Avengers Spank Therapy

Part Five

(This is the fifth part of the rp with Ani playing Clint, Superman, and Tony Stark while I played Oliver (Green Arrow, Natasha Romanoff, Amora, Her Execution, Thor, and Loki. I know that Amora is in love with Thor but in this role play/fiction, we have her in love with Loki also the Hulk has lifted the hammer a few times so we didn't want to just leave it hanging. This is all we have right at the moment but once more is written, I'll post it once I've edited part six.)

Clint got to his brother's house after an hour; he took out his spare key and walked right in, "Ollie, I came for a visit!"

"Hey kid, what brings the mighty Avenger to my place?"

"The Avengers are bigger kill joys than you," Clint shrugged and hung his coat.

"Really? So I'm guessing you've been a bad little Avenger? Trust me; Superman is just as stiff as they are. Maybe they all went to the same stick up the ass superhero course."

"I don't think I'd like the idea of a hand of steel hitting my butt," he shuttered, "Not that Hulk is much better. But all I did was play a little with Blondie's brother and his Tony's sex kitten attacked me."

"Yeah his hand smarts...Wait a minute, blondie's brother? Sex kitten?"

"I was playing with Thor's little brother and Nat got mad at me and darn near killed me with a wooden spoon. Or something," He'd had so much fun that day he'd forgotten most of what he did, he just remembered getting spanked.

"Oh the little Godling Loki? He is such a huge pain in the ass."

"You have NO idea!"

"Well he has been plaguing the city with his little toys, well was."

"Yeah, he's on lock down now. And he gets spanked every three days."

"Oh ouch! Even for a God, that sucks big-time! Three times and his ass hasn't fallen off yet?"

"On the bright side, it isn't me," Clint smirked.

"Yeah but tread carefully around that bunch or it could be."

Clint shuddered, "So what did you do today?"

"Besides tick the man of steel off again?"

Clint chuckled a little, "What did you do?"

"Well you know how Kent is always so stiff? I decided to see if his butt was unbreakable as the rest of his Kryptonion self. So I devised some um explosive arrows but I ahh blew up his apartment."

"Yep, you're my brother," Clint laughed.

"He didn't think it was funny and got it for it. Tried to explain that I didn't mean to use that much explosives by accident but he got me for it."

Clark Kent sat reading the paper, wondering if anything interesting had happened.

Oliver had been bored the entire day having wanted to go out but Clark Kent was always so dull. Having an idea from what Clint had written him a letter about using explosive arrows, the green arrow grinned mischievously working secretly in his room.

Once he was done, the blonde grinned creeping to the roof off the next building taking aim and firing once the Clark stood up hoping he got Super Stick Up The Ass but good. That was when he realized that he done the mixture wrong. The explosion sending him flying to the far end of the flat roof of the nearby apartment building. "Oooh!"

Clark changed into his blue and red eye sore of a suit and quickly put the fire out, looking in Oliver's direction.

Oliver groaned on the roof and looked towards Clark's place only to gulp seeing that he'd pretty much blown up the other man's apartment. "Ah um opps?

After all was taken care of Superman made his way over. He glared down at him dangerously.

Oliver gulped when he soon noticed Clark floating over him obviously angry. "Um ahh hi? I um maybe used a little too much?"

He scoffed. With the speed of sound he had him over his knee as he sat on the edge of the building and took his pants down, "What you did was dangerous!" he gave him a moderately hard smack, leaving a near perfect hand print.

Oliver's eyes widened in shock when he was lying on the roof one second, only to find himself over Clark's lap the next, sans his pants. "Ahh oww! Clark, it was just an owww joke!"

"With explosions in an occupied building!" Clark continued, "What were you thinking!"

"Oooww! I was ouch! Only trying to have some f...fun and it didn't hurt you! Owwww! I'm sorry Clark! Testing new arrows and you're f...fine!" The other man protested with his legs kicking and bucking.

