So Stiles wanted to celebrate Christmas in a certain way and this was the only verse I had where I didn't feel weird about the way he asked me to allow him to celebrate Christmas…

I don't own Teen Wolf, and when you get to the end you'll understand why…

I'm sorry…

There's trouble in hell. Stiles is keeping out of the way, because he didn't do it this time. He thinks. He's not actually sure what's going on so maybe he had a hand in it but yeah, if anyone asks he's totally lying his way out of an early plucking of the wings. Because that stings. And the grow back's a bitch.

He's holed up in Derek's room eating candy and looking at the latest edition of The Devil Weekly. Derek had an interview and Stiles would be a crap boyfriend if he didn't read it thoroughly (he's so not looking for his name or any mention of himself. He's not!) And he needs to be able to discuss it with his boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriends, Stiles hasn't seen Derek in three days. Or three sleeps, he's not sure what days are. He just sleeps when he's tired.

He's not sure where Derek is, he mentioned something about finally ending children's television but Stiles can't be sure. Maybe secretly Derek likes children's television. He knows Derek likes The Muppets because he's quiet when Stiles puts the DVD on, and he watches Sesame Street because he believes Oscar the Grouch is bullied but other than that he bitches and complains when Stiles tries to watch The Disney Channel and he detests SpongeBob so much that Stiles can't find his favourite boxer shorts any more.

The best bit about Derek being away is the presents be brings back. Apart from the time he brought Michelangelo's David back. At first Stiles was like, yeah my boyfriend is the man, but then when things got dirty, like they always get, David was watching them and even Derek's wings around them totally didn't do anything to stop Stiles squeaking out because David could still see the wings so Derek took David, and his blue balls and dumped him back. He came back with an original R2D2 and regretted it because Stiles fawned over the thing all night until Derek threatened to return that too if he didn't get a blowjob for his trouble.

When Derek does return Stiles is prodding his head below his halo to see if any devil horns are poking through but he gets distracted because Derek has gummy bears which is awesome. Stiles is an angel so he'll never get fat and he rarely gets sick so he can eat all he wants. 'Where were you?' He asked mouth full of gummy bears. Derek glares because he hasn't even got a kiss hello yet and huffs until Stiles swallows his bears and sticks his tongue down Derek's throat. Or tries to because his tongue is not actually that long.

'I was scaring cats. And tripping up quarterbacks. And I messed with the recession to set it back a few months, oh and I made a freak wind come along and blow away changing huts on a beach. That was fun.' Derek says, settling beside Stiles and eating some of the candy. Stiles rolls on top of his boyfriend and strips him so he can ogle Derek while he eats because that's one of his favourite things to do. Eat and stare at Derek's whatever pack.

'So you didn't mention me in The Devil Weekly.' Stiles says with a chewy snake hanging out of his mouth as he removes Derek's belt. He likes Derek's belt it's all black and leathery and buckle-y and makes a noise when Derek drops it that lets Stiles know he's going to be fucked when Derek has him tied to the bed and blindfolded. And gagged. Because Stiles talks too much. Apparently.

'Should I have?' Derek asks. He's found chocolate and he's doing that crazy thing that Stiles can't do where he lets the chocolate melt on his tongue.

'Well yeah. We've been together like…ages now.'

'Do you know when our anniversary is?' Derek asks rising and eyebrow.

'Yes.' Stiles frowns. He remembers the day they got together, but was it March, or May? Or November? Definitely a month that started with something than ran between M and N in the alphabet.

'You don't do you?' Derek asks and he looks…hurt. Derek's hurt because Stiles doesn't know when their anniversary is. Stiles feels like a real shit because he's an Angel and he's supposed to know this and he doesn't. Derek's just wearing his boxers and his socks now and Stiles offers Derek the rest of his snake in apology but Derek pushes Stiles away. 'No.' He huffs sitting up and pulling his jeans back on. Putting his belt on. Getting a clean t-shirt.

'Derek.' Stiles says crawling towards where Derek is standing getting dressed. Covering his beautiful self. With clothes. If Stiles were a devil he would burn lots of clothes so Derek would be naked but no matter how much he wants to he can't be that wasteful. 'It's May.' He says finally.

'May.' Derek turns to look at him.

'Yeah the seventeenth.' Stiles agrees. Seventeen is good. Seventeen is the number that guy with ocd last week that Stiles may have accidentally on purpose cured because he kept opening and closing his curtains when Stiles was trying to spy on the hot naked lady in the apartment below him.

'Go to heaven.' Derek snarls and Stiles gasps because he's shocked. Derek disappears. Stiles mopes and pouts and curses his stupid stupidity.

Its March he realises later as he's looking through Derek's collection of mate-less socks that he's stolen from countless washing machines across the world. Apparently Derek has collected a sock from the likes of Hugh Hefner, Barack Obama, John Travolta, half the Glee cast (Derek hates Glee but adores Sue Sylvester so Stiles gets to watch it every week which is awesome) and every single one of you folks reading this.

March 17th. St Patrick's Day. Stiles remembers now because Derek was hanging out on the crypt roof to watch for drunk folk staggering from pubs so he could make them do stupid stuff like sleep with unlikely others and fall over.

