Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any other materials I will use for this fic. Don't sue, okay? Also, I own all mistakes from here on.

A/N 1: A shout out to tumblr user agronskysarfati because she gave me the idea for the song to use this chapter. I got it from her Faberry fanmix. Totally cool song selection, you guys should check it out.

A/N 2: Thanks for the awesome response for last chapter. Again, same warning applies, I'm not in the medical profession/service/whatever. Please don't slam me if I get something wrong. Without further ado, I give to you the next chapter. Happy reading!

"'Some people don't understand the promise they're making when they make them,' I said.
'Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.' "— John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

Chapter 6

Hazel met brown. Just like before, it was an explosion of sorts.

Rachel's mind began racing hundreds of miles a minute. She's read a lot of things regarding waking up from coma. Disorientation, brain damage, memory loss. And she was worried. What if Quinn doesn't remember her? She was frozen on spot. It felt like eternity where two eyes danced around each other, not quite knowing just what the music was.

Really, it was less than a minute. But to Rachel it almost felt like another twelve years passed her by before she became aware of the crazy beeping of the machines around the room. They were driving her to chaos, to the confusion inside her mind. She must have had that look in her eyes. Because after another round of agonizing seconds, Quinn reached up, painfully slow in Rachel's opinion. But still, pale, slender fingers reached up to remove the plastic mask from the respirator.


It was all Rachel needed. All she will ever need.

The sound of her name coming from the hoarse, dry throat of Quinn that sounded like it was closing up sprang the brunette to action. She didn't really know the exact state of Quinn's mind at the moment, but she uttered Rachel's name.

And that was enough.

"Nurse! Nurse!" Rachel shouted as she hurriedly ran out of the room. "Nurse!"

She may have looked like a mad woman. But she didn't care. And actually, maybe she was. Quinn found her. And she found Quinn. To have a promise fulfilled after such a long time was like finding a lost puppy to a child or finding a lost child to a mother or finding love after you've forgotten what it felt like. And really, who wouldn't go mad at that?

Rachel kept herself at the back of the room while the doctors probed and poked at Quinn. Sometimes she would hear the blonde's occasional complains, and the small brunette would smile, because Quinn sounded almost like her older self.

She busied herself to texting Santana. The Latina was mostly the one who put up with her for the last two days. Two days. It seemed longer than that. Maybe it was. When you're waiting for love to wake up and being alone while watching the sun pass by, two days felt like hell. So she texted her fiery but with a heart cast mate, informing her that Quinn was awake.

Rachel was having an inner turmoil. Yes, she's happy that Quinn is finally awake. And that she's free to lie beside her. But anxiousness also began to seep in. How will they start over?

Before she can delve into her doubts, the doctor was already calling her over.

"Yes?" Rachel asked, unsure because she had been spacing out for the last few minutes.

"She's still a little disoriented. There will be more questions but I will check on her again later." The kind looking woman with the tag Dr. Andrews on her coat said.

Rachel just smiled and nodded her thanks.

The doctor returned her smile and before leaving looked back at Rachel once more, "She's asking for you now."

Rachel slowly turned back to walk to Quinn's bedside. The blonde still had her eyes locked onto Rachel's. The hazel eyes were intense, looking into brown ones whose last traces of doubt and anxiousness had begun fading away. The brunette's lips quivered. Quinn was looking at her as if she could look into the chocolate eyes brimming with unshed tears forever.

The light green and the flecks of brown mixing together captivated Rachel. They bore into her soul, trapping her, making her Quinn's. But she didn't have any qualms about that. She was contented to be lost in Quinn.



They both spoke at the same time, eliciting a giggle from both of them. How many more clichés will there be before their whole ordeal was over?

Finally, Rachel just gave in, she almost ran over her steps in trying to get to Quinn as fast as she could. Only this time, there were no speeding cars to hit either of them, there were no Russell Fabrays that could separate them, and society did not exist because they were in their own bubble where only the two of them have the key.

Both of them had tears in their eyes when Rachel slowly eased into the side of the bed to carefully put her arms around Quinn. It was euphoric to be holding the blonde she's waited for since she was thirteen. And Quinn felt the same because her brunette's arms were around her, just because they can now. There were no words yet the meeting of two forlorn souls conveyed everything they needed to.

Rachel pulled back to look into Quinn's eyes, searching for any pain just in case she hurt her accidentally. "How do you feel?"