"Of course I'm fine! You could've hurt someone else with your 'fun'. Did you think of that!" Clark swatted his thigh.

"Ouch! N...No. Owwwie stoooop!"

"What you deserve is a good spanking for your absent mindedness," Clark gave him a firm super speed spanking until his bottom looked like a cherry and his thighs matched.

Having it going at super speed didn't make the spanking even better with Oliver kicking and yelping. His bottom was sore and red by the end a sobbing mess. "Owww! I'm soooorrrryyyy!"

Clark Kent sat Oliver up and make him look at him eye to eye, "You should be sorry. Explosives are not toys and to think you shot some into a building full of people is terrible," he scolded him, wagging his finger, "You should think more about your actions."

"But I didn't hurt anyone."

"You could've!"

"Okay, no more in the apartment."

"And remember it or else you'll be in a lot more pain."

"Did you ohhh have to sp...Spank me?"

"It'll stick with you longer."

"But it hurts." Oliver pouted, hissing when he pulled his pants back up.

"And you'll remember how badly it hurts so it doesn't happen again."

Still pouting and rubbing his sore bottom, Oliver just silently sulked. "Okay, no more blowing up the place."

"Good. Now go find something productive to do."

Oliver sulked, heading back home with his bow and arrows to bask in his own posterior misery grabbing an ice pack for his butt.

Clint snickered but rubbed his own bottom, "They makes Nat seem sane."

"Yeah well super-speed spankings are not any nicer and tend to hurt a lot. I still think he took it way out of proportion you know."

"These people have no sense of play."

"Nope and they tend to be spank happy with sticks up where it doesn't shine too. Man does he hit hard." Oliver admitted rubbing his still tender backside.

Clint shuddered, "I got spanked by Hulk. It hurt the rest of that week and a half."

"Ouch, I have the feeling I am going to be sore for that long too."

Clint smiled, "You know what we haven't played in a while?"

"No, what?"

"Indians and Indians," Clint smirked and went and got the sticky arrows.

"No way Clint. I am too sore to play that game."

"Aww, please?" he pouted.

"Clint I just got my butt beat by Superman for trying to use your recipe for exploding arrows but it was fun shooting him in the butt."

"I'm going to have to teach you the recipe myself;" he rolled his eyes, "What's for dinner?"

"Pizza. I just have to order it and why did you come up with that one anyway Clint?"

Clint shrugged, "Bored. I was goofing off in Hank's lab and started mixing chemicals."

"Man I should spank you for experimenting but then I'd be a hypocrite." Oliver picks up the phone snickering. "Remember how mad our folks got when we chased the help with foam arrows and when we got Harold Stark in the butt. Well it was your arrow but man did we get it. At least Tony thought it was funny."

"I remember that. Remember the time we spent the night at Tony's house and we were pretending to be explorers and went into the forest and got lost? It took them forever to find us." Clint remembered because he was the youngest and only 5 and got scared and cried. He cried even more when Howard had to pick them up from the police department when they were found.

Oliver cringed at that time. "Yeah that was scary and man we all got it for sneaking out to play it. He sure liked to spank."

"Yeah and he had no sympathy for toddlers," Clint pouted and rubbed his butt in remembrance, "Tony still gets spanked a lot. Well...not so much recently. But he and Thor got spanked by Fury some weeks ago. Maybe a month or three ago."

"Dude you were five that time and what did Fabio and Iron Boy do to tick off Patch?"

"Still considered a toddler. They were fighting and Tony wouldn't stay down for his spanking so he got it on the bare."

"That doesn't surprise me. Tony never could behave even when he was getting his blistered. Wonder if he is that bad with the Widow?"

"With her around he's pretty...distracted. There for out of trouble."

"So basically Tony is a panting mess around Romanoff huh?"

"That's how he keeps fit." Clint snickered a little.

"Well one hell of a good way to stay fit with all that pumping if you ask me."

Clint laughed, "Let's get this pizza."

