DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own fruits basket, or any of the characters mentioned in said manga/anime. I also do NOT own any of the lyrics to the songs that are mentioned.
Me: Sorry, I said it was a privalegde having internet, well apparently starting a food fight isn't a good thing to do!
Kiki: Who knew!
Me: Wow, I got 2 people who did the whole 'submit a person' 0.0
Kiki: She wasn't expecting that.
Me: Well that contest is closed now…thank you to Nemo-chan and Kitsune for submitting the profiles!
Kiki: Unfortunately, they both picked the same pairing so she can only use one!
Me: Yup and Nemo-chan was first with Angel (super cool girl)! So sorry Kitsune, unless you would like to change your pairing to Dave or Jake, WHICH I WOULD LOVE YOU FOR, since I like Kit sooo much, I just think it would be fun writing with her. I can't use you, unless you change your pairing, which again, I would love you for!
Kiki: Anyway, a contest is a contest so, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!
Chapter 8
Turns out Yuki and Kyo already got my stuff from the hotel I was staying at with the boys and for about two days, things started to get a bit more…regular I guess, and calm at the least. Sure, we were still living with cursed people, but I had no accidents happen, well beside Tohru's occasional slip and someone poofing into an animal. I went to gymnastics practice, ballet and the rest of my extracurricular, which now included debate team and mathlets, (The math-maniacs-our team name!) [a/n I'm in mathlets , and that's my teams name…]
I carefully put the last breakfast dish down on the table. I nodded, satisfied with myself. God knows how much Tohru cleans; I needed to put up my fair share of effort to.
"Um, as long as we're going to be living here, do you think it'd be alright if I told 2 of our friends where we are? I'm sure they really want to know." Tohru says to Shigure, the boys weren't downstairs yet. Shigure looked over the newspaper to Tohru and me.
I shrugged; I didn't know what she was talking about. Plus, Uo and Hana we're more Tohru's friend than mine, though they do seem to worry about me a lot. He smiled after a few seconds.
"As long as you don't mention anything about the zodiac and whatnot, I don't particularly mind." Shigure answers, just as the boys turn the corner.
"Thanks so much!" Tohru says, bowing her head and smiling brightly.
(/-_-)/ Who says? Who says you're not perfect? Who says you're not worth it? (/-_-)/
"What?" Uo yells, shocked.
See, Tohru just finished explaining to both Uo and Hana how we've been living with Yuki and Kyo for some time now. I usually eat lunch by myself, but Tor convinced me to go with them. I have to admit it was nice to sit with someone else for once.
"So not only were you living in a tent, but now you moved into Prince Yuki's house? Seriously?" Uo continues, practically steaming. I sighed and looked the other way.
'I don't know them, I don't know them.' I thought to myself.
"Yes, I'm sorry for not saying anything about it sooner. It was a lot that happened, but it's all fine now." Tohru says, turning to me for support.
"Yeah, they're all nice people; there is nothing to worry about." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"This is definitely a bolt out of the blue. I wonder how the Prince Yuki fan club will react when they hear the news." Hana says, calmly. Oh god, those girls are like walking devils…
"I thought it was strange how you we're talking to Prince and Orange-top lately, now I understand." Uo says, rubbing her chin.
"Perhaps we should have them invite us over." Hana says, cleaning her hands off with a cloth, her eyes closed, Tohru gasped.
"I'd like to see for myself whether this is a suitable environment for you two to be living in." Hana continues, not opening her eyes.
"Yeah, great idea, let's check it out right now." Uo says, nodding her head. Tohru seemed to be frozen.
"No, if we show up unexpectedly they might not serve snacks." Hana says, getting up from her spot.
'Aren't you going to ask?' I thought to myself, mentally shaking my head.
"Oh, another good point, your two for two." Uo says, also getting up.
"Okay then, we'll stay over tomorrow night." Uo concludes.
"I guess not…" I mumble to myself.
