Disclaimer: I don't own Ai No Kusabi nor do I make any money from this fanfic.

Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Raoul/Katze
Parts: 1 of ?

Dangerous Desires

Chapter 1

Shoulders back, spine straight, Katze's lips curved slightly upward arrogantly at the Furnitures walking pass him. His eyes respectfully lowering as Elites of different classes glanced in his direction, in the lobby of Eos.

Although he was just Furniture, Katze held a curtain amount of status being the servant of the powerful top Blondie, Iason Mink. And, to a certain extent, drew fear from those of his level. The possibility the he might whisper in the ear of the Syndicate leader of his displeasure if they did or said anything which might anger him.

Such power was thrilling, even the minuet amount that came Katze's way.

Sir Simon. Destroyed a happily paired couple in the next city on Amoi just to gain control of their property which housed a rich vein of gold. Katze halted and bowed deeply to the Platina. Once the Elite passed, Katze continued his journey.

Sir Howlt. The Jade Elite ordered the deaths of the owner, and staff, because they failed to lower their eyes when he visited their small shop in Midas.

Katze controlled his smirk as another Elite crossed his path. It was hard to believe some of the things he'd discovered about these rigid, favored children of Jupiter. These so called 'rulers' of Amoi.

With his last chore completed and his master dinning out tonight, Katze could hardly wait to get upstairs and continue where he'd left last night. He'd broken into a high leveled data base. The mother load of all the secrets of Tanagura, but he'd taken just a little to long and was forced to back off or risk getting caught.

Although, he'd been sneaking in and out of almost every link connected to Eos mainframe. Pet performances, shopping lists, business schedules. Stopping just in time to not get caught before doing it again and again. The rush Katze felt could be almost described as sexual. Even the of knowing his master would be away, and not catch him, the fear mixed in with the excitement was intoxicating.

Behind a keyboard he felt invincible, and foolishly he knew such feelings could lead him into trouble if he were not careful. However, he'd made rules for himself- limited himself, and made sure he didn't push himself pass the allowed time it would take for security to find him. Never take anything which could lead a trail behind him, no matter how thorough he covered his tracks.

Stepping into the elevator, Katze commanded the elevator to take him to the top floor. Less than a minute later Katze exited the lift and entered the apartment he lived in with his master, Iason Mink. Katze went straight to his room and the terminal at his desk.

Opening and closing his fingers over the keyboard, Katze shivered a little as he slowly lowered his hands and began typing. Sneaking pass all the cyber guards, Katze soaked in all the text 'garbage', chuckling to himself at how easy it was to zip in and out.

Getting serious, Katze leaned closer and his fingers flew over they keys as he went back to where he'd left off the previous night. The holy grail of all that there is to know of Tanagura. The secrets of what made the city as great as it were…and what would bring it down.

"Here we go…" Katze grinned as he passed the safe guards and files began popping up for his viewing pleasure.

"And this is where you stop." A cold voice said behind him.

Standing up quickly, over turning his chair in his haste, Katze paled at the majestic Blondie who he never heard coming up behind him. "M-Master Iason…" Katze shivered. Terror filling his every pore at the cruel smile that stretched across the Blondie's lips. "I know-" Katze's eyes widened at the sight of the switch in his master's hand that came up and then down in frightening speed towards him.

Falling to the floor, gasping in pain, Katze held his hand to his face. Through blurred vision, Katze watched crimson drops rain down from between his fingertips, staining the white carpet at his knees. Katze felt a hot, wet, path trail down his wrist and forearm from the wound inflicted by his cold and emotionless master.

"Nothing goes unnoticed Katze."

Kate said nothing in reply to his master, Iason Mink. He concentrated only on breathing, and holding back from making any sounds of the agony he felt.

"Did you really think I would not be watching you? To think one of your kind would have the skill to break though our security. Your hacking skills are remarkable, but you should have chosen a better target to appease your curiosity. "

Trembling in fear, Katze kept his head bowed.

"Times like this, the correct course of action would be for me send you to a recycling plant. However, it would be a waste to extinguish the talent you've demonstrated. What do you think?"

Katze flinched as the stitch his master used to punish him appeared and used under his chin, lifting his face to meet glacier blue eyes.

"Well, Katze? Have you nothing to say?"

