Author's Note: The final part to this little story! Though I have to admit an idea has come to me that I just can't help wanting to write. LOVE EVERYONE! Thankyou all for so many lovely reviews, it really made my day!

Disclaimer: Own nothing but the bed.

It was a slow meshing of mouths, a primal dance of tongues slipping together in a seductive dance. Heated breath mingled in the most erotic of moments. Conrart's hands had lifted and cupped Yuuri's face, calloused palms smoothing over the underside of the boy's jaw, lifting it to deepening the contact between them, their bodies pressed close. Yuuri was a moth drawn in by the staggering heat of Conrart's large, lean frame, resting against the bare chest and applying just a little bit of his weight and actually shifting the man backwards.

Conrart let out a rather startled sound as his knees suddenly bumped against the edge of the bed, his body suddenly tumbling backwards across the sheets when Yuuri gave him a playful push. Wide cinnamon eyes stared upwards at Yuuri, though the corners of his lips flickered upwards, appreciating the fact that Yuuri was the one that was encouraging along what was between them.

"You know... I have to admit I like it when you're like this." Yuuri was leaning his knees against the edge of the bed between Conrart's own legs which dangled still a little over it. The corner of his lips twitched upwards into a slight smirk that darkened his eyes to such a deep black that they seemed to swallow everything that should have been reflected in them. "I've wanted to see you sprawled out here... see you naked..."

Dipping down, Yuuri's hands rested on either side of Conrart, while his mouth dropped to a nipple, lips closing around it and slowly allowing his tongue to circle it. Privately relishing the heated taste of that tawny skin, he nipped, before letting his head lift upwards, catching the look in those eyes that were a burnish bronze as they darkened with desire and a raging hunger.

"Yes." He practically purred the word, shifting forwards so Conrart and he were almost nose to nose. "Yes."

Yuuri was laughing in sheer delight when he suddenly found himself pinned on his back on the bed, his body straddled by Conrart. A mouth claimed his, demanding and relentless as it devoured every inch of the inside of his own. Hands stroked back his hair, brushing it back from his temples lightly and smoothed down over the slightly flushed skin.

"I can't stop this..." The man growled as his mouth skimmed down over the man's chin lightly until he nuzzled just beneath Yuuri's jaw and caressed the silky smooth skin with his lips. "Once I've started, Yuuri, I can't stop." Not when he finally had what he had longed for, for far too long.

Keeping Conrart's head down and close to his own, his legs coiled around the man's hips, drawing them down against his own and both of them shivered when heated flesh touched through the thin layers of their clothing. "Whoever said anything about stopping? Now that I have you right where I want you, I'm not about to put up a fuss."

Their mouths meshed again, a scorching tangle of tongues and lips, stealing the strength from Yuuri's limbs as his entire body relaxed into the contact. His hands were slowly sliding down across the length of bare tawny skin, caressing across several scars that ran across the length of the man's back, tracing every scar and imperfection. It was only a few moments before Yuuri's fingers came to lightly curl around Conrart's upper arm, thumb sliding over the faint line that ringed the powerful flexing muscles. Stroking it lightly with the edge of a calloused thumb, he felt Conrart's lips still against his temple, the man's breath hitching at the contact.

"It felt as if my soul had been ripped right out of me." Yuuri lifted his head slightly, mouth sliding against Conrart's pulse point ever so lightly, an intimate caress. "Hearing them say you had died. It shattered me like nothing else could. My mind always bringing up the last sight of you... protecting me with your very life."

"I would have done anything to prevent you from feeling a moment of pain." Conrart's voice was husky with his words. The man lifted his head up enough for their eyes to meet for one long second, something intangible passing between the two men a silent promise of something unnamed. "Let me have you."

"I was always yours."

Large calloused hands were slowly beginning to strip Yuuri of his clothes, pressing tender little nipping kisses to every inch of exposed skin until the flushed length of Yuuri's body was spread out across the sheets where Conrart had been sprawled out earlier. Teasing a nipple again playfully, his cinnamon eyes had darkened to a rich mahogany, sparking with stars of silver. Calloused palms stroked down over Yuuri's sides, tracing every inch of the exposed body before him. Conrart took his time learning every inch of Yuuri's body, hearing the heated words and coaxing pleas for something more than his stroking.

Suddenly the soldier found himself on his back again, his hips arching upwards sharply in shock when a hand slipped its way into his pants and coiled around his straining erection. "Yuuri!" He cried hoarsely, body jerking as he was roughly caressed in one long fingered hand.

Pants were tugged down Conrart's legs and flung towards the door, the edge of them catching on the door knob and remaining there utterly abandoned.

"Too slow..." Yuuri shook his head sharply, mouth tasting the tawny skin again, suckling on a nipple as his hands were both stroking firmly along the throbbing length proudly standing erect from Conrart's hips. "I want to feel you buried deep within me. I've wanted too long to know the feeling... the heat of you throbbing..."

Large hands had cupped Yuuri's rear, thumbs slipping between the cheeks and pressing firmly against the warm entrance he found there, rubbing back and forth against it and gaining himself a very needy groan from Yuuri. He couldn't help but admit the sight of Yuuri straddling him, dark raven locks framing his flushed face made him even hotter. Working his fingers slowly inside of that hot tight body, he brushed along every sensitive nerve, knowing it was going to be a snug fit and that made him throb even hotter.

"Yes... oh..." The Maou made an erotic sound in the back of his throat, while he arched and pressed back into the contact, his body shifting forwards to expose himself more to Conrart's hands. Fingers brushed intimate lines of heat along his inner thighs and across the underside of Yuuri's pulsing length. Rich dark eyes fluttered closed, head arching back before finally his hips were shifting backwards, Conrart's hard length being held in place by slender hands.

