Author's Note: I know! I'm an idiot! And I'm sorry. My laptop actually broke two days after I posted the last chapter. And by broke I mean destroyed. I'm amazed they even got my stuff off of it. So I had to go get another computer and top that off with preparing for finals… Well it's been a hell of a month. So that's my excuse. I hope it is worthy of passing your judgment. And here is my peace offering. Chapter Six. I do not own Danny, Ember, Kitty, Johnny, Tucker, or Sam. Oh and one more thing. If you haven't already done the poll on my page I would very much appreciate your input. If you have, thank you so much! Now then. Everything's out of the way. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the last few.

One Wild Night in Vegas: Chapter Six

Ember's face was pressed up against the cool glass window of the hummer. There were so many things she had wanted to do with her life. Have one of her songs go platinum. Finish her second album. World domination. Shockingly, marriage wasn't anywhere on her bucket list. She sighed and thought to herself. "How in the hell could we have gotten married? It doesn't make any damn sense… Although… That fighting stuff he did was pretty impressive. Wait. Was that a compliment!" She groaned and thumped her head against the window.

Kitty noticed her friend's internal plight and leaned forward. She placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered. "Hey. You alright?"

Ember blew a strand of hair out of her face and said. "Yeah. Fanfreakin'tastic."

"It's about Danny isn't it?" She observed.

"Well I haven't married anyone else after a drunken night in Vegas lately." She murmured half heartedly.

"Oh come on sweetie. It could be worse." Kitty said.

"Really? How?" Ember asked in a slightly annoyed voice.

Just as she finished saying this a loud belch came out of Johnny. "Urp. Ah that breakfast is coming back on me."

Kitty rolled her eyes and said. "Your honor may I present exhibit A."

Ember actually laughed a little as she faced forwards to focus on the road. Danny, on the other hand, had remained oblivious to their entire conversation. He may have looked calm when he found out about his marriage but on the inside he was tearing himself apart. "How am I gonna tell my parents this? Well how bad could it really be? Hey mom and dad. Sorry I'm a few days late for dinner but I was busy getting boozed up in Las Vegas. Yeah, turns out I'm quite a catch too because not only did I hook up with an international pop star and teen singing sensation, but I'm also married to her. That's right. Married. And since you can't really get anymore shocked than you already are, I'm really the ghost boy you've been hunting for all this time… Yeah. That'll go over smooth."

Tucker cranked the wheel to the right as they came up to the tattoo parlor. The hummer slid to a stop in one of the closer vacant parking spaces and the group got out. Danny stepped to the front and took the lead while Ember, in an attempt to distance herself as much as possible from him, moved to the back and followed. The glass door's tiny bell jingled as they walked inside and a young man sitting behind a counter looked up at them briefly before sighing and staring back down at his magazine. The man was gothic looking, with several piercings in his ears, nose, and eyebrows. Tattoos covered his arms and long black hair shrouded his face.

"Uh excuse me?" Danny said to the man.

He looked up momentarily, sighed again, and closed his magazine before saying in a very monotone voice. "Welcome to the Calypso Tattoo Parlor. My name is Brent. Can I help you?"

"Well. To make a long story short, we came in here last night but we can't remember anything we did and the only reason we know we came here was because we retraced our steps up to this point and we are kinda looking for another person from our group who we lost somewhere along the way, her name is Sam, she's a Goth, she's a little shorted than me and she's missing a shoe." Danny finished and gasped for air.

"Dude. That was one hell of a run-on sentence." Tucker said.

"So have you seen her?" Danny asked.

The man stared at them blankly for a moment before shrugging and saying. "I dunno."

The group looked at Brent in disbelief before Danny said in a slightly annoyed voice. "Well were we here last night?"

"I dunno." He responded.

"Ok. Were you here last night?" Danny asked crossing his arms.

"Yes." Brent said.

"Well then how can you say you don't know?" Danny said raising his voice a little.

"Fairly easily. Look. I'm gonna be honest with you man. They don't pay me enough to pay attention to every customer we get." Brent explained, never dropping his monotone.

Danny growled a little and clenched his fists. Tucker walked forward and put a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Easy man."

The ghost boy sighed and looked back up at Brent. "Alright. Do you guys have security cameras?"

"Yes." Brent said.

"Can we see the tapes for last night?" Danny asked.

"No. Only authorized personnel of the Calypso Tattoo Parlor are allowed to view our video footage." Brent replied.

Danny reached up and massaged his forehead with his thumb and pointer finger as he muttered quietly to himself. "One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand…"

For the first time since they arrived Brent showed an emotion besides apathy. He grinned and said. "However. I suppose I could be persuaded to look the other way for a small fee."