"Ha, okay!" Tohru says nervously. I guess the 2 days of calmness are over…
(/-_-)/ Who says you're the only one that's hurting? Trust me, that's the price of beauty, who says you're not pretty? (/-_-)/
I came downstairs, I just changed into a black v-neck long sleeved t-shirt with red plaid pants, I had black socks on, with no shoes, I mean were inside! I quickly put my hair in a side ponytail; my hair was getting pretty long now. It reaches up the top of my stomach; my roots were starting to peak out.
As I might have mentioned before, I'm actually a red head, but I just dyed my hair black. I solved that problem my putting a white bandana on. I have to go to the salon soon.
"High school girls, high school girls! One, two, three high school girls! I can't help but wonder what kind of girls these friends of Tohru and Kiki are!" Shigure says happily, cleaning the table. I roll my eyes, what a creep. Tohru had on a yellow dress that reached a bit past her knees and covered most of her arms.
"A Yankee and a physic" Kyo answers coldly, freezing Shigure.
*Ding dong*
"Oh, I think they're here!" Tohru says getting up to answer the door and I sat down on the end of the table. Yuki, Kyo and Shigure were on one side, and if Uo and Hana were going to sit here I don't feel like being squished.
"I'm thinking this was a bad idea." Kyo says, looking at us. I could faintly hear Tohru and Uo talking at the door. Looking at me, like I was the one who caused this.
"This, was not my idea, so don't look at me!" I say, pointing to my chest.
"Just don't do anything stupid." Yuki says, tiredly. He always sounds that way talking to Kyo, that or pissed.
"That goes double for you, you damn rat." Kyo says venomously.
"Yes, all three of us would do best to be careful while they're here, because I wonder if these girls were to find out about the family curse, what would happen?" Shigure says, seriously. I looked at him, expressionless.
"At the very least Tohru and Kiki would no longer be allowed to stay at the house. Well either way-" Shigure says, putting a heavy atmosphere in the dining room.
"-something's bound to turn out! Kay sera sera!" Shigure finishes, smiling carelessly. I shake my head; he's definitely bi-polar. Is that his effort in speaking Spanish, it's Que serra serra… (It means what is, is…I think…)
"You just like hearing yourself talk, don't you?" Yuki says, shaking his head.
"There's a dog." Hana says, entering the room along with Tohru and Uo. Everyone at the table, plus Tohru freeze.
"Over there." She says, pointing to outside. I turned to see and actual dog, not Shigure.
"Oh yes, that's a dog!" Shigure says, relieved.
Tohru sat down at the other end of the table, leaving Uo and Hana to sit on the other side.
"So these are our friends, Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanijima." Tohru says, introducing them.
"Hey" Uo says, nodding her head.
"A pleasure" Hana says, slightly smiling.
"Yes, welcome, welcome, make yourselves right at home." Shigure says, smiling at them.
"Say Shigure, right? This is your place, what do you do to pay the rent around here?" Uo asks I tilt my head to the side. I never asked him that.
"Oh me, I'm a writer, well a novelist actually." Shigure says nonchalantly, that's unexpected.
"Did you say you're a novelist?" Tohru asks jumping up happily.
"Why the heck are you so surprised?" Uo asks, raising an eyebrow.
"This is the first she's heard of it, same with Kiki." Hana explains, looking over at me. I smile sheepishly then look down at the table.
"Right, I really had no idea!" Tohru explains, finally settling and sitting back down.
"What was it again, fine literature or something?" Yuki asks, looking at Shigure.
"Uh-huh, that's right! This sort of story." he answers pulling out a book that had a school girl on the cover in a skimpy outfit.
We all exchanged shocked-disgusted looks with each other, well except Tohru. Her mind can't really comprehend that sort of thing.
"Oh, sorry my mistake, this is my real work, this is just something I did for fun." He says, taking out another book that was leather bound and looked more mature.
"So that makes it okay to write that dime store smut?" Uo asks, enraged.
"You're a sicko you know that?" Kyo yells, also angry.
"What were you thinking?" Yuji asks, disgusted.
"Shigure that's amazing, to think I know someone as important as a novelist!" Tohru says, did she not notice the smut he wrote. I shook my head and looked the other way.