"Too soon." Conrart breathed, his fingers slipping out as his lover squirmed. "Yuuri... it's too..."

But Yuuri didn't listen, his body aching with the savage emptiness he felt right at that moment. The head of that burning hardness slipped into the tight passage, the only lubricant from the leaking slit. It was what Yuuri craved, a declaration of ownership, the feeling of nothing between them. A whimper escaped the younger man's soft lips, his head arching backwards as he allowed his weight to draw him downwards and impale himself on the throbbing length.

Their movements were slow at first, the rough slide between them sending shocks of sensation scorching along the lengths of their bodies. Yet, Conrart couldn't resist the lure of that tight heat, one hand rested against Yuuri's hip and steadied the shuddering youth, when he began thrusting more forcefully upwards. Their cries of pleasure mingled as they both finally found what they had been seeking for far too long. A hand curled around Yuuri's length and began to stroke roughly along it. The slender body was coaxed downwards and their mouth's let, a hot erotic tangle like their bodies were slowly becoming.

Yuuri was tempting him, that flushed face challenging Conrart to make him scream. A flash of raw lust burning in those dark orbs. "I want to be yours." He purred low in his throat, nipping sharply at the man's lower lip.

Their bodies twisted, Conrart twisting and practically pinning the warm body beneath his one, one arm circled around Yuuri's hip, hand continuing to rub and stroke that pulsing length. His first thrust got a whimper from Yuuri, his legs spreading wider, his head resting against his arms as he rested on his elbows and knees. Conrart's cheek rested against the warm nape of his lover's neck, burying his face into the rich silky strands that caressed his jaw, he continued to thrust harder and deeper into that willing body. The friction was growing, the angle allowing him to push so deep into Yuuri that he felt as if they really were one being.

Yuuri let out a sharp cry, his hips arching upwards when his sweetspot was being tormented. His head arched back, gasping and almost sobbing with the sensations that rocked him. Conrart's free hand had drifted upwards to tease throbbing nipples, pinching and stroking them and making the boy squirm helplessly. Another sound of raw pleasure escaped the boy's hips as his body trembled violently as pleasure pulsed hot and uncontrollable through them both.

Suddenly Conrart slammed all the way home, grinding hard and sharp against slender hips, and their voices rose together for one moment before being muffled, both unwilling to attract the attention of the guards. Ecstasy swarmed through both of them, heat rushing, bright and powerful. Both collapsed onto the bed, curled together while they panted hard, shuddering with the force of what they had done.

"Your Majesty." A voice sounded at the door as a knock echoed across the space. There was a sound of a key turning within the lock, sending the key on the inside clinking to the floor. "Your Majesty it is time for your lessons."

Conrart shifted at the noise, his entire body shifting against his lover who was blanketed by his massive body, his face pressed against the side of the warm neck. The movement forced his length deeper into that tight slick heat and Yuuri shifted with a moan of hunger, slender hands lifting from the back of the man's thighs to his rear. The action made Conrart smile, his silky head lifting upwards and his cinnamon eyes stopped on the man who stood in the doorway, his lips pressing together.

Gunter Von Christ stood in the doorway, Conrart's pants which had fallen off the doorknob and were now resting at his feet. The man's silvery-lavender eyes widened in shock, his mouth dropping a little open at the sight before him.

"Thought... I locked the door." Yuuri murmured softly, yawning a little and settling back against the warm bedding, his pretty obsidian eyes drifting closed again. "Don't want to get up."

Drawing the blankets up further around them, he shifted, tucking his lover's head just against his shoulder, spooning them together chest to chest, Yuuri's legs locked around Conrart's hips. "You don't have to, Love." Lips skimming softly against his lover's throat and jaw, he wrapped both arms around the slender body, tucking him even closer.

A startled sound escaped Gunter's lips as he stared open-mouthed at the pair of lovers tangled intimately amongst the sheets. The books in his hands dropped to the floor with a heavy thump, his expression rather amusing when one saw him like that.

Wolfram's head appeared around Gunter's shoulder, the blonde's lips twisting upwards into a rather amused grin. "Well we'll have no doubt now about what exactly all that shouting was about last night." One hand caught around the collar of Gunter's jacket, tugging backwards sharply and almost dragging the man off-balance with the action. "Sorry about the intrusion, I'll make sure he doesn't get access to a key again."

Conrart's eyes darkened with a hint of sharp warning to Gunter, the soldier's body shifting more protectively over the top of his companion's. "Do not intrude on his Majesty again or it will be the last thing you do." There was a flash of teeth, the man's expression almost like that of a slightly cornered animal protecting its mate from anything that might threaten him. "You will learn, Lord Von Christ that in serve to my Lord, I am capable of beating even you."

Squirming beneath Conrart, there was a soft muffled vibration that tickled against tawny skin all from Yuuri. The soldier lifted himself just a little and the bright cheerful sound of Yuuri's laughter filled the space.

"Ever my protector." Arms wrapped around broad shoulders, drawing them downwards and hugging Conrart close, delighted by the fact that he still had his lover in his arms even given the situation. His head tipped towards Gunter and pinned the man with a steady stare. "You will in future not trespass into my chambers without leave, Lord Von Christ. When I lock my door, it is for good reason and you would do well to respect that."

Gunter swallowed and nodded before retreating.

Wolfram winked at both of them before pulling the door shut.

"I love you." Yuuri whispered against the length of his lover's throat, nuzzling in against him and drawing him down and closer against his body, wanting nothing more than to remain there, curled with his companion in the warmth of their bed. "I love you more than anything in this world."

"And I you, Yuuri." A fingertip lightly traced along the length of his companion's jaw, just dropping his head to press light butterfly kisses across slightly parted lips. "And I would give my life to be with you forever."

Hope you liked this little tale of mine.