Frozen Sky
Chapter 11: Family Secrets
Alistair slowly poked his head around the corner and watched silently as two guards past by. Once they were out of sight he slipped into the room they had just exited. Closing the door behind him he looked around. Inside the room looked very plain. There was next to no furniture save for a bookcase and a small table in the middle.
"Oh yeah this isn't suspicious or anything," he said examining the bookcase. "Now I bet it's a book that triggers the switch...aha!" The bookcase slid across the floor to the left revealing a staircase going down. Gripping the hilt of his sword, Alastair headed down with the sound of his boots echoing with each step. At the bottom was long hallway with 5 doors on each side. As he walked down the hallway he tried each door only finding empty rooms. The very last door had a padlock on it however.
"Simon what on earth are you up to?"
"Not much really."
The response surprised Alistair and jumped back before staring at its source. There stood Simon with Rebecca right next to him.
"It's good to see you again Alistair. How long has it been now?"
"Long enough," he shot back.
"Fair enough. It's funny though...I don't remember inviting you."
"I came when I found out you were hosting this thing."
"I see. So you're here to...?"
"Whatever you're planning for Fatima, I want you to knock it off."
"Fatima? But...what interest is she to you?"
"She's my friend Simon. And I'm asking you to leave her out of your twisted games."
Simon sighed heavily. "Alistair do you know the real trouble with magic?"
Alistair remained silent.
"It's that you have to be born with the ability to use it. So a few get lucky but the rest miss out completely on this wonderful power."
Simon chuckled. "I merely think that is unfair. There are so many who are more deserving of such power."
"Like you? I swear you always were an ego maniac," said Alistair placing one hand on his sword.
Rebecca moved to react to Alistair's action but Simon stopped her. "That's quite alright Rebecca. Now listen brother you are making many assumptions about me. Think about it for a second. Those born with the aptitude to use magic can end up using it for good or for bad. Honestly both are valid uses depending on the person. But the worst crime I think is to have that power wasted by not realizing how far it can really be taken."
"Is that what this is about? You set up this whole tournament just to give them all a chance to show their power for you?"
"Really? You honestly think I did all of this for base entertainment? No the reason I did this was to attract the most powerful users of magic the world has to offer. You see these witches and wizards and the like have hoarded this power for far too long. They could do so much with it but instead what do they do? They keep themselves in their academies and teach."
Alistair laughed. "What so you think they waste their abilities teaching others? Being part of an organization?"
"Alistair you know full well how dangerous magic can be."
"I don't need you to tell me that. That's exactly why the magic association is a good thing. There people learn how to actually control it and do some real good with it. What you're talking about sounds like you want it for yourself."
"In a manner of speaking yes. In my hands their magic would be put to a so much more practical use."
"Wow," Alistair said with a laugh. "You still can't get over it can you? Not being able to do magic? Why do you want it so badly? You've got all of this money, resources, and people working for you yet you still want the one thing that is out of your reach. I guess money doesn't buy happiness after all."
"Oh but that's where you'd be wrong brother," Simon said placing his hand on Rebecca's shoulder. "With the use of that money you deem so useless I have finalized a method of acquiring magical power for myself." He gestured to the small stone around her neck.
"Is that of those things the witches all have?"
"Yes but slightly modified. You see through some clever experimenting I have found out how to weave a little spell that allows me to use any witch as my own personal little puppet."
Alistair's eyes widened. "The mind control spell?! You figured out how to do it?!"
"Yes. I first tested it on small things at first like animals but Rebecca here was my first attempt at controlling a person. It went quite well. She is completely obedient to me and only me."
"Simon you bastard! You know full well how dangerous that is! Or did you forget what happened to mom!"
"I didn't forget. The spell was incomplete back then. We were sloppy. We should have known you know? Two kids, one with no aptitude for magic while the other only had below average talent at it. It was almost guaranteed to fail."
"So what are you gonna do?! Cast that spell on all the witches?! Make them your slaves!"
"Not all. You see I can't take too many chances with it. I only plan to take the winners. You know the ones that prove they have sufficient enough power. Oh and Fatima definitely. I will definitely take her."
Alistair drew his sword making Rebecca again stand at the ready. "Like hell you will. Your crazy plan ends right now."
"Oh touchy, touchy. You have feelings for her don't you Alistair?"
"That's none of your damn business!"
"You're right it isn't. I'll just remember that little fact when I have her all to myself."
"Simon!" Alistair rushed towards him aiming to strike with his sword but Rebecca intercepted firing a magic blast that knocked Alistair back.
"Damn it!"
"Good effort brother but Rebecca here is the considered the strongest witch of her organization. There's no way you can beat her."
Alistair glanced back past Simon and Rebecca to the staircase. If I could just get past them I could get out of here. But now that Simon knows I'm here I doubt I'll be allowed to just leave. And as much as I hate to admit it...I'm no match for this witch. Especially not in this tight space. I've got no room to dodge the blasts. I just have to get to the others. I have to warn them!
"Look at you trying to think of a way out. with him."
"Alright let's go!" Alistair rushed his attacker just as she was preparing another magic blast. As she loosed it, he grabbed one of the doors to a side room and flung it open. The door shattered when the blast hit it but Simon and Rebecca could see Alistair nowhere.
"Well what are you waiting for? Go get him." Simon ordered.
"Yes." Rebecca approached the doorway and peered into the dark room. Seeing a glint in the dark, she stepped closer only to be greeted with a thrown knife coming right at her. She managed to quickly dodge it but Alistair was right before her with his sword aiming to strike her.
"Competent but predictable," said Rebecca firing a quick blast from her hand at Alistair who ducked under it and rolled past Rebecca. Capitalizing on her surprise, Alistair ran towards the stairs with only Simon in his way. Simon drew the blade that he was carrying and attempted to block Alistair's path but being the better fighter, he easily out maneuvered his younger brother and knocked him down. With a clear path he darted up the stairs out the way he came only to be met by 3 guards with swords drawn.
"Great..." As he prepared to fight his way past them, a whip snared one by the foot and snatched it out from under him causing him to fall. The other two turned to face the new assailant but one was immediately hit by a magic blast that stuck him to the wall in violet colored ice. A pillar of ice rose up beneath the last one hitting him against the ceiling before dropping him. Kicking the first one as she walked into the room, Fatima quickly whirled around ending up face to face with Rebecca; both of them with their hands held to the other's face and magic blasts ready to fire.
"Shadow Frost Witch...," Rebecca said in a low tone.
"Hmph. Why am I not surprised to see you here Rebecca Gairios? Did your master let you off your leash?"
Another chapter up. Alright so in case anyone was wondering why it's been so long since the last update it's because I was honestly a bit stuck as to how to proceed with this one. But I'm back on track now so expect more soon. As always, thanks for reading and please review if you can.