A/N: The final chapter has arrived yay! *claps*. I cannot believe that I have not updated this fanfic since February 2014! That is insane. But I'm back to finish this story off because all of you deserve a funny ending. So, I present to you all the grand finale of Welcome to Facebook. As always please read & review and laugh away.

Welcome To Facebook

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Charmy: Do you want to build a snowman?



Charmy: But this is the perfect opportunity to build one. We're in Antarctica after all.

Vector: We didn't come here to sing crap, we came here to save the president!

Espio likes this

Charmy: Aww come on Vector, just one snowman.

Vector: NO!

Shadow: Vector is right though, we need to concentrate on defeating Dr. Eggman and Bowser.

King Boo: You mock Frozen and I'll make a snowman out of you.

Charmy and Rouge like this

Shadow: Get lost Mr transparent.

Wario: Ooooohh burned!

Waluigi likes this

Mario: Guys. Trying to save the president here!

Dr. Eggman: Curses! These brats are annoying!


Sonic: We won't let you get away with this! Now hand over the president!

Dr. Eggman: Or What?

Sonic: Or we'll kick your puny egg behind!

Everyone likes this

Bowser: Ha! You are all fools. We have a secret weapon that will make you all tremble in fear. This weapon is so vile that it will make you wish you never ever set foot near us!

Bowser Jr likes this

Luigi: And wat is this 'secret weapon'?

Bowser: You tell them doc.

Dr. Eggman: Tell them wat?

Bowser: About our secret weapon.

Dr. Eggman: Wat secret weapon?

Bowser: The one you created with all the Apple products.

Dr. Eggman: You idiot! I used the Apple products to create a machine to hack government information, which contained key information about the president.

Bowser: Oh. So, wat did you create to stop these fools?

Dr. Eggman: Oh… I hadn't thought about that.

Bowser: Are you telling me that we don't have any weaponry to take down these brats?

Dr. Eggman: It would seem so.

Bowser: ….

Knuckles: What a bunch of stupid villains! HAHAH! They're helpless. We might as well stroll in and rescue the president.

Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Amy, Mario, Wario, Luigi and 45 others like this

Dr. Eggman: Don't even try it! We may not have weapons but we can easily take you all on.

Bowser: We're done.

Dr. Eggman: Wat?

Bowser: I said we're done.

Dr. Eggman: Wat do you mean we're done?

Bowser: It's as I've said. I'm thru with you and your worthlessness!

Bowser Jr likes this

Jet: OOOOOOO snap!

Waluigi: Dude just got dumped!

Wario likes this

Rouge: How sweet, a lovers' quarrel.

Everyone likes this

Dr. Eggman: But why?! We could rule the world together!

Bowser: In your dreams. Who would want to be stuck with an egg as a partner!

Bowser Jr likes this

Dr. Eggman: Excuse me? Last I checked I was the one to do all of the work. You just sat there twiddling your thumbs looking stupid.

Bowser: Do you wanna go?

Dr. Eggman: Oh it's on!

Vector: Fight fight fight fight!

Everyone likes this

Amy wrote on Peach's wall: Rouge just let me know that Dr. Eggman and Bowser are fighting.


Peach: Really?

Amy: Yep.

Daisy: Seems to me that they don't understand who they are supposed to be fighting.

Amy, Rosalina and Peach like this

Stalker: Welcome to the igloo girls.

Amy: Awe man! Not this creep again.

Daisy: Let's pound him to pieces.

Peach: I don't see him anywhere.

Rosalina: Come out and show yourself.

Stalker: Very well then.

Amy: No way!

Peach: It can't be.

Daisy: But it is.

Mario wrote on Sonic's wall: Let's go inside and join the girls. Looks like this fight might go on for a while.


Sonic: Sounds good to me.

Tails: Okay.

Bowser wrote on Dr. Eggman's wall: Pinhead!

Bowser Jr likes this


Dr. Eggman: Fat face!

Bowser: Loner!

Bowser Jr likes this

Dr. Eggman: Creep!

Storm: Are you coming Jet?

Jet: Nah this is the best entertainment I've had in ages.

Rosalina: I would never had guessed that you were the stalker. Dry Bowser!

Charmy: DUN DUN DUN!

Dry Bowser: Yes it was I.

Amy: But why?

Dry Bowser: Bowser paid me to act as the stalker.

Daisy: Wat for?

Dry Bowser: He told me that he got bored and so wanted to create a hype on the internet.

Wario: I could have come up with something more exciting!

Nobody likes this

Wario: HEY!

Toadette: Sorry, I call it as a see it.

Everyone likes this

Knuckles: Hold it! Where is the president?

Dry Bowser: In the back.

Knuckles: You're not going to try and stop us?

Dry Bowser: Nope. He owes me my pay and my time is up. I'll be leaving now.

Silver: Well that was weird.

Yoshi likes this

Blaze: Very.

Mario: Come on guys let's get the president and get out of here.

Sonic likes this

Charmy: But can I still build a snowman?

Vector: NO!

Sonic wrote on Mario's wall: Well we did it pal, we rescued the president and supposedly stopped Dr. Eggman and Bowser.

Mario and 78 others like this


Mario: You said it.

Charmy: And with the power of Facebook!

Tails: Hey everyone, the president sent me a letter which explains that he is grateful for saving him.

Sonic, Mario, Knuckles, Shadow, Luigi, Peach and 34 others like this

Cream: That's fantastic!

Luigi: All's well that ends well.

Amy: Yeah and we managed to uncover the mystery of the stalker.

Peach and Blaze likes this

Dry Bones: And so our long and exciting story comes to a close.

Jet: WAIT! We still haven't solved something.

Wave: And wat's that?

Jet: King Boo! Wat is the thing?

Knuckles: Oh for crying out loud!

King Boo: It is…

Jet: Yes?

King Boo: ...

Shadow: Take your time.

King Boo: Don't push it.

Chain Chomp: *Barks*

King Boo: It's….

Vector: Hurry up already!

King Boo: I will never tell (Evil smile)

Everyone: OH COME ON!