"Careful Ms. Honda, you don't want to inflate his ego." Yuki says, still glaring at Shigure.
"Yeah, like his head can get bigger than it already is." Kyo mumbles, also glaring.
"Well, enough about me, why don't you tell us something about yourselves." Shigure says after nervously laughing at the insults.
'Haha, this should be good.' I thought to myself.
"You can start by saying how you met the girls." Shigure says, encouraging them.
"Serious?" Uo asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm sure we'd all like to hear, right Yuki, Kyo?" Shigure says, looking at them. They both sighed.
"Uo saved me! 'Hey Pinhead, you better not step on those you-'" Tohru started before I shake my head as a warning.
"Wait, let me back up. This one time in middle school I dropped all my notes in the hall." Tohru says, nodding her head.
"What have I done?" Shigure quietly asks himself.
"Oh yeah, I remember that, I could get a little rough back then." Uo says, chuckling.
'Back then?' I think.
"Well, you were still a Yankee then, weren't you?" Tohru asks, innocently.
"Right I started running with them in the …5th grade?" Uo says, talking to Tohru.
"You always used to wear those mask all the time." Tohru adds.
"Yeah and I had my eyebrows thinned out and wore those long skirts." Uo replies.
"Your forgetting that you do all those things now Arisa." Hana says, reading Shigure's teen romance book.
"I guess you're right, ahahaha!" Uo says, scratching the back of her head.
"That's lovely, she's so… how shall I say it? By putting it into words I'm afraid the nobility of it all would only be obscured." Shigure says, smiling.
"Of what?" I ask.
"You know, she's so spunky!" Shigure answers.
"You sick bastard." Kyo says, glaring at him.
"So how did you meet Kiki?" Shigure says, directed towards Uo.
"I've known her since pre-k like 2 months ago when she came back from where ever she went. She was in the gym doing flips and stuff and Tohru introduced us. Before that I never really talked to her, she always kept to herself." Uo says, looking at me.
I chuckle nervously and give a small smile.
"Where'd you go that you came from 2 months ago?" Shigure asks me.
'I was hoping they wouldn't pick that up…' I think to myself.
"Just, out you know and about." I say, shrugging.
"How mysterious!" Shigure says, before getting interrupted by Hana.
"How sad, love doomed from the start." Hana says sadly, continuing to read.
"Are you actually reading that?" Uo asks, giving her a weird look.
"That silly little thing, oh I'm flattered. So, what do you think?" Shigure says, coming up behind her.
"You don't want to know what I think." Hana answers coldly.
"Oh, I don't?" Shigure says, frozen in fear. I could have sworn she was going to zap him.
"But when's volume two coming out?" she asks, looking at him.
"Can we just knock it off with the books, okay?" Uo asks, shaking her head at the two.
Everyone seems to be getting along fine, well for the most part. Just then, Tohru jumps up.
"Kiki, come with me. We'll be right back!" she says, grabbing my arm and leading me out the room.
(/-_-)/ It's such a funny thing, how nothings funny when it's you. You tell them what you mean, but they keep whiting out the truth (/-_-)/
~While Tohru and Kiki are elsewhere! In the living room with the rest~
3rd Person POV
"So, Saki you never did tell us how you met the girls." Shigure says, clapping his hand and sitting down.
"So you're ready to hear?" Hana says a dark eerie aura around her.
"No, no that's okay as long as you're friends now! That's what's important." Shigure says, chickening out immediately.
"We were in middle school, and I was transferred into their class." Hana says, not taking her eyes off the book, but not reading it either. She has a blank stare, which just made her whole being just more uninviting.
"Oh, is that so?" Shigure asks, a scared look plastered to his face.
"Yes, you see at my previous school, I had caused something of a disturbance." Hana says, sharply.
Shigure, Yuki and Kyo's faces: D:
"Well, that is a wonderful story, isn't it? But I just remembered I have some work to do. So, if you kids will excuse me!" Shigure says, just before speed walking out the door.
"He ran off…" Yuki whispers.
"Ran the hell away" Kyo mumbles, looking at the door he has just gone through.