Danny's four friends backed away from him slowly. Anyone who had encountered Danny before could tell he was getting angry. His muscles were tense, his posture was pointed directly at the man behind the counter, and if you listened very carefully, you could hear the sound of his teeth grinding against each other. However, instead of losing it, Danny reached inside his jacket pocket, pulled out the wad of eight hundred dollars, and tossed it at the man. "Here. Now show us the cameras."

Brent counted the money and smirked. "I don't know. It seems to me that anyone willing to pay eight hundred would be willing to pay a thousand. I mean this is your friend we're talking about here."

The look on Danny's face could have sent a smarter man running. Unfortunately for Brent he wasn't that smart. "I'm trying to be reasonable here." Danny said through clenched teeth.

"So am I. Or maybe you don't want to know if Sam was here with you last night." He replied nonchalantly.

"That's it!" Danny yelled as he leapt over the desk and grabbed Brent by his shirt collar. He dragged the man out of his seat and slammed him up against the back wall. "Now you listen to me very carefully you pretentious little shit. I have just gone through one of the worst days of my life. I woke up with a hangover that would kill an elephant, married one of my enemies, lost one of my best friends, got punched in the face twice, committed grand theft auto, and it's not even lunch time yet! So let me put this as calmly as I possibly can given my situation. Today is NOT a good day to. Fuck! With. Me." As he said this, Danny lifted Brent off the ground with an almost inhuman ease. The young man looked completely and thoroughly terrified.

The four others in the group were so surprised by his outburst that they had actually backed up a few extra steps. Ember thought. "Damn. I've never seen this side of him." Slowly, a small feeling crept into her mind. She couldn't believe it. She was actually impressed by him.

"Now. You are going to hand me my money back, take us to your camera room, show us the tapes, and the entire time the only things I want to hear out of you is yes sir, or no sir. If you fail in any of these regards then I am going to remove every single piercing you have THE HARD WAY. Do you get me!" Danny growled.

"Y... Yes sir." Brent stammered.

"Damn fine answer!" Danny yelled, releasing the man and letting him fall to the floor. Brent reached a shaking hand into his pocket and handed Danny the wad of bills which was promptly thrown over his shoulder to Tucker. "Very good. Now get moving."

"Yes sir." Brent squeaked as he scrambled to get up and show them the back room. Danny followed him slowly but the four others in the room were still a bit paralyzed from shock.

"I can't believe it. That's what happens when he get mad?" Johnny asked Tucker.

"I don't know. I've never seen him act like that before. It was kind of freaky." Tucker replied.

"Hey. What are you two complaining about? That guy was jerking us around and Danny set him in his place. It was as simple as that." Ember said to the two of them before following Danny into the back room.

The three remaining friends stared at her. "Did she just compliment him?" Kitty asked the two guys who nodded in response. "And… did she just call him… Danny?" Nods again.

As they spoke Danny and Ember walked out of the back room with Brent following closely if fearfully behind them. "Thanks for the help Brent. Stay out of trouble will you?"

"Yes sir." He responded obediently as Danny motioned for the group to follow him outside.

They silently followed Danny as though unsure of what his reaction would be if one of them spoke. Finally the halfa said. "Sam was here with us. We should probably check out the chapel next and…"

"Woah woah woah. Hold up. What the hell was all that back there?" Tucker said.

"All what?" Danny asked.

"Um. Hello? When you went all Rambo on that guy?" Kitty said.

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that but the guy was… well he was really pissing me off." Danny said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah. We noticed." Johnny added.

"Alright. That outburst of yours aside, what did you find out?" Tucker asked.

"Like I said Sam was with us when we left… Oh yeah. And you got a tattoo as well Tuck." Danny responded with a smirk.

"I… What!" Tucker exclaimed quickly scanning over the visible parts of his body. "What is it? Where is it?"

"I don't think I'm gonna tell you. I'll just keep it as leverage for later." Danny said as the group chuckled at Tucker's contortions.

The group was so busy laughing, none of them heard the Harley's engine as it rode up and cut off right behind the hummer. Chuck removed his helmet and pushed out the kickstand of the bike. His boots made soft but deliberate sounds as he walked towards the group and right behind Danny.

Johnny wiped a tear from his eye and looked up at Danny. His expression immediately changed to that of sheer terror as he saw the man standing behind the halfa. "D… D… Danny…"

"Ha ha! Yeah Johnny?" Danny asked looking up.

The biker ghost managed to point behind him and say. "Chuck."

"What?" Danny asked confused as he turned around. "Aw shit."

Chuck's fist immediately shot out and connected with Danny's face. The force of the blow promptly knocked him to the ground once again.

"Danny!" Tucker exclaimed as he rushed to make sure his friend was ok.

Kitty, who was standing beside him at the time, had already kneeled next to him. "Hey you alright?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but you have to include our Wi-Fi package with your cable if you want the extra fourteen ninety five off…" Danny murmured.