"Fo-" Katze cleared his throat when his voice cracked. "Forgive me, Master Iason. I am unclear of what answer you wish from me."

"You will."

As if he'd been held up by the stitch his master had under his chin, the moment that support disappeared, Katze tumbled forward. Catching himself with trembling arms so he wouldn't ruin the white carpet any more than he already had, Katze grit his teeth as the wound on his face burned once it met open air.

"Raoul. Met me in your lab in twenty minutes."

Panting, Katze looked up from the floor just as his master hung up the phone. Why would he call Sir Am? Katze's trembles renewed at the thoughts racing through his mind of the possible reasons for calling the other Blondie.

"Stand up Katze," Iason ordered.

Struggling, Katze made it to his feet, then blackness descended. Falling into darkness Katze fearfully wondered what he'd gotten himself into.


"You want me to what?" Raoul asked in disbelief to Iason. "Please Iason, repeat one last time what it is you are requesting me to do."

"Give Katze back what we took from him to make him a Furniture, Raoul," Iason commanded in a soft tone. "His service in my household has come to an end. However, I have a new position for him, but for Katze to hold the seat I am turning over to him, he needs power. One of which comes in the form of his masculinity."

Raoul sighed. Looking down at the bloody face of Iason's young Furniture with distaste who lay unconscious on his operating table. "What you are want has never been tested on anything other than animals. I have yet to determine if re-growing limbs on a non-mammal is possible with what I have been working with."

"Then let Katze be your lab rat, Raoul, but I want it done," Iason said firmly. "And, leave the scar. I want Katze to have a visual reminder of what should happen should he grow curious again."

"It will be done as you've ordered, but do not expect too much Iason," Raoul said. "In this stage of testing I cannot guaranty perfection. Your Furniture may look complete after I'm done, however, there might be side effects after the surgery. Not to mention the injections to elevate growth is not meant for humans."

Raoul watched as his friend, and Syndicate leader slide his cold ice blue eyes onto his servant.

"Do it anyway," Iason said without hesitation. "Watch him, and use him to further your research for how ever long you need to."

"As you wish," replied Raoul, and after Iason departed Raoul began the tiresome chore of cutting the one piece uniform from the redhead's body. Per Iason's order Raoul emptied his lab of all personnel, so all the annoying details he'd leave to his assistants Raoul was forced to do himself.

With disregard to his unwanted patient, Raoul roughly cleaned a spot on the Furniture's inner elbow to hook the boy with an IV. Setting an injection of Propofol mixed with Midazolam and Fentanyl on the side for when he was ready to get to work on the castrated servant.

Wiping the blood off the boy's pale cheek, Raoul paused as he gazed down at the Furniture. Surprised at how truly lovely the boy was, and wondering why only now he notice such beauty. Raoul had always dismissed Katze from his mind when he'd visited Iason, noting only of how unusually red Iason's Furniture's hair was. Other then his passing observation in Katze's hair color, Raoul didn't care about anything else when it came to the servant.

Yet, as Raoul's eyes roamed the long limber limbs of the unconscious boy, he frowned at the unfamiliar sensations stirring in his loins with each breath the boy exhaled. Hesitantly, Raoul reached up and caressed Katze's lower lip with his thumb.


Raoul's eyes shot up to Katze's face, his breathing escalating when he was pinned in his spot by amber eyes.


Raoul's lips parted. He should have been insulted that a mere Furniture dared to address him so informally, but it didn't. In fact he didn't know why, but the sound of his name on this particular boy's soft pink lips heated his blood to an almost uncomfortable level.

Disturbed, Raoul grabbed the needle holding the drugs to put the boy to sleep, and injected Katze. Amber eyes widened, still holding him in it's autumn pools before closing, breaking the strange spell the boy had held over Raoul.

Raoul stood there staring down at Katze, commanding his body to calm down. The intelligence he'd seen in those mesmerizing eyes shook him. He hadn't expected such clarity. The look the boy gave him told Raoul that Katze knew exactly were he was, and Katze had been afraid.

Straightening, Raoul got to work. Blocking everything from his mind other than making sure that when Katze woke again, he would be perfect. While Iason had made it clear Raoul was not to remove the hideous wound, and the scar it would leave behind, Raoul would make sure that as he accelerated the healing process the scar would not impair Katze's pale perfection anymore then necessary.