"Yeah I'm starving and besides we might need to buy some frozen peas to sit on." Oliver joked considering it would cool down their sore butts.

He laughed, "Did you put lotion on?"

"Well yeah but when you get spanked by Superman, lotion doesn't always help too much."

"Not the one I have," Clint went in his bag, "Johnny took it from Reed. It heals you really good really fast."

"Thanks. Do I want to know why Reed or even Johnny have something like this?"

Clint shrugged, "Don't know. Just love it."

Oliver looked at his brother and shrugged, taking the jar heading into the washroom to apply it, his backside feeling much better handing it back to his brother. "Thanks, how did you get the stuff?"

"Bought it from Johnny for ten bucks," he put it back in his bag and hoped on the couch.

"Cool, so what do you want on the pizza? If you don't tell me, I'm gonna order something really gross like olives or anchovies." Oliver joked, picking up the phone to call for their dinner and some bottles of pop dialing the pizza place.

"Why would I want you on my pizza," Clint stuck his tongue out, "Pepperoni."

Oliver stuck his tongue back at his brother looking at him with a raised brow when the pizza place answered. "Yeah, I would like two large pizzas with extra pepperoni and stuffed crust with cheese and
two, two litres bottles of coke." After giving the man his address, Oliver hung up and smirked. "Will be here in thirty minutes and you are so mature...I'm an anchovy?"

"No you're an olive," Clint smirked and pinched his brother's cheek.

"And you're such a dork little bro." Oliver smirked a little and shot his brother in the ass with a foam arrow. "Opps...My bad."

"Ok, it's a war," Clint smiled and grabbed his sticky arrows and jumped behind the couch, shooting him in the chest.

"Aww eww what did you use to make it sticky?" Oliver pulled off the arrow and shot it at his brother's ass.

He laughed and began shooting more at Oliver, "Added a little adhesive that doesn't stain."

"Well at least this time I won't look like a great big pepperoni pizza."

Clint laughed again and shot him between the eyes.

"Oww so not cool Clint." Oliver pouted and tried to pull the arrow off his face only to have it stuck. "You put too much glue."

"You're doing it wrong," Clint walked over and yanked it off.

"OOoowww! That hurt! I think you took some skin off there."

"Sorry," Clint kissed his brother's head.

"It's okay but next time, please less glue."

"Don't know why it's still so sticky."

"You put too much glue on them this time."


"Man that stings, but not as much as this will." Oliver takes aim getting his brother's backside.

"Ack!"Clint hurried away.

"Well you started this war little brother."

Clint laughed and got some less adhesive arrows, shooting them.

"Oww aghh!" Oliver let out a yelp going down having tried to dodge only to get the arrow between his legs. He was soon on the floor groaning just as the doorbell rang with the pizza.

"Hahaha!" Clint laughed as he hoped over him and answered the door, paying for the pizza and taking it to the kitchen, along with the drinks, "Your food will get cold," he giggled as he began to eat.

"You got me in the ooowww." Oliver groaned feeling like he'd been punched in the stomach with his privates aching. "Damn that smarts."

Clint giggled at his brother's misfortune and handed him his cold drink, "Just put that between there and you'll feel a lot better...and smaller if possible," he snickered.

"I ought to get you down there too." Oliver sat down put the drink on the table before he poured the ice cold water down his pants with a yelp. "Ahh c...cold."

Clint laughed once more, "You're great! I missed hanging out with you, bro."

"Oh didn't miss the crotch shots thought but yeah missed you too." Oliver grabbed some pizza still sore and now wet.

Clint smirked, "You know you love your baby brother."

"Yeah but now I doubt you'll be an uncle."

He laughed, "They'll grow back...in a month or three. So wanna watch a movie after pizza?"

"I guess but what movie?"

Clint rubbed his chin, "Independence day? Some cool alien movie."

"Well good thing you didn't say Robin Hood again or I'd have to kick you in the nuts." Oliver joked.