The blonde chuckled. Rachel was still her worrisome self.

"Sore." Quinn answered.

"Do you need me to call the doctor again? Do you want pain meds? Water? A massage? Or a—"

Quinn smiled while the brunette rambled on. And it suddenly hit her. There were no thunderclaps to accompany the drama. There were no flashing lights, no rain, no anything. The only evidence was the irregularly wild beating of her heart.

Rachel was here now. With her.

She just knew that they've wasted enough time. And maybe it's time they won against time. It's time to make up for twelve years, starting with forever.

It's time to stop running.

Her arms found their way to the column of Rachel's neck. And before the brunette could react, she was being pulled down to meet Quinn's lips.

It was a kiss for the sake of kiss. Their lips were barely moving, but it was there. What exactly 'it' was, they wouldn't be able to describe. All they knew were the emotions flooding them—love, happiness, contentment, and the feeling that finally the world agreed that it was time they won. It didn't matter to Quinn that she was still a little disoriented. It didn't matter to Rachel that there were a lot of things they needed to talk about.

Their kiss wasn't like in the movies. There wasn't tongue involved, they were barely moving. But they could feel everything. It was slow, unhurried, because now they have all the time in forever. It was not even the same as their first kiss. Nor was it the same when they were at the hotel just nights ago. It was just a meeting of lips, tame considering their ages.

But it was everything. It was the kiss of kisses. It was a confirmation that finally everything will be alright. It was the meeting of two lovers finding each other in the middle of a meadow, minus the meadow. It was a promise that after fulfilling the initial promise, more will come. It was the perfection of perfect.

It was love. Simply love.

When they separated, they both had their eyes closed, tears sliding down their cheeks. When they both finally gazed into each other's soul, they knew what they were staring at.

Home, finally.

Quinn was the first one to speak. "Lay here."

"And just forget the world?" Rachel answered her with a smile playing at the corner of her still slightly tingling lips.

The blonde had to laugh because of the musical reference. But she also had to smile, because come to think of it, it was kind of true.

"Yes, Rachel. Lie with me and just forget the world."

Suddenly, the white walls became less daunting. As Rachel settled in beside Quinn, the hospital was a little less spooky. The unwelcomed cold became less intense, replaced by the warmth of Quinn's body beside her.

Deep brown eyes once again locked with soft hazel ones. And Rachel had to say something.

"We missed watching the sunset."

Quinn's eyes were already closed, but there was smile at the corner of her mouth. "No little star, we didn't."

Rachel creased her brows in confusion. And Quinn opened one eye to look at her. The blonde laughed and pressed a kiss on the brunette's forehead, Rachel leaning into her.

"I'll explain when we wake up." Quinn said, closing her eye again. "I promise."

And Rachel had to smile as she pressed a kiss on her angel's shoulder. Because this time, it wouldn't take twelve years.

This time, they were home. Finally.

It could have been hours, minutes or even seconds after they laid down together. When Rachel became conscious of her surroundings, she could hear hushed voices in the room. The lack of sleep and endless tears for almost two days took its toll on the singer. She was still a little tired but the sleep definitely helped.

Opening her eyes slightly, she saw Santana and Quinn who seemed to both be having a serious conversation.

"Hey." She said after she opened her eyes fully but snuggled deeper into Quinn's shoulder blades.

"Hey baby." Quinn says while looking at her with deep hazel eyes.

Rachel blushed at the term of endearment. But her heart was also overwhelmed with the softness of Quinn's voice. She just found herself trying to hold back tears and in a staring contest with the blonde. It was a moment she had been dreaming of. To wake up in Quinn's arms, to look into her lover's eyes as she opened her own, to hear every sweet word being spoken by the slightly breathy but hypnotizing voice, it was all too much. And she was overwhelmed, feeling a big something squeezing in her heart. But this time it's not in pain. This time, it's caused by happiness—pure, unadulterated happiness.

"Geez, Berry. The girl called you a very unoriginal 'baby.'" Santana said, suddenly making her presence known. The Latina was rolling her eyes and imitating Quinn's husky pronunciation of 'baby.' "Don't come undone." She added with a smirk.

The diva was startled and a little bit embarrassed Santana caught her making gooey eyes at Quinn. So she felt her cheeks getting warmer and warmer while still trying to hide her face into the blonde's shoulders. Suddenly, she was shy Rachel. The things Quinn could do to her.