"And he's out again." Kitty stated as they all looked up at Chuck. "You know you really should stop punching him in the face. He's gonna get brain damage or something." He stared at the girl on the ground with a look that distinctly meant. (And I should care because?...)

"Look. I just want my Hummer back. After you punks stole it last night and left me in the middle of Vegas with that piece of crap Harley I…" He said.

"Woah. Hang on. A Harley?" Johnny interrupted.

"Yeah." Chuck answered.

"Does it have a gray paint job?" Johnny asked.

"Yes." He said.

"And a number thirteen on the gas tank?" Johnny continued.

"Yeah. You know the bike I'm talking about?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah I do. It's mine. We must've left it behind when we took your Hummer… Um… Sorry about that by the way." He explained.

"If you're sorry then why did you take it again when I confronted you at the hotel?" Chuck asked.

'That's kinda my fault. I sorta panicked." Tucker admitted as he stood up.

Chuck stared at them as though contemplating what he was going to do. "Alright. I'll tell you what. I won't call the cops on you kids if you give me the keys to my Hummer…" The whole group breathed a sigh of relief. "And let me keep the ten thousand dollars."

Tucker, who was helping Danny back up to his feet, dropped him upon hearing this. "Ten thousand?... Oh. Sorry Danny."

"I'm ok." Danny responded, waving his right arm into the air.

"What ten thousand?" Ember asked in shock.

"The ten thousand dollars in poker chips I found in the bike's leather side bag." Chuck replied as Johnny and Ember ran towards the Harley.

Upon opening the bag they found he wasn't kidding. If there wasn't ten thousand in there it was pretty damn close. "Great. Now we're being blackmailed by Chuck Norris." Johnny said.

"What the hell do you need this money for anyway?" Ember asked.

"Well, just off the top of my head, a new radio for my Hummer." He responded as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the remains of the radio Ember had tossed out. Surprisingly it was mostly intact. "Found this about fifteen miles back."

"Dang. What's the model number on that thing? It's resilient." Tucker commented.

"You like it? I'll throw it in as part of the deal." Chuck said with a smirk.

"Look… Isn't there some way we can work something out?" Ember pleaded as she looked from the bag of poker chips in her hands to Chuck.

"I thought we just did. Look. It's the money or jail. Either way I win. So what's it gonna be?" He asked her.

Ember looked down at the money, then up at Chuck, then back down to the money. "Ember!" Kitty yelled at her friend.

"I'M THINKING ALRIGHT!" She yelled back. "Oh fine. Here." Ember said as she tossed him the bag in defeat.

"Thanks. You can keep the ones in your pockets by the way." He said casually as Ember's eye's widened in surprise at being caught. Tucker walked up and exchanged the Hummer keys for Johnny's and the busted radio. As Chuck climbed into his car he turned and said. "You know. Aside from the whole stealing my car and leaving me for dead thing, I will admit, you kids know how to party." On that final note, the former action star ripped out of the parking lot, leaving the group in a cloud of dust.

"What do you think he meant by that?" Kitty asked.

"I guess we partied with him at some point last night." Johnny said as he put his arm around her.

"You aren't actually gonna keep that thing are you?" Ember asked.

"Well he may be flawed but he's the only one I got." Kitty said kissing Johnny's cheek.

"Thanks babe… I think." Johnny said.

"No not you. Him." Ember corrected nodding towards Tucker.

"Keep her? I'm gonna try to fix her. Doesn't look like she needs much either. A power supply here, a little love there, and she'll be running good as new." Tucker said brushing off his new project with pride.

"Does he usually do that?" Ember asked Danny out of the corner of her mouth.

"Do what?" Danny asked as he brushed his jacket off.

"Give his gadgets genders?" She responded.

"Genders? He usually gives them names and talks to them." Danny said wryly.

"Don't you worry Mila. I'll get you fixed in no time." Tucker said as if on cue.

"Fantastic. Awesome. Beautiful… I wonder if Mila is fire proof." Ember mumbled to herself as tiny blue flames danced around her fingers.

Suddenly the piercing sounds of tires squealing filled the parking lot as two cars, one a black Mustang with red stripes and the other a bright green Camaro with purple flames, slid into the parking lot. The doors opened on both of the cars and six Latino men stepped out. All nicely dressed and all pointing guns at the group. "Where's our money holmes?" One of the men shouted at Danny as guns cocked all around them.

"Woah! Wait a second! What money!" Danny said frantically putting his arms up over his head. The man who had just addressed him walked forward and struck Danny in the face with the butt of his shotgun. The halfa fell to the ground, clutching his sore head. "Ohh… Why do people keep hitting me in the fa-a-ace?"

He lifted Danny's chin up with the barrel of his gun and said. "I'm talkin' about the ten G's you stole from us last night."

"Ten grand? But we just… Aw shit." Ember said as she realized that money was currently riding shotgun in Chuck Norris's Hummer.