"Why would I want to watch you in your pre pube days?" Clint stuck his tongue out.

"Man you are such a total dork purple care bear." Oliver teased back with a smirk putting the dvd into the player.

"Hey, I'd rather be a purple care bear than the guy who spray paints boxing gloves to match his outfit," Clint leaned against him.

"Well you know I didn't want to clash after all. I mean red and green? I'd look like some big Christmas tree."

"Too skinny," Clint smirked.

"Good point. Maybe I should bulk up but skinny does get me out of a few scrapes you know. So how's the pizza?"

"It's good," he smiled and yawned, leaning on his brother.

"Long day huh? You know it's been quiet since Loki's capture. What if Thor's plan doesn't work and he escapes?" Oliver asked his brother.

"Dude. Have you seen Thor? His arms are huge! Loki can't possibly be stupid enough to cause trouble again after getting spanked at least six times every week."

"Well isn't Loki the God of Mischief? If he is anything like you, he would probably try it."

"I'm not that naughty."

"Uh huh right little brother. You have had your fair share of spankings growing up and even now you know." Oliver snickered eating his pizza.

Clint stuck his tongue out at his brother.

"Oh yeah very mature." Oliver replied unable to hold back a smirk.

Meanwhile back in the Avengers building, Natasha Stark walked through the hallways towards Thor's bedroom with the grace of a panther stopping outside the wall to Loki's bedroom placing her hand upon it. The wall slowly opened as she passed through it like a ghost closing up behind her. Entering the room, the lovely form walked towards the bed, where the sleeping God lay gently brushing a stray strand of dark hair from his pale face bending down to gently kiss him. As she kissed him, her form was suddenly surrounded with a green glow with a lovely blonde woman wearing black and green replacing it. "Wake up my love."

Loki felt the warm lips upon his and woke up blinking a little looking confused but soon saw the blonde standing over him. "Amora?"

"Aye, my love. It is me...Come we must leave before they are aware that I am here." Amore raised her hands above her and they soon both disappeared from the building, the only thing that would be found of Loki in the building was the collar, Tony had created. As they left, the security system soon alerted Tony Stark and Natasha to the disappearance.

Natasha Stark and her husband were sleeping in their honeymoon suite when she heard the communicator going off. Grabbing her communicator, the red-haired beauty brushed some hair from her face. "Yes?"

"Excuse me Madame. I do not wish to intrude but it would seem that the criminal known as Loki has left the building and rather suddenly."

"Okay, thank you Jarvis." Natasha yawned and looked at her sleeping husband. "Tony, honey...We need to get up. Jarvis told me that Loki is gone."

"Great," Tony sighed, "Tell Thor."

Natasha sighed and knew their honeymoon would be cut short for the time being with Loki missing holding her communicator. "Thor, This is Natasha. Loki is missing from the building."

Thor was on a separate mission having gotten word on magical beings in Central park using his hammer to bring them down. He was startled to realize that they were Trolls and dark elves but he was soon done with them. When he had gotten the call, the God only then realized that this had been a distraction to get Loki out of his prison alarmed that after all the punishments, that his brother would still escape from custody thinking he had been making progress. Swinging his hammer, Thor took the air heading back to the building, the air thick with magic when he entered the hallways. A magic he knew only too well and his blue eyes narrowed. "Amora..." Turning on his communicator he spoke to both Natasha and Tony. "It is magic and one from Asgard. I know the perpetrator. Tis Amora and her executioner."

"Okay, we'll assemble the Avengers and get back to the building soon as possible." With a look to her husband, wishing they could have more time together, she turned on the alert speaking into it. "Avengers Assemble..."

Clint was more than dead asleep on his brother when his pager exploded in his ear, "AUUUUGH!"

Oliver let out a yelp when his brother yelped in his ear. "Who? What?"

"It's work!" Clint sobbed and cuddled to his brother, "You're comfier than my bed."