The woman beside her let out an amused chuckle at seeing Rachel flustered. When she finally looked up, the brunette saw her cast mate looking at her with a raised brow and also an amused smirk. And when she turned to Quinn, the blonde was looking at her with so much adoration that she felt her heart beating wildly again.

"Ay dios mio!" Santana exclaimed, pulling Rachel again from getting lost in the blonde with hazel eyes. "Blondie, will you stop making moon eyes at Berry. She looks like she's about to orgasm." The Latina shuddered as if to underline her point. "And I might have to scratch my eyes if I see that happen."

With the half repulsed and half amused voice of Rachel's cast mate, Quinn let out a loud belly laugh before burying her face into Rachel's hair and kissing the top of the singer's head. As soon as the diva recovered from the unusual shyness, she threw eye daggers at the Latina who just snickered.

"Shut it Santana!"

"Ha! You wish Berry!"

Quinn watched as the two women bickered with each other, fully contented in having Rachel in her arms once more. There were still a lot of things to talk about, but it was time that they claimed everything that they lost. It was a long time coming.

She reflected on the Latina's words before Rachel woke up.

15 minutes ago

Quinn woke up at the sound of someone entering the room. She was a light sleeper. When she opened her eyes, she caught sight of Rachel smiling peacefully in even breathes beside her. Reaching to the brunette's side, she reached down to caress the soft cheeks. Rachel seemed to lean into her touch. And she had to smile because maybe even after everything that's happened, her little star also felt that a part of them was always held by the other. Whatever mojo it was, Quinn was thankful that a connection so intense that it gripped them existed.

She looked up when she heard someone clear their throat.

She saw someone with dark eyes gazing at her. Usually, she would be intimidated. But Rachel was in her arms, and with the brunette, she felt like everything was hers to conquer.

She remembers seeing the same girl before. Her furrowed brows might have given away her confusion because the dark haired woman smiled softly and went to Quinn's side of the bed.

"Santana. That's my name, if you're having trouble remembering." The woman said.

Quinn's face cleared as some visions ran through her. Santana. Santana, Rachel's cast mate. She remembers now. She smiled at the fiery looking woman and just nodded, partly because her throat still hurt.

Santana seemed to understand because she handed Quinn a glass of water with a straw. The blonde reached eagerly and sipped carefully with the Latina waiting patiently at the side of the bed.

"So, how are you feeling?" Santana asked as Quinn put down the water indicating that she's had enough, and maybe it was time for them to talk.

"A little sore, but I'll live. Thanks for dropping by."

"Listen, I don't know if coma patients go into shock or something, but can I be frank with you?" The Latina said calmly to which Quinn just stared in confusion. "I mean, I don't usually ask for permission or anything but you're still kind of a puddle now and the hobbit might kill me if she finds you a veggie when she wakes up."

"First, you don't call Rachel a hobbit. Second, yes you may say whatever you want to." Quinn says in an equally calm voice. Though she made it clear that she doesn't want her little star being called names.

"Whoa," Santana says holding up both hands, "Calm your tits, blondie." Though the Latina smiles while she talked, "But I'm beginning to like you. You protect her."

Quinn just looked at Santana as if asking her to continue.

"Rachel has been my friend since college." The Latina started. "And then after that, we were roommates for a while. And then cast mates right now." Santana started opening and closing her palms. Not in a threatening manner though, Quinn observes. It was just usual mannerism for someone who wasn't used to opening themselves. Quinn would know.

"And if you ever tell her, I'll deny it to my last breath, but she's my best friend. I love her because she's kind of a troll that's already grown into me. But whatever." The woman had a fond smile while watching Rachel sleep. And Quinn was thankful to this seemingly bitchy woman because someone took care of her little star when she couldn't.

"We always argue. And sometimes we would be at each other's throats because we both want everything too much." Quinn nodded, indicating that she's listening. "But Rachel is important to me. She was the one who always pulled my head out of my ass or pushed me off a cliff sometimes because there was no way I was doing the jump myself."

Santana looked into Quinn's eyes, conveying gratitude with a hint of a threat.

"Rachel is important to me." The Latina repeats. "We don't really talk a lot. We don't have heart to heart talks like normal girls do. But we know to be there for each other when things go shitty." Dark eyes were still locked with unwavering hazel ones. "Hell, we have a dysfunctional relationship. But we understand each other, like there's this kumbaya connection between us." Santana smiled. "She has the ability to make people love her. Rachel is just one of those people who will grow to you no matter how annoying or bossy she can be at times. She is special."