"Well, I got to say I didn't know what to make of all this when she told us. But it looks like they're fitting right in here. I'm happy for them, and I guess I can understand why they didn't want to say anything at first. But still, we made a promise the three of us, Tohru, Hana and I, swore over Kiyoko's grave that when the time we would be there to help each other, no matter what. That probably sound a little over-dramatic but it wasn't for me, for us. After all Tohru was our first real friend and everything. Tohru, Tohru and Kiyoko we're both there for me when I needed help, because of them I found a way to get out of all the crap I had fallen into, and helped me to believe in myself, that I could change if I wanted. When I met the two of them I discovered for the first time, I did want to change. I wanted to be someone Tohru could be proud to call a friend, the way I was proud to call her mine. So this time around with everything that's happened. The fact that I wasn't there to help Tohru, that bothers me. I mean to think, that she thought she had to go through all this trouble by herself…maybe she doesn't think she can count on us, or maybe we're not that good of friends."
"Wasn't Kiki there? You said the three of you made a promise, where was Kiki?" Yuki asks.
"She wasn't there; she left after the funeral, for months. She just came back 2 months ago from where ever she was. She thinks it's her fault for Kiyoko's death, so she left, ran away. She didn't tell you, I'm sensing." Hana says, looking up from her book.
Kyo and Yuki both shook their heads.
"She got disowned after that, that's why she didn't go with Tohru to her grandfathers. Didn't you ever wonder why?" Uo explains.
"Disowned?" Kyo says quietly.
"Yeah, she said something about, if she stayed it'd hurt Tohru more." Uo finishes.
"That sounds more like her, well and Tohru for that matter." Yuki says, sighing.
"What do you mean?" Uo asks.
"They're the kind of people who put other's before them." Kyo elaborates.
A sound of a door opening ended the conversation immediately.
"Sorry we took so long; Tohru's dress got stuck on her drawer." Kiki explains shaking her head.
Kiki's POV
"Sorry we took so long; Tohru's dress got stuck on her drawer." I say, shaking my head. I sat down at the same spot I sat in before.
"Sorry, but I hope you're all ready to play, Rich Man Poor Man!" Tohru says, holding up the deck of cards I went on a scavenger hunt for.
"Ah, that's a wonderful idea Tohru!" Hana says excitedly, well excited for her.
"Okay, how 'bout we pick it up where we left off. I don't think I got to finish making a fool out of orange top here." Uo says smugly.
I didn't miss the look Yuki gave Tor when she presented the deck, a happy look but a look all the same. How cute, he probably likes her. I admit I had a crush on Yuki, but as I said before, it was nothing compared to Tohru's.
"Yeah, talk it up but this time when I win you have to dye your hair black!" Kyo says to Uo.
"Oh? Well when you lose you have to bleach all the dye out of your hair and leave it white!" Uo retorts.
"It's naturally this color!" Kyo yells at her, pointing at his hair.
"Is that right?" Hana says, staring at his hair.
"That's right!"
"Yuki would you like to shuffle the cards?" Tohru asks Yuki. I smirked as he stuttered.
"I-I- uhm, sure" Yuki finally chokes out.
"Question, what makes you two so sure you're going to win?" I say, raising my eyebrows.
"You didn't win before!" Kyo says to me.
"I also didn't lose! Plus, I was tired that day; you guys are so going down." I say, smirking as Yuki dealt the cards to everyone. I looked at my cards quickly and put looked at everyone.
"If you lose, you have to dye your hair your natural color." Uo says, grinning.
"Fine, if you lose, I want to see pink highlights in your hair, same for you Kyo." I say, smiling.
"Deal!" Uo and Kyo say together as Yuki gave out the cards.
(/0.0)/ The stars that pierce the sky, he left them all behind. &how his children cry, 'he left us all behind' (/0.0)/
"Why you little brat, that was a dirty trick!" Uo yells at Kyo as he put down his cards.