"Work? Now? But its past midnight Clint." Oliver frowned and looked at his brother. "That does suck. I thought we were supposed to be having a work-free weekend."

"Think they'll be ok without me?"

"Well depends on the threat Clint."

"I'll call," Clint dialed. "Ok, what happened?"

Tony suited up and got to the tower.

Natasha got into her tight black leather ready for a fight with her husband giving her a lift while he was in the suit.

"This sucks," Tony sighed.

"I know honey. Some honeymoon so far huh Tony." Natasha held onto her husband's metal form while he flew them to battle.

Tony shrugged, "Doesn't matter, had sex."

"Okay, Thor what happened?" Thor then told them of the magic he had felt in Loki's bedroom when he had scanned the room, confirming what Jarvis now told them.

Natasha smirked at that comment. "Yes we did and more than once." They soon landed at the tower looking around with Iron Man still holding her. When the phone rang, Natasha answered the communicator noticing that it was that was calling. "Yes Clint. Jarvis informed us that Loki escaped with two other Asgardians." She silently fumed adding to herself that it also interrupted her wedding night with her husband.

"Is he retarded?" Clint asked.

Tony sighed, "Come on Thor. I think you need to introduce your father to spankings."

Natasha looked at the communicator. "Loki wasn't even awake when he was taken." Thor looked at them both nervously. "My father need know methods of Midgard?"

He sighed, "OK, lemme get dressed and I'll be there soon."

"It might help," Tony told the thunder God.

Oliver grunted a little looking at his brother while he got up. "Glad it's not me going out there but be careful Clint."

Thor paled when Tony said that unconsciously rubbing his own backside. "Aye, but he may use it on me too."

"Yeah, I'll probably be back after we've done all we can," Clint told his brother, "Keep the bed warm for me. I'm probably gonna crash when I come back," he got dressed and waved to his brother as he left.

Tony smirked under the mask, "Then you should try to be a good boy."

"Yeah sure now go kick the God's ass for me." Oliver smirked and curled back up under the covers.

"You know I have not been altogether behaved since coming to Midgard. Father will use it upon my backside as well. Firstly, we must find Loki and bring him to the tower."

Clint rolled his eyes and hurried to where the group was.

Tony laughed, "Well it sucks to be you Thor."

"Aye but I have seen you getting it as well Tony as I recall." Thor smirked still rubbing his backside nervously wondering what Loki may do if he were to capture him? Would Loki spank him too? The Enchantress could easily capture him if he was caught unawares.

"Yeah. ONCE! I've seen you spanked SEVERAL times," Tony told him.

"Aye, I was and fear Loki will want revenge against me. I spanked him a fair bit and with his Enchantress, he could capture me."

"Don't forget the cold cream and ice packs, baby God," Tony scouted the area in look for the green clothed one. He didn't take into consideration the times he'd spanked Loki. But then again he wasn't scared.

Thor actually pouted and went to search the city for his brother but alas hadn't found a trace of him for some time. As he flew through the cold Autumn air in New York, he landed in Central Park hearing some rustling. There behind him was the lovely blonde Enchantress but before he could raise his hammer, gold magic flew from her hands surrounding the thunder God stalking towards him with Thor now helpless. "You hurt my beloved and shall pay for it Thor." With a wave of her hand, they were both gone and hidden from the others.

While Thor was flying around, Natasha was searching as well not finding the God only to return to Tony sometime later. "Where's Thor? Did he not return?"

Tony growled, "Great, we have to find him."

Natasha nodded but felt a shiver up her spine when her husband growled loving the way he did that. "Right, we need to find him."

Tony flew off top speed where he got his last reading.

"Do you see anything?" Natasha asked through her communicator hoping did find their team-mate and friend.

"Faint traces, so he was definitely here."

"We need to find him. Lord knows what they are doing to Thor right now."

"I think I know," Tony said quietly.

"You know what?"