Quinn smiled because everything Rachel's best friend had been saying was true. She looked at Santana expectantly, waiting for her to go on.

"I don't know a lot about her past. But I know enough because she babbles a lot whenever she gets drunk. Always at the same day." Santana bowed her head to take a deep breath. "Always me to witness her at her most vulnerable."

Tears pooled at the side of hazel eyes. Rachel drunk every time the day approached. Maybe a part of her will never forgive herself and the past. Because she wasn't with Rachel. She was the cause of the brunette's misery. And the woman in front of her was the witness to every melt down. Quinn swallowed the lump that started to form in her throat. She knew that this needed to be said. More important than that, she needed to hear it.

Santana pulled Quinn's attention as she stared at the ceiling to prevent the tears from falling. Quinn would know, she did it all the time, she's doing it now. "Somehow it always felt like she was waiting for something, you know?" The Latina looked at the blonde whose tears started to fall nonetheless. "And when she saw you that night at the bar, I saw something in her eyes that I've never seen before. That's when I knew that it was you. You were the blonde girl she was always talking about every time she was past the point of sobriety."

At that point, the Latina started gripping her thighs with more force than necessary. And Quinn was just staring at the ceiling. It was hard for two people who do not really know anything about each other than their first names to talk about their deepest secrets. But Quinn knew that it had to happen. Because Rachel Berry is special, Santana needed to grip her pants so hard that her knuckles were white just to keep the tears from falling. Because they were talking about Rachel Berry, the girl Quinn Fabray loved since she was fifteen, Quinn let the tears fall and listened to a complete stranger pour her heart out.

"But when you opened your mouth, I saw the crushed look in Rachel's eyes." Quinn let out a strangled cry. She knew that Rachel was hurt, but to hear it was different. "And I resented you. You gave a spark in her eyes, held it in your hands, and then destroyed it at your fingertips."

Santana's voice was just above whisper, but her eyes said everything. She was wary of Quinn. But she was also willing to look past it for Rachel. "What I need you to know right now is how I saw Rachel in her dressing room, looking so desperate, looking like somebody kicked her to die. And I also need you to know that she stayed beside the same person who caused her so much grief. For two fucking days, she hardly slept. I don't think she even slept at all. And she missed a performance. Rachel never passes an opportunity to perform onstage."

Santana looked deep into Quinn's eyes, locking the hazel ones once more with dark ones.

"And she did it all because of you." Their gazes were so intense, Quinn felt like it permeated the room. She was worried for a moment that it might wake Rachel. "I don't know if I will ever understand why she did what she did. But all I know is that it's because she loves you. What I need to know right now if you're in this a hundred percent. Rachel is the most forgiving person I know of, and because she loves you she might be willing to look past everything. But not me. It's my job to protect her."

Quinn holds the Latina's gaze, unwavering, showing that she will not back down.

"So I'm telling you right now. Walk away if you cannot give her what she deserves. Because if you hurt her, I swear to all that is holy, I will hunt you down. And I will make you suffer a thousand more times than you made Rachel suffer. You will wish you were dead."

The atmosphere was eerie. Quinn could tell that Santana wasn't joking. But no matter how chilling Santana's threat was, it was not the time to back down. She might not deserve Rachel after everything that happened, but she will do anything for her little star. She is literally everything that made sense in Quinn's world.

So Quinn smiled, and returned Santana's stare with equal fervour.

"I love her. I will never deserver her. But for some insane reason, she thinks that it's okay to cuddle up with me and stay with me. And if this is what makes her happy, I will gladly stay beside her. I will never hurt her intentionally. Because if I do, I think knowing that I've hurt the most special person in my life is punishment enough." Quinn softened her eyes, but her voice was persistent, indicating her sincerity. "I love her."

"Good to know, blondie." Santana smiled softly, and then it was gone in an instant, replaced by a smirk. "The munchkin is waking up."

Quinn was pulled out of her musings when the room became silent and two pairs of eyes looked at her expectantly, as if waiting for an answer.

"Uh, sorry Rach, I kind of spaced out. What was that?"

Rachel huffed and pouted at Quinn's inattention. But she giggled when Quinn pulled her side to kiss her on the lips, Santana making gagging noises at the side.

