consenting to it. But damn does it feel good to do. Just a bit more. Somewhere beyond his coherent thoughts the seeker lifts one of his long legs and hooks it around his mate's waist, pulling him in deeper. Optimus chuckles almost darkly at his subconscious surrender.

With a final push the smaller mate comes undone, shuddering uncontrollably beneath his mate. The heat that washes through his circuits has the flyer's optics flash white as warnings flash through his CPU. The final waves of ecstasy drip out of the seeker's body, drawn out as Optimus never ceased his gentle but deep pace. Starscream refuses to online his optics, refuses to stare up into the delightfully victorious gleam coming from his mate. He feels the large mech grin against the side of his face, the mocking caress over his hips and the arrogance bleeding into their still weak link.

Arrogance and arousal that peak when the larger mech suddenly forces himself much deeper then he has ever gone before. Starscream chokes a cry out, frame locking up at the sudden stab of pain. He jolts up slightly, and is quickly slammed down again. The flyer tries to throw his hands up again but Optimus keeps one pushed down, leaving the seeker only one claw to try and dig through his thick plating. Starscream's assault on the strong armour loses in power when the larger mech begins a brutal pace, slamming in deep and ruthlessly and actually ripping something. The smaller mech bites his lip trying to will the pain away, failing as the raw burning in his port seems to spread through his whole body, hacking down whatever there is left of his will to fight back in any way.

It hurts, fraggit it hurts. As if the other mech is tearing him in half. His valve burns with every thrust, ripping through the sensitive walls and scorching. Starscream can't keep himself quiet, only getting more and more angry with himself for failing at even that. His cries are only fuelling the other's arousal. Teeth bite down onto the seeker's lips, almost ripping a part away. Claws are digging deep into the transformation seems on the small of the flyer, digging too deep and cutting through sensitive wires. When Optimus jerks with one of his arms, his claws hooking through one of the lines Starscream arches with a shrill cry of pain, trying to move away from the offending hand but only moving more into the other. Doing so must have been the straw for his larger mate because the final snap of the other's hips is even harsher then all of the others. A final thought goes out to how thankful Starscream is that the other is finally done, until those thoughts are scrambled when the hot liquid his mate releases inside of him only burns in the wounds he has already caused.

The fight has left Starscream completely. His mate collapses on top of him, adding a great portion of weight to the already battered seeker's frame. Something in the flyer's backstrut gives under the pressure. Thankfully the other mech pulls away from him, one set of claws still embedded in the small of the seeker's back. Optimus is almost gentle as he gets comfortable on his wide berth with his mate in arms. Now Primus deems the seeker worthy of his time. Instead of jumping his mate again Optimus grapples at the smaller mech as he slowly gets cosy in the centre of the berth. He steadily ignores whatever was left of their passion as he shifts. It has been an energy consuming past couple of days. Starscream lets himself be manoeuvred onto his mate's chest, trying to get comfortable even with the steady burn in his back, legs and… he doesn't want to think about it.

He didn't think his new mate to be one for cuddling.

They settle in silence, the only sounds being the seeker's somewhat ragged breathing and his mate's slowly dying out purring.


The seeker jerks sharply at the sensation of static over his communication lines, disturbing the larger mech who had drifted a bit. Optimus lifts the seeker a little higher onto his chassis, the arm wrapped around the flyer's waist tightening its grip once more until it becomes uncomfortable again. He only relents again when Starscream whimpers and tries to pull away from him. The couple settles again slowly, though the larger mech seems to be more apprehensive with his mate still tense. He begins brushing a free servo over the top of a wing, carefully gentle with the sensitive plating. After a while, what seems like hours and may very well be them, Optimus stops petting his wing, having lulled himself into recharge. The seeker remains motionless, as still as possible or he might wake his slumbering… lover.

Maybe his processor is just playing tricks with him again. Nothing comes to mind for some time, in which the seeker feels himself becoming drowsy. It was probably nothing. His communication lines are long dead, and he hasn't felt any connection with anyone save for the bastard snoozing beneath him. The small mech lets his optics roll around the room, gaze lazing over the berth, towards the edge, towards the wall he can see beyond it. Slowly, ever so slowly he becomes comfortable; he relaxes slowly but surely, until recharge tries to claim him.


Then it resonates again. Soft and very far away. Starscream is pulled out of his drowsy state as if something wet has slapped him in the faceplates. He tries not to tense too much, already feeling the larger mech beneath him stir slightly in his slumber. With a lot of trouble Starscream concentrates hard in case the voice will repeat itself. Thank Primus once more it does call out, a little louder, probably lost. '…' The mech's optics light up when he hears it again. He still can't tell what is being said, but knowing that he isn't alone helps. The resonating voice is becoming stronger, hopefully whoever is calling isn't giving up.

'Starscream…' A surge of happiness swirls up in the flyer's ember. He recognises the voice, over the link he shares with this mech. It has been a long time he has been this exhilarated to hear from him. 'Starscream…'

Thundercracker… Is he the only one calling out? Or is their other trine mate…


The seeker pouts despite his barely containable glee.

-Word Vervolgd

Ideas, suggestions, thoughts, pies, all is welcome! I am having way too much fun writing this. I shouldn't.