"Dirty tricks? That's how you play the game, read the rules!" Kyo responds, yelling. I laid my cards down and they both paid no mind, having already known I'm too good. I had won almost all the games, Uo and Kyo are fighting for second at the moment, with their lives. Yuki, Tohru and Hana didn't seem to be taking it as seriously as we are. Well, Uo and Kyo are anyway.
"Whoa, where do you think you're going? Are you trying to run away?" Uo says to Kyo as he got up from the table.
"Who's running away? I'm just going to use the toilet!" Kyo yells, as Uo blocks his path to the stairs. They kept on weaving back and forth, yelling at each other until Uo accidently bumped him and a puff of orange smoke went up.
'Oh no' I thought as Uo looked around, baffled. I saw Kyo's clothes lying on the floor along with him in cat form right before he ran to the kitchen.
"I have an idea, let's all play Sevens until Kyo comes back from the restroom!" Tohru suggests nervously.
"Uh, yeah sure." Up says, about to go sit down when BOOM, she trips and falls over the table, but Tohru tried to catch her, and missed and tripped herself, so Yuki decided to save her, and transformed. All the while Hana was looking at cards and I was watching it all happen.
'No way, really? Now all we need is Shigure.' I thought to myself shaking my head as Uo and Hana ran to see if Tohru was okay and I saw Yuki's mouse form come out from under her and run towards the front porch.
"Are you okay?" Uo starts, Hana and her bombard her with questions and she just smiles and shakes her head yes and looked at me.
My eyes widen as I point at my shirt and the floor. Yuki's clothes, and Kyo's are still there, she seems to get what I'm trying to say and wraps his shirt around her hand.
"I'm okay, see it was nothing, I was just…cleaning. See?" Tor says, rubbing the floor with his shirt for emphasis.
(/-.-)/ Come take a step towards me, so you could figure me out… (/-.-)/
"Orange head sure is slow." Uo says, looking down at her cards.
"Yup, he sure is." I say, putting down a card.
"At one point the prince just up and disappeared." Uo continues, looking bored.
"You're right. I wonder where our Sohma Yuki disappeared to." Hana agrees. Uo slams her cards down and sighs.
"We can't even start this game of Sevens!" she groans. I saw an orange cat paw pop out from underneath the porch, reaching for Kyo's shirt.
"…cat" Hana says, damn her electrical signals.
"Oh! A game of Sevens, let me play, let me play!" Shigure says, kicking Kyo's shirt off the porch and coming in to the living room.
"So, master novelist, you any good?" Uo asks, picking her cards back up.
"When I was in high school they used to call me the 'Sevens Saint Shigure'." He says, rubbing his chin.
"Really that's amazing!" Tohru says, at the same time as I say.
"I really doubt that."
"Well never mind that, let's just get playing Sevens, huh?" he says, sitting down next to Hana. I saw a puff of orange smoke go up from where Kyo just was, oh good he transformed back. Now it's just Yuki.
"Did anyone just hear that 'boom'?" Uo asks, looking around.
"There was a definite 'boom'." Hana say also looking for the source.
It seems Shigure and Tohru had thought of Kyo not having clothes and both reached for Yuki's clothes to throw him. One MAJOR problem, Shigure didn't notice Tohru and threw it, and Tohru didn't let go of the clothes and landed on him. With a blue puff of smoke, he was in his dog form.
Uo and Hana looked over at Tohru, who was now hugging an all black dog.
"Oh, I haven't seen you in so long. How have you been…Spot?" Tohru lies, smiling.
'Spot?' I mouth to her, shaking my head.
"It seems we have run out of snacks." Hana says, looking at the empty bowl.
"I'll go get some!" I offer picking it up and going around the table. I turned and come face to face with Kyo and he had his eyes closed, causing him to bump into me, in an awkward hug, turning him yet again, into a cat.
"Are you serious?" I yell, just before Shigure started wildly barking and distracting Uo and Hana. A puff of pink smoke came from under the porch, Yuki transformed back! Shigure threw Yuki's clothes from the floor to the porch.
"I could have just sworn I saw orange-top." Uo says, scrunching her eyebrows together.