"I want you to watch my show when you're strong enough to go out." Rachel said while biting her lip.

Quinn smiled because of how adorable the girl looked.

"Of course, I'll watch you." Quinn pressed a playful kiss on Rachel's nose. "I will watch you every time you are up there."

Santana was once again making fake gagging noises while the two women cuddling in the bed just laughed.

"Okay, I'm outta here. I can only take so much sweetness to last me a lifetime." The Latina said, starting to stand up.

"Dramatic much?" Quinn teased.

"Don't think for a second that because you're in a hospital bed I won't beat you, blondie." Santana raised an eyebrow. But she was smiling, a smile that can even be considered as a kind one. Seeing Rachel happy with Quinn was enough at the moment. Though she wouldn't let them know that.

"Santana Lopez! You will do no such thing!" Rachel's horrified voice chimed, making the blonde beside her laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bye midg—Berry and you too blondie." And with that, Santana was already gone.

Quinn and Rachel looked at each other only to burst into peals of laughter.

"What time is it?" Rachel asked suddenly.

"Just a few minutes after eleven. Why?"

"It's late. You should sleep."

"Really, Rach? We just slept, in case you forgot."

"Well, what do you want to do now? Are you hungry? I'm kind of tired but not really very sleepy. I blame Santana. Oh, do you need me to call the doctor—"

Rachel was cut off again when Quinn's lips met hers again for the second time that day. It was a stark contrast than the kiss they shared hours ago. This was needy. Quinn's tongue slowly slid inside Rachel's mouth, massaging every delectable surface of the brunette's mouth. Rachel moaned as she pulled Quinn flush into her, still careful not to disturb the bandages.

Their tongues continued the slow, sensual dance. Occasionally there will be moans only to be swallowed by the other. And every time the need for air came, they would nip each other's neck. Suck. Bite. Anything to replenish the burning in their lips. When they pulled back, they were both flushed and panting. Their lips were swollen, their clothes were mussed. But their eyes showed happiness. And love. Always love.

Rachel was the first one to speak. "Not that I'm complaining, because believe me, I'm not. But what was that for?"

Quinn sighed, and held Rachel's palms to kiss the tan knuckles.

"We have a lot of things to talk about. And I guess, I wanted to kiss you once more in case you decided that I was not worthy of you."

Rachel looked like she was about to cry. Because she was. Quinn's voice was full of sadness. It felt like the blonde actually believed that she was not worthy of Rachel. And Rachel knows there's a long way ahead to convince the blonde that she is more than enough for her. But the singer was willing to trudge down that road, because with Quinn holding her hand, she can face anything.

The brunette planted a gentle but firm kiss to the still swollen lips in front of her.

"There's a lot we need to talk about. But we don't have to talk about them right now." Rachel pulled back to gaze into unsure hazel eyes. "And just so we're clear, you're stuck with me now. No matter what you tell me, we will make it through. Together."

Quinn smiled tenderly because of how she felt the honesty in the brunette's voice. And even if she still doesn't quite believe it herself, she trusts that Rachel will still be beside her when she wakes up tomorrow.

"I love you."

It was so delicately spoken that Rachel almost missed it. But she heard, and tears begun to form. She hadn't imagines the words Quinn said. So she pulled the blonde once more for another searing kiss to express everything she felt.


"I love you too."

The smaller woman's voice was almost as faint as Quinn's. But Quinn hears. And her heart felt ready to explode. She didn't imagine Rachel's words at the pavement. It was real. It happened. And finally, they had each other.

"Sing to me?" Quinn asked softly.

Rachel had to smile. It was her favorite thing next to singing onstage. Singing to Quinn.

"Always. Any requests?"

"Anything. As long as you sing." Quinn said.

Come closer, we're alone
And it chills me to the bone
I wish that I'd been there
To care, and carry you, carry you home

Rachel's voice started softly. It was not her usual singing voice. It was a tenderness reserved for only Quinn. And the blonde was contented to gaze into the eyes of the woman she loved. The only woman she will ever love. They had each other, not only for hours, not only for summer, but for as long as Rachel will have her. It was everything.

Home. It was a recurring theme of the day.

You're not the only one
Isolated and undone
So many miles to go,
Well I know, I know

They gazed into each other's eyes. Somehow after all those years, everything and nothing changed. There was still the inexplicable spark that was only reserved for each other. But this time, they have every shot in forever. Because they were free, finally.

Yes, Quinn still had so many monsters to face. There were truths she was able to hold back because she kept blocking them through all those years. But with Rachel by her side, life seemed to have started again. Blood started to coat her veins again. Her heart pumped once more, it was beating again. She could feel again. And with life, she knows that reality was inevitable. But Rachel will be there to hold her this time. And with her little star's promise, she could fight anything. Even Russell Fabray's shadow.

I know you think that you've been down,
You never know when things will turn around, turn around
I know you think that you've been down,
You never know when things will turn around, turn around

Rachel knew that there was something broken inside Quinn. She felt it at the bar. She felt it the hotel. But when Quinn came running at her two nights ago, she knew then that it wasn't irreparable. There was hope left. And she will fight for her blonde angel. She will fight whatever monster that was holding Quinn back. She will fight them with Quinn. And she knows, this time, they will win.

Her soft voice continued to convey everything she wanted to say that simple words could never capture. Her music starts where her words left. And if it was any indication, Quinn's equally intense gaze told her that they will be side by side.


Come closer, we're alone
And I know
You feel so helpless
I know, I know

It's been so long. Twelve years, if one is into specifics, since Quinn let anyone in. The only one who was ever brave enough to break down the walls was Rachel. She was the only one strong enough to counter Quinn's sadness and stubbornness. Maybe she will be the only one forever. And Quinn was okay with that. She found everything she needed was in her arms right then, looking into Rachel's eyes while she sang.

It was an invitation of sorts. Quinn knew that Rachel was asking her. To be let in once more. And Quinn had to smile because there is no 'once more.' Rachel was already in.

She always was.

I know you think that you've been down,
You never know when things will turn around, turn around
I know you think that you've been down,
You never know when things will turn around, turn around

Tears started to burn at the back of Quinn's eyelids. She let them flow freely, though. There was no need to cover up. With Rachel, she can just be. The warm liquid made its way from her eyes to the pristinely white pillows under her head. But before there was more, she felt Rachel's trembling hands gently wiping away her tears.

Quinn saw Rachel's own eyes brimming with tears. But she doesn't wipe them, afraid that the small brunette would stop singing. She was scared that a small movement would break the trance they were in and she would find herself lying alone in the pavement.

Rachel seemed to have sensed Quinn's hesitation. But she doesn't stop her song. Instead, she just gripped Quinn's hand and shut her eyes as the lyrics of the song continued to flow out of her perfectly.

I know you think that you've been down,
You never know when things will turn around, turn around

The singer only opened her eyes when she felt a pair of lips resting on her eye and then switching to the other. And right at that moment, she had to control herself not to break into uncontrollable sobs because it was an answer of sorts. Quinn was slowly letting her pull out the memories. Quinn was allowing herself back to life, to living. Quinn was trying not to be afraid.

This time, with Rachel.

Quinn was telling her little star that she was willing to believe. Because she trusts Rachel, she will try life and choose her little brunette.

It was enough.


They smiled at each other because of the small inaccuracy at the month. But it didn't matter.

I remember,
We smiled for a while

Rachel continued, singing ever so softly. Their eyes were wet, but they were drowning in happiness. They deserved it. It was time that they become happy again.

In September,

They both had to stifle a laugh as Rachel changed the lyrics to fit their life.

Together we'll climb
And I'll carry you home

As the final words of the song were sung, Quinn surged forward and Rachel met her.

It was clear. In the middle of the moonlight. Two hearts exchanged another promises of kind. This time not twelve years were at stake. This time, it was forever.

The answer is yes, Quinn Fabray, I will always be there for you.

The answer is yes, Rachel Berry, I will allow you to save me.

And as their lips burned with so much intensity, two words burned at the back of their minds.


And love.

Always love.

A/N 3: Holy cow! I completed that in one sitting after drinking a can of energy drink. So I guess you guys should start sending me cartons of energy drink from now on, huh? Just kidding. But seriously, did you guys like it? Anything? Did it make up for all the angst you've put up with? REVIEW.

A/N 4: Guys! Vote for Faberry at the E! Top Couples Poll. Okay? Because there's a high chance that they will be interviewed if they win. Imagine…Faberry will win and Achele will be interviewed. Epicness will ensue. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

A/N 5: The musical reference that Quinn smiled about is "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. And of course the song at the end is "Carry You Home" by Nashville Skyline which was introduced to me by agronskysarfati's fanmix.