He finds Derek at his waterfall. He's standing naked with his head back and his wings spread and the water's falling over him and Stiles completely understand why Derek was only an angel for like five minutes before they threw him out.

He puts his angel ninja skills to use and sneaks up to Derek, ending in a stealthy trip over a stone and tumble into Derek's legs. Yeah, he thinks, that was pretty fucking ninja.

Derek glares down at him and Stiles offers him a smile. Derek glares. Stiles reaches a hand up clutching a tiny key ring that says Kiss Me I'm Irish and he smirks at it. 'I'm sorry.' Stiles offers.

'Get up here.' Derek says and Stiles stands up and kisses Derek. Derek wraps his arms around Stiles as Stiles reaches up to caress Derek's horns. 'You fucking idiot.' Derek says affectionately.

That means I love you. Stiles knows it does because Derek can't say the L word. It makes his stiffies go away and Stiles knows how he feels anyway and he'd rather have stiffies than a furious Derek so yeah he doesn't need to hear it, not until Derek comes up with a code and its Stiles favourite code. You fucking idiot. Makes him feel all squidgy inside his belly.

They're in Derek's room and Derek is making Stiles ride him and Stiles knows he's gonna cum soon because his toes are curling and his hands are fisted in the duvet beside Derek's head and his wingtips are vibrating and it feels so fucking good. When he comes he goes completely still, wings pointing in the air and Derek jerks his cock and then Derek's fucking into him again and how did he get onto his back and he can't believe it when Derek slips a hand under his back and touches him between his wings. He does the same to Derek, one hand between his wings and the other on his left horn because it's the sensitive one and fuck he comes again and Derek's kissing him and coming and oh fuck yeah and he thinks he might have passed out.

Actually he knows he passed out because he's lying in bed now and Derek's cuddling him. Stiles isn't allowed to tell that Derek cuddles, he has to say that Derek shoves him away after sex so he can sleep. There's no way Stiles is going to tell the truth though because Derek will probably stop cuddling him then and that would be a nightmare. It would be like being in hell without his boyfriend.

Derek's nibbling him too. Stiles is pretty happy because his badass boyfriend is pretty awesome. Stiles is about to fall asleep when the door bursts open and Jackson is dodging Derek's intruder traps. Derek's pretty pissed when Jackson makes it to the bed but Stiles is a little uncomfortable because Derek's cuddling him. And Jackson will see.

'I've got a problem.' Jackson says skidding to his knees beside Stiles.

'Ok.' Stiles says. Jackson doesn't usually talk to him, more sneers at him for still being an angel despite all the time he's spent in hell. Stiles is going to have to research why and Jacksons snapping his fingers in Stiles' face and Stiles figures he better listen.

'Danny proposed.'

'Danny used to be an awesome Devil but lately he's got a bit shit.' Derek mutters.

'Lately as in when?' Jackson cranes his neck to look at Derek.

'As in when he proposed.' Derek says, pulling Stiles closer and nibbling the edge of his wing.

'Stiles what am I going to do?' Jackson asks. See Jackson may be a fallen angel but he's not a total devil. If you catch him in the right light with his head tilted the right way you can still see his halo faintly. At Christmas it gets a little stronger looking because Jackson disappears for hours on end to join folks in singing carols and watching nativities.

Stiles likes Christmas too. He went to visit Father Christmas once, but the guy wouldn't let him sit on his lap because he was fully grown and had wings. Guy called him retard but Stiles knows best. He had Scott give the guy a flat tyre on the way home that evening so he missed his orgy with the three elves hanging around him all day. Stiles and Scott totally went to the orgy though, but neither took part because Stiles was a full angel at the time and even now he wouldn't cheat, and Scott was scared of the boobs.

'Orgy.' Stiles says because he's forgotten what they're talking about.


'Proposal. Right. What do you want to do?' stiles asked.

'I never thought of that.' Jackson says back. 'I mean I was all like, what others would think, and what I should do, I never thought of what I wanted to do.'

'Huh. Well, what do you want to do?'

'Well I love Danny. I want to make him happy. I guess I should go until him and blow him then say yes huh?'

'Sounds like a plan.' Stiles grinned as Jackson worked his way around the traps. Stiles waited until he was outside. 'You disarmed them didn't you?' He asks Derek.

'Before he came in.'

Stiles laughed and twisted so he was nose to nose with Derek. 'Can I ask you something?'

'Don't.' Derek warned.

'I'm not going to ask that.' Stiles says rolling his eyes. He never thought of that. Derek did. Maybe someday he will freak Derek out and ask. 'I was going to ask if you'd dress up as Santa Clause. See, I have this fantasy…'

Stiles never got to finish his fantasy because Derek pinned him to the bed and did all manner of things to him that would have made a good angel blush, but Stiles, yeah he no blush because he's an angel made especially for Derek.

He found that out a few days later. Why his horns aren't up. He's still supposed to be an angel. Derek was the best Devil in hell but Stiles is doing an angel duty by distracting Derek from evil doings. Now there's less evil because Derek is more interested in banging Stiles than he is in making supermodels fall when they saunter up the catwalk in ridiculous heels.

So it's really true, Stiles thinks as Derek pulls on a Santa Suit, I was made for Derek.