"Honda-son, don't you think Spot is trying to tell you he's hungry?" Yuki asks Tohru. I slightly rolled my eyes, the only reason he stopped calling me Honda-son is because I told him I would start calling him Princess Yuki on a regular basis.
"T-that's it alright! Come on Spot, let's go." Tohru says and brought him into the kitchen. Once we all sat down again I hit my head lightly with my hand.
"I forgot to get the snacks; I'll go get them now." I say, getting up and going to the kitchen. I carefully stacked Jelly buns on the plate and went out to the living room. Just as Yuki was opening the door for it.
"Sorry for taking so lo-" I stared but got cut short by a pink puff of smoke.
'GOD DAMMIT!' I think looking for Yuki in the sea of jelly buns. Ah-hah I thought as I caught what I thought was Yuki. I grabbed a bit too hard and all the jelly came out, Yuki got buried in the jelly buns.
"Nice catch, Kiki!" Uo praised, laughing a bit.
"Most of them still fell though." Hana says, I smile at her and shrug.
We all sat down and Tohru was starting to shuffle cards when Uo and Hana needed to go to the bathroom.
"It's just right through those doors, second door on the right." I say, sighing. Just as Uo opened the door Hana told her to watch out. I looked up and saw the weirdest sight ever. Kyo had clothes tied around his little kitty neck and it looked like a huge cape, he was being carried in Shigure's mouth, while Yuki was riding on Shigure's head as the jumped over the table and into the bushes in the yard.
Hana said what I just saw, but left out Yuki and pointed to where they flew. I looked over and saw all three boys naked, the bused covering their lower half. Shigure had jeans in his hands and was rubbing his back with them.
"One- two, one-two! You know, there's nothing like a rub-down with a clean towel for someone's health.
"Oh my god…" I whispered to myself as he continued to count.
(/-.-)/ When I had you to myself, I didn't want you around, those pretty faces always made you stand out in a crowd (/-.-)/
I ran downstairs in my pjs, hearing yelling was normal but with Uo and Hana here, Yuki couldn't just throw Kyo out the window like usual.
"A cat and a mouse." Hana says as I run into the kitchen, everyone freezes.
"Yeah, that's exactly what their like!" Uo agrees.
"Wasn't there a cartoon about that?" Hana asks.
"Oh yeah, something-or-other and Jerry." Uo says, snapping her fingers to try to remember the name.
"Tom and Jerry." I supply half heartedly. I really came down here in booty short and a old tank top for nothing.
After giving me a questionable look and pointing to my clothing, she looked back at the boys.
"You really don't get along with each other do you?" Uo asks.
"No, I suppose not." Yuki says, fixing his tie, even on weekends, in the morning, he still has a tie.
"Well, even with that, this seems like a suitable environment for Tohru and Kiki to stay in. For, if this was a poor environment for them to be living in, I was thinking I would have to do many ,many things to fix it, yes many, many things." Hana says, slightly smirking.
"What kind of things?" Yuki, Kyo and I both say quietly at the same time.
"Yes, well you two seem to have…fine vibes." Hana finished, smiling.
"Anyway, we have to go now, but you treat both my girls well alright!" Uo says, hugging me and Tohru, Hana joined in the group hug.
"Yes, I have to be going to, but we'll be back, soon." Hana says, smiling. We walked them to the door and just as they were walking away Uo turns around as yells.
"Hey Kiki, put some clothes on!" she yells, smiling. I glared at her and gave her the bird.
"Yeah, yeah!" I yell back, before going back upstairs.
Nemo-chan: Thank you, thank you, thank you for submitting! And I'm glad you love my story! This is my first one so I was really nervous putting it up!
MikaHimura: Okay! Thank you for voting and reading!
MusicOfMadness: Thank you for the good wishes! And I'm happy you like it!
Snowlily246: Haha, thankyou !
Kitsune: Thank you soo much for submitting, I left a message for you at the beginning, if you didn't read it… GO UP AND READ IT!
Babbit2: Nope, I don't think I'll ever give up on this thing, it's just because of things keep getting in the way unfortunately, but I'm trying to make time and be good!