"His brother wants some pay back. See if you can contact the warriors three and Lady Sif."

"I wouldn't know how to contact Asgard, Tony and if that is true, I don't envy his backside."

Tony sighed and tried to figure this out.

Meanwhile as the Avengers worked to figure out the disappearance of both Thor and Loki, in a dark cavern surrounded by protective magic along with penetrative shields, the dark blonde Enchantress beamed in delight upon their success. They had captured Thor and saved her beloved Loki from capture hell bent on helping him rule the human world but first they had something else to do. Thor was chained in the dark damp dungeons while her sweet lay naked in a large bed resting even as the lovely creature walked towards the throne room in their dark fortress.

Sitting on the large black throne with large emeralds decorating the black marble, Amora looked at her executioner commanding that he bring Thor to her. While the large man went to gather their quarry, her soft lips curved into a wicked smile waving a hand where a large metal padded bench appeared before he with thick chains on legs to prevent the victim's escape.

Thor had just woken up with he saw the large man recognizing him from Asgard as being the Enchantress' executioner unable to fight the magic keeping him weak. The large man soon had him in his grasp dragging him to the throne room, his blue eyes going wide when he saw the bench in alarm along with the thin whip in the lovely evil woman's hand.

Although Thor fought, he couldn't prevent the other man from bending him over the metal padded bench with his clothes being torn off leaving him naked. His legs spread open, chained to the metal legs along with his arms chained to the other two. Hearing the footfalls behind him, Thor knew what was about to happen before he felt the sharp sting upon his naked buttocks, the whip cracking on his naked skin. They would have their vengeance and once Loki woke up, Thor would pay even more.

Natasha continued her surveillance of the area and suddenly spoke on her communicator. "Honey, I found his hammer but he is nowhere to be found."

"We need to contact Asgard..."

"Yeah but how honey? We should get their father involved alright and maybe he can help. We need agents to watch the hammer."

"Hulk can lift the hammer. I'm not sure how we can get to Odin. I think his father will be our best help with this. And maybe I can give him some ideas of how to deal with his kids."

"Tony honey you know only Thor can lift that thing. Not even Hulk can lift it." Natasha smirked over the communicator. "You really want them to get it, don't you baby?" Subtly pats her butt loving to tease her husband, loving how hot fiery in bed he got from it.

"Hulk has lifted it before, and stop trying to get me horny while I'm in this suit!"

"Aww okay honey I'll be good for now." Natasha pouted adorably and winked.

"You be as bad as you want. I'll just tame that later," Tony smirked.

"Oh? Planning to put me over your knee baby and what if I do get you horny in the suit?" Natasha purred but made sure to be as behaved as one flirting with her husband could be.

"Oh I'll be taming that later," Tony smirked once more and whined as the metal encasing gave no leeway for his growing love.

Natasha smirked herself but guarded the site until the Hulk got there to take the hammer to the mansion. Turning to head back, Natasha heard something in the bushes, raising an arm before her in case she had need of the darts. "Come out..." That was when her blue eyes widened seeing a large timber wolf charging at her firing at the Asgardian beast.

They land hard with the beauty fighting it off grabbing desperately at a sharp end of a broken tree branch. When the large thing leapt at her, Natasha panted bringing the stick up, the wolf's weight forced it down onto the stick slumping down on the red-head. With it now dead, bloody and far too heavy to lift, she could only call for help. "Tony! I need some ugh help!"

"I'm on my way," he said flying back over to his wife. He landed where his scouter said she would be and saw the giant creature, grabbing it and tossing it off, "If you wanted a fur coat you could've asked."

Natasha smirked and grimace at the blood on her. "Well you know me honey; I have to do things the hard way. Still the fur might be nice for the house."

"Something warm for us to lie on," he smiled.

"Mmm well it will be nice in front of the fire place in our room but I really need a shower when we get home." Natasha walked up to her metal clad husband caressing the metal. "